Sunday, February 6, 2011

I wonder where this can be.

This view shouldn't be too taxing! :-)
This may look like a panorama, but it's not. It's just an ordinary photo that I've cropped. There's a short time when there's still some light in the sky, but it's dark enough for the electric lights to provide most of the illumination.
Answers to the five bridges:
#1 Ponte Priuli. There are two bridges with the same name within about 100 m of each other. Rather careless of the Venetians, I think, with hundreds of names to choose from. This is the eastern one, which connects Campiello Priuli to Calle degli Albanesi. Both Ponti Priuli cross Rio Priuli, which is also called Rio di Santa Sofia. There are also two Calli Priuli leading from Strada Nuova to Rio Priuli (the western one actually starts from Calle San Felice off Corte dei Pali già Testori). The western one is distinguished from the eastern one on maps by being called Calle Larga Priuli, or Calle Larga del Dose Priuli or Calle del Dose Priuli ('dose' is Venetian for 'doge'), but the nizioletti just say Calle Priuli on both of them. Confused? I don't blame you.
#2 Ponte della Latte. Nothing to do with 'milk', which is masculine, so it would be Ponte del Latte. The bridge is allegedly named after a Giovanni a Lacte. An Albanian bit off his wife's nose on this bridge in 1505 - it's a long story - you had to be there. And it wasn't this bridge, as this bridge dates from the 19th century, but you know what I mean. Yet again, to be more pedantic, this bridge does not date from the 19th century, as it is a copy and is either late 20th century or early 21st. But you knew what I meant, didn't you? The bridge crosses Rio di San Giovanni Evangelista (San Zuane), which is the boundary between Santa Croce and San Polo.
#3 Ponte del Megio, as Alexa said. There is a plaque near the bridge, just visible in the photo, which says (I think) that the diarist Marin Sanudo died here in 1536. It's through his diary that we know about the Albanian.
#4 Ponte de l'Agnella, which crosses Rio delle Due Torri in Santa Croce. I have nothing interesting to say about this bridge, except that it is very pretty when viewed from the south. It makes a lovely reflection-shot.
#5 Ponte San Canzian, as mentioned on 24 January.

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