Tuesday, November 30, 2010

La piadina

Comprensione orale: livello avanzatoSegna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni vere:Il servizio è stato girato a Massa Carrara.
Il signore intervistato si chiama Santacroce.
Tra gli ingredienti con cui si elabora la piadina non c'è il miele.
L'impasto della piadina viene impastato per circa 20 minuti.
La sfogliatrice è una macchina che determina lo spessore della piadina.
I buchini

To the Piazza

The dark and narrow Mercerie open on the vast and clear Piazza...

Monday, November 29, 2010


Pronunciation: fa-lahn-GEE-na (That's a hard "G.")

This is probably the white wine that was most ubiquitous in my Ischia-Napoli world. It's what came in carafes as the house wines, and it's what could also be found in an average to fancy bottle. A cold condensation on a hand-painted pitcher of Falanghina next to a hot pizza, screaming of basil, milk, and tomatoes would melt that Summer sun right out the sky.

Living most of the time in Ischia, Falanghina was still the go-to white. I say this because Biancolella and Forastera are the varieties indigenous to the island, but the island just isn't that big. Not big enough to quench the thirsty, fish-eating masses anyway.

So here we are back in Texas, and my heart calls out for the real thing. My DoBianchi brought home a shiny white ball of Mozzarella di Bufala and a bottle of Cantine del Taburno Falanghina, but, alas, I am still searching for an unoaked/unmalo-ed/non-acidified yet certified stateside version. I won't give up. I can survive on the fumes of my memories just a little longer.

Until I find it, don't cry for me Falanghina, the truth is you never left me.

Text below adapted from: Del Canuto, Francesco et al., Il vino italiano, vitigni, enografia, e grastronomia regionale, Associazione Italiana Sommeliers (Bertani & C.), Milano, 2010 (2002), fourth edition.

Alternative Names: Fallanghina, Falanghina verace, Uva Falerna, Falerno Veronese, and Biancuzita

Historical Notes: This grape variety has ancient origins and was probably cultivated in Sannio going back to the Roman Era. The first documentation of this variety, however, is from 1825, even though it was frequently confused with other grapes.

Production Zone:
Falanghina is most widely produced in Campania. It finds its best expression in the area of Falerno del Massico, the island of Procida, Campi Flegrei, and Sannio.

Characteristics: average to small leaves that are smooth and wedge-shaped and usually have 3 lobes, sometimes 5, with green veins and red streaks; The clusters are compact and cylindrical with one small wing. The berries are round and covered in bloom. The skins are thick with a yellow-gray hue.

Ripening: second half of September

Productivity: average

Vigor: good

Wine made from Falanghina has a straw-yellow color, tending toward golden with an intense and fruity nose. It usually has softer acid and a pleasant, persistent finish.

Craving Something Green!

I don't know about you but after a couple of days of turkey leftovers I'm turkeyed out and craving something green, broccoli rabe/ rapini will always satisfy my craving!

Broccoli rabe is highly nutritious and contains many antioxidants in just a small portion, something I definitely need right about now!
If you've never tried broccoli rabe it's taste is something similar to kale with a slightly bitter bite to it, wonderful as a side dish and so good with pasta!

Blanching in boiling water for 3 minutes and then placing in an ice bath will help reduce that bite a little, but after all it's a hearty green and that slightly bitter taste is the distinctive quality of broccoli rabe.

Drizzle a generous amount of olive oil in the bottom of a saute pan, add shaved garlic and cook until golden along with red pepper flakes to taste. Place your drained broccoli rabe in the pan and cook until tender around 10 to 15 minutes, you can add a tiny bit of water or even some broth to create steam to help it cook through to your desired tenderness, finish off with a squeeze of lemon on top and a drizzle more of olive oil.

I served my broccoli rabe on the side with spaghetti squash tossed with roasted red peppers and a boneless pork cutlet, I told you I was turkeyed out!

Buon Appetito!

Autumn Night

What's money? A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do.
Bob Dylan

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Dalla + De Gregori

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Comprensione orale: livello medioSegna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni vere:
Dalla e De Gregori devono ancora cominciare il loro tour muiscale.
Hanno appena pubblicato un CD con tre dischi.
Secondo De Gregori, il loro disco, 30 anni dopo il primo lavoro fatto insieme, ha suscitato qualche dubbio sulle intenzioni economiche dell'unione musicale.
Al primo concerto

Blocked Way

High waters, low bridges... Gondole won't go through!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

First Contact (1983)

First Contact (1983)

Robin Anderson, Bob Connolly, Australia | Canada | USA, english, 1983, 58 min.

Ripped from the DVD "Indigenous Resistance in New Guinea" made by Solidarity South Pacific: www.eco-action.org/ssp - respect!

(en) This documentary presents footage of the first contact between the highland tribes of Papua New Guinea, and European explorers. In the 1930s three Australian's, Michael, Daniel and James Leahy were the first white people to venture into the vast New Guinean interior. They searched for gold and found 1 million highland tribespeople who had previously had no contact with the outside world. Amazingly, they took a film camera with them.
Original footage of the 'first contact' between Papuan highlanders and Australian gold prospectors in the 1930's, together with reflections from surviving participants on their swift introduction to Western colonialism.

(sk) Tento dokument predstavuje zábery z prvého kontaktu medzi domorodými kmeňmi Papui-Novej Guinei a európskymi prieskumníkmi. V roku 1930 traja austrálčania, Michael, Daniel a James Leahy boli prví bieli muži, ktorí sa pustili do interiéru rozsiahlej Novej Guiney. Hľadali zlato a našli 1 milión domorodcov, ktorí predtým nemali žiaden kontakt s vonkajším svetom. Prekvapivo, vzali zo sebou aj filmovú kameru.

Watch online:

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Libreria Acqua Alta

The famous Venetian "Libreria Acqua Alta" is one of the most original book shops in the world, with its true gondola in the center, to display books on.
What you see on this picture is just the back of the shop, where are displayed comics and old books. Those days, the book shop fully deserves its name! And from time to time, the bookseller, Luigi Frizzo, comes here, in the back, to throw visiting fishes some breadcrumbs.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Scienza e curiosità a Versailles ai tempi di Maria Antonietta e Luigi XVI

Comprensione orale: livello medio
Indicare le affermazioni vere

A Versailles è in corso una mostra sulla scienza a corte ai tempi di Luigi XVI
A corte operavano ingegneri, scienziati e anche costruttori di robot
Un esempio è la macchina con le sembianze di M. Antonietta mentre suona il piano
La parrucca è stata realizzata con una ciocca dei capelli della regina
Tra i giochi di Luigi XVI bambino

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Acqua Alta

Aqua Alta on the Piazzetta. It starts in the morning, with the "Acqua Alta sirens" (four long strident notes from speakers concealed inside belltowers indicate serious flooding). The water level slowly decreases from three in the afternoon.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hell in the Pacific (1993)

Hell in the Pacific (1993)

Glen Ellis, english, 1993, 55 min.

(en) Investigates three separate conflicts between local Papua landowners and subsidiaries of the mining conglomerate, Rio Tinto Zinc (RTZ). Clashes between police and villagers over gold extraction rights in one remote region led to RTZ’s abrupt departure - together with most of the gold. Pollution from RTZ’s copper mine on the island of Bougainville has been a focus of seething resentment since 1988. And now, overriding local objections, extractors have moved in, unannounced, to develop a new island gold mine using cyanide.

(sk) Vyšetruje tri samostatné konflikty medzi miestnymi vlastníkmi pôdy v Papue a dcérskymi spoločnosťami z ťažobného konglomerátu Rio Tinto Zinc (RTZ). Strety medzi políciou a vidiečanmi kvôli ťažobným právam na zlato v jednej odľahlej oblasti viedlo k náhlemu odchodu RTZ - a to aj spolu s väčšinou zlata. Znečistenie z bane RTZ na meď na ostrove Bougainville bolo ohniskom kypiacim nevôlu od roku 1988. A teraz, prevalcujúc námietky miestych, nasťahovali sa sem neohlásene ťažbári, aby tu založili novú baňu na zlato, ktoré by získavali pomocou kyanidu.

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

J. F. Kennedy e la nuova frontiera

Comprensione orale: livello medio
Indicare le affermazioni vere
John F. Kennedy fu eletto Presidente degli Stati Uniti nel novembre 1960
Votarono per lui donne bianche e giovani afro-americani
Fu però contrastato dai sindacati poiché era il figlio di un grande petroliere
Ted Kennedy racconta che il padre ostacolò la carriera di J.F.K.
L'elezione di Kennedy risultò certa allorché furono assegnati

Many Straws Make A Nest (2010)

Many Straws Make A Nest (2010)
Proletarian Unrest in Delhi's Industrial Rust Belt

original name: Die Strategie der Strohhalme
kanalB, Germany/India, hindi/german/english, subtitles available, 2010, 58 min.

(en) In the last 20 years, the Delhi region has turned into one of the world's major industrial hubs. The required workforce is recruited from India's poorer regions, where survival is being made more and more difficult for the rural populace. This is why 4.5 million industrial workers in Southern Delhi are willing to ruin their health for wages their families can hardly survive on.

People are almost powerless in this situation, but still they try to find effective ways to collectively resist.

(en) Die Region Delhi ist in den letzten 20 Jahren zu einem der größten Industriezentren der Welt aufgestiegen. Die nötige Arbeitskraft kommt aus den ärmeren Regionen Indiens, wo der ländlichen Bevölkerung das Überleben immer schwerer gemacht wird.

So kommt es, dass im Industriegürtel von Delhi vier bis fünf Millionen Industriearbeiterinnen und Industriearbeiter bereit sind, ihre Gesundheit zu ruinieren für Löhne, die kaum das Überleben ihrer Familien sichern.

Die Menschen sind dieser Situation fast ohnmächtig ausgeliefert, dennoch suchen sie nach erfolgreichen Formen kollektiven Widerstands.

(sk) Za posledných 20 rokov sa región okolo mesta Dillí v Indii zmenil v jeden z najväčších svetových priemyselných centier. Potrebná pracovná sila je importovaná z chudobnejších regiónov Indie, kde je prežitie stále viac a viac náročnejšie pre vidiecke obyvateľstvo. To je dôvod, prečo 4,5 milióna priemyselných robotníkov v južnom Dillí je ochotných zničiť si svoje zdravie kvôi mzde, z ktorej ich rodiny len ledva prežívajú.

Ľudia sú takmer bezmocní v tejto situácii, ale stále sa snažia nájsť účinné spôsoby, ako sa kolektívne brániť.

Watch online:
(english) http://visions-of-labor.org/edition.php?clipId=89
(english) http://kanalb.org/index.php?play_id=89&modul=Edition
(german/deutch) http://kanalb.org/edition.php?clipId=88&play_id=88&modul=Edition



(english) http://kanalb.org/media/video/ut_89_Edition_eng.srt
(polish) http://kanalb.org/media/video/ut_88_Edition_pol.srt

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Monday, November 22, 2010

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Il piccolo principe in cartoni animati

Comprensione orale: livello medio.Segna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni vere.
Il piccolo principe diventerà presto una serie di cartoni animati per la televisione italiana.
La serie ha un budget di circa 18 milioni di euro.
Il cartone animato non è la semplice trasposizione del capolavoro d'Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
Il piccolo principe fu pubblicato per la prima volta a New York nel 1948


Riva dei Schiavoni, on St Mark's Basin, near the Dodge's palace and the Bridge of Sights, the Danieli Hotel - ex Palazzo Dandolo - is certainly the most famous hotel in Venice. Not only because of the luxury it offers to its guests but also for the famous people, like Marcel Proust, Charles Dickens, Goethe, Richard Wagner, or George Sand and Alfred de Musset, who stayed here.

Буревестник выпуск №3 (Ноябрь 2010)

Буревестник выпуск №3 (Ноябрь 2010)


(ru) Самые последние новости анархического движения в передаче «Буревестник»

Сегодня в выпуске: попытки блокирования радиоактивного груза в Германии, поджоги ОВД и ультраправых автомобилей в Москве, акции солидарности с химкинскими заложниками во всем Мире, митинг ВДВ на поклонной горе, надругательство над нацистами в США, 5 годовщина со дня убийства Тимура Качаравы в Петербурге, день гнева в Москве, запрет корриды в Каталонии, огненная ночь в Жуковском.

Будь в курсе событий! Будь в эпицентре событий! Стань буревестником!

(en) Latest news about anarchist movement in videopodcast "Burevestnik"
Episode 3. In this issue: Activists protest in attempt to block the way to nuclear waste in Germany; International Affairs department is set on fire along with the bus owned by right-wing activists; Khimki hostages solidarity campaign continues all around the world; airborne forces meeting in Moscow; US Nazis are made fun of; it's been 5 years already since Timur Kacharava, an antifascist from St. Petersburg, was killed; "Day of rage" in Moscow; bullfight is banned in Catalonia; flames in Zhukovsky.

(sk) Najnovšie správy o anarchistickom hnutí nájdete v ďalšom videožurnáli "Búrlivák - Epizóda 3". V tejto epizóde: Aktivisti protestujú pri pokuse zablokovať transport rádioaktívneho odpadu v Nemecku; Úrad medzinárodných vzťahov bol podpálený spolu s autobusom vlastneným pravicovými aktivistami; po celom svete pokračuje solidárna kampaň za podporu Chimským rukojemníkov; v Moskve sa stretávajú letecké sily; výsmech z amerických nacistov; už je to 5 rokov, čo bol zavraždený antifašista Timur Kačarava zo St. Petersburgu; "Deň hnevu" v Moskve; v Katalónii zakázali býčie zápasy; plamene v Zhukovsky.

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Friday, November 19, 2010

Last Minute Turkey Day Idea's

By now most of you have your Thanksgiving Day meal all planned out, but if your still thinking about adding a few more dishes to your table you might want to try some of these idea's from my archives. Enjoy!
Antipasto platters are always good, this one was actually purchased but you can easily put together your own with a few different things like assorted olives, roasted red peppers, artichoke hearts, cocktail onions, fresh boccochini balls tossed in pesto, grapes, nuts, and a few other cheese's of your choice, serve with assorted crackers and some cold wine, this is always a big hit!

What can I say, we love Stuffed Artichokes and they are always present here during the holidays.

You have to have some kind of pasta on the side, no? Homemade Ravioli's or buy some good Italian deli ones, I won't tell!

Or how about a Meatball Lasagna, a little extra work making those tiny meatballs, but hey it's a special day!

Butternut Squash Lasagna, my new favorite addition, you can't go wrong with this, it's so Thanksgiving like.

Or how about Butternut Squash Stuffed Shells filled with spinach and ricotta drizzled with a lemon sage butter sauce. Wouldn't a couple of these look good on your plate sitting right next to your turkey?

Roasted Parmesan Creamed Onions, these are to die for, there's nothing more to say!

Balsamic Glazed Onions, sweet and delectable little things!

Simple Roasted Carrots elevated up a notch with Shallots, Green Olives and a Gremolata sauce.

Roasted Balsamic Glazed Acorn Squash almost to pretty to eat, almost!

Cauliflower with Red Pepper roasted in olive oil with a crunchy coating of breadcrumbs, grated romano cheese and fresh snipped parsley, always a nice side dish.

And last but not least! I know pumpkin pie is always the star on Thanksgiving Day but how about adding in a
Sweet Ricotta Pie as another choice, it's dreamy creamy filling of ricotta, chocolate chips, orange and cinnamon will be the perfect ending to your holiday meal.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Il pesto alla brontese

Comprensione orale: livello avanzatoSegna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni vere.
Il servizio è stato girato in Sicilia.
Il signore intervistato si chiama Claudio Della Buca.
Il pesto alla brontese contiene olio, pistacchio, sale e pepe.
Questo prodotto è sul mercato da circa 10 anni.
Il pistacchio rappresenta il 70% del prodotto finale.
L'olio rappresenta il 20/ del prodotto finale.


Chiesa San Vidal is the place for music lovers to be. The well known Interpreti Veneziani play Vivaldi, of course, but also Bach, Boccherini, Marin Marais, Bazzini...

Falerno del Massico DOC

The legend** goes that Bacchus descended one day in disguise upon the slopes of Mount Massico where he met a poor and simple farmer of the surname Falerno. He did not hesitate to offer his unexpected guest the best from his pantry. Moved by the farmer's generosity, Bacchus transformed his cup of milk into wine. Falerno drank deeply and fell into a long sleep. Upon his awakening, his land was covered in blooming vineyards.

The first Falerno del Massico was made with Falanghina and was historically praised by the likes of Pliny, who declared it the best wine of his day. Others such as Virgil, Cicero, and Catullus held the wine in high regard as did the Czar of Russia and Gustav of Sweden.

Text below adapted from: Del Canuto, Francesco et al., Il vino italiano, panorama vitivinicolo attraverso le denominazioni di origine, Associazione Italiana Sommeliers (Bertani & C.), Milano, 2010 (2002), fourth edition.

Recognized as DOC 1/3/89

Production Zone: includes the townships of Carinola, Cellole, Falciano del Massico, Mondragone and Sessa Aurunca, all in the province of Caserta.

Yield: max 10 tons per hectare

Aging Potential:
whites 1-2 years, reds 5-6 years

Grape Varieties: WHITE Falanghina, 100%; minimum alcohol 11%
RED Aglianico 60-80%, Piedirosso 20-40%, Primitivo and/or Barbera max 20%, minimum alcohol 12.5, minimum AGING 14 months;
The wine can also have a varietal declaration only for Primitivo. In this case, it must be written on the label and the blend must be a minimum of 85% Primitivo with a maximum of 15% Aglianico, Piedirosso, and/or Barbera, minimum alcohol 13%, minimum AGING 14 months.

Other Types
Riserva: For Rosso and Primitivo, minimum alcohol 12.5%; must age for 26 months
Vecchio: can be used interchangeably with "Riserva," but only for Primitivo.

In Falerno del Massico, which is close to the dormant Roccamonfina volcano and the solid calcerous terrain of Mount Massico, there is a movement toward softer wines. This is true of the white and red based on Primitivo.

If properly vinified, Falerno del Massico rosso can be soft and structured with a complex aroma. These qualities make it particularly suited for meat dishes and aged cheeses.

Wine made primarily from Primitivo is highly structured as well, but extremely extracted and high in alcohol. This makes the wines perfect pairings for roasted meats, as well as meats prepared with sauces.

The whites are lighter and more acidic and are perfect with pasta and tomatoes, as well as other simple and aromatic dishes.

**Something fun I found whilst poking around the internets. I had to share it.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Memories of Ribollita, and by the way, did you notice my Printer Friendly button?

When we traveled to Florence years ago the food I remember most was ribollita, it's a thick and creamy soup with many variations but the main ingredients always include leftover bread, cannellini beans and inexpensive vegetables such as carrot, cabbage, beans, Tuscan kale, onions and a bunch of other things. It was originally made by reheating or reboiling the leftover minestrone or vegetable soup from the previous day. Ribollita is classic Tuscan peasant food.

I had the perfect opportunity to make this last week as we had relatives staying with us from sunny Florida, a big pot was waiting on the stove the day they arrived to warm them up and get them acclimated to our weather here.

My sister-in-law and I share the same fondness for ribollita, we would order it practically everyday when we were all in Italy together. Over the years we talked many times about making it ourselves but we never got around to it, but thanks to the Internet and a search for ribollita I was able to come up with a great recipe by combining a few that I saw.

They recently traveled back to Florence to celebrate their 40Th anniversary so the taste of ribollita was fresh in their mind, I have to say she was raving about my ribollita so I know it had to be pretty good.

They surprised me with this beautiful apron they had embroidered in Florence at the San Lorenzo Market, I love it!

Wouldn't this be the perfect gift for all your foodie friends? Check out those baby bibs and chef hats, I love personalized gifts!

They said it didn't take very long to make my apron maybe about 15 minutes or so, the machine did it really fast.

I'm so glad they thought of taking photo's so I could actually see it being made.

Of course what would a visit to Chicago be without having some cannoli cake in the mix? It was my sister-in law's birthday while she was here so this was the perfect dessert, it's consistently amazing every time we order one from our favorite Italian bakery!

Sponge cake bathed in rum and layered with fresh cannoli cream surrounded in whipped cream, oh so good, but that's another blog post alltogether!

Before I give you the recipe for ribollita I have to thank my brother-in-law John for installing the Printer Friendly button for me, I tried to do it several times myself and chickened out each time being in fear of the dreaded HTML. To the many subscribers and readers who personally wrote me asking me to do this I just want to say thank you for your patience, you're going to love this feature, so easy with just a click you can take out the photos and just print the text only, try it, you'll like it! I really feel like I finally entered the 21st century!
Additional note to my subscribers: Because you're just receiving a feed through email, ( which is not my actual blog) you will have to come over to my blog site to use the print friendly button, you will see it at the bottom of each of my posts. My blog address is www.prouditaliancook.blogspot.com.

8 to 10 cups of chicken/ vegetable stock
1 chopped onion
2 carrots chopped
1 large celery celery stalk with greens chopped
1 head of dark kale sliced thin
6 cloves of chopped garlic
1 fennel bulb chopped
1 or 2 leeks cleaned and chopped
2 cans of cannellini beans drained, by all means use fresh if you want.
2 diced red potatoes
1/2 head of savoy cabbage sliced thin
1 large zucchini chopped
2 cups of diced canned tomatoes
Day old bread, (optional)
A generous handful of grated parmesan cheese
1 parmesan rind, (they sell the cheesey rinds at my Whole Foods, I pick some up everytime I go there and stick them in my freezer for soups all winter. If you can't find them just add more grated cheese.)
Fresh rosemary, thyme and red pepper flakes, you could also add sage, plus salt and pepper to taste.

Here's what you do:
1. In a large stock pot nicely drizzled with olive oil saute all your vegetables until slightly soft, then add in herbs and red pepper, next pour the stock in and add the cheese rind.
2. After it starts to boil let it simmer for a good 45 minutes then add beans and simmer a few more minutes. At this point I like to taste and add, maybe more pepper, rosemary, thyme, olive oil, or grated cheese, you be the judge.
3. I took my immersion blender and blended half of the pot, it renders a nice smooth yet still chunky consistency. I did not add the the day old bread into my soup I felt it didn't need as it was super thick, feel free to add it if you wish especially if you don't use an immersion blender.
Ladle soup into bowls and drizle olive oil on top along with grated cheese, this is comfort food at it's best!
Enjoy and Buon Appetito!

Historical Pasta

Not sexy...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Gli strafalcioni

Guarda il video su Facebook
Comprensione orale: livello avanzatoSegna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni vere:
I giovani italiani non sanno la grammatica.
I giovani non sanno usare il passato prossimo.
I giovani non sanno usare il congiuntivo.
Secondo uno studente dirimere significa guidare.
I giornali italiani hanno denunciato questo problema.
I giovani usano molte parole contratte.



Greece, greek, 2009, 32 min.

(gr) "Το βίντεο ΟΡΓΑΝΩΤΙΚΑ ΕΓΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΑ ΤΩΝ ΑΝΑΡΧΙΚΩΝ δημιουργήθηκε για
τις ανάγκες της εκδήλωσης που πραγματοποιήθηκε στο χώρο πολύμορφης δράσης αναρχικών
Ζαϊμη 11 στις 14 Νοέμβρη 09. Η εκδήλωση οργανώθηκε από την ανοικτή συνέλευση αναρχικών
για ενιαίο πολυμορφικό κίνημα".

(en) "The video project of anarchists ORGANISATIONAL created needs of the event held at
diverse anarchist action 09. Zaimi 11 14. November 09. The event was organized by the open meetings of anarchists for a single multi-movement ". (googletranslator)

(sk) Video dokument z rôznych anarchistických akcií v Grécku.

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The Mole

The Mole and the Piazzetta seen from St Mark's Basin.

Monday, November 15, 2010

On the Beach

The secrets of the summer I will keep
The sands of time will blow a mystery
No one but you and I
Underneath that moonlit sky
Take me back to the place that I know
On the beach
Chris Rea


Just an additional note on the history of the grape...as stated below, it is widely believed to come from the Pinot or Greco family, but some sources conclude otherwise. Some maintain that it comes from a wild native variety domesticated by the Etruscans living in Capua (a city in the province of Caserta). It has similar etymological origins as some of the primitive Lambruscos (Aspro and Cruet) and was cultivated in the same way (vines trained to live supports such as trees, in the case of Asprinio, poplar trees) as many of the Lambruscos from the Po River Valley. So there.

Text below adapted from: Del Canuto, Francesco et al., Il vino italiano, vitigni, enografia, e grastronomia regionale, Associazione Italiana Sommeliers (Bertani & C.), Milano, 2010 (2002), fourth edition.

Photo borrowed from YoungandFoodish.com (there's another great story about the alberata aversana, please click!)

Alternative Names: Olivese, Ragusano, Ragusano Bianco, Asprino, Uva Asprina

Historical Notes: Asprinio is an ancient grape variety that is believed to come from the Pinot or Greco family

Cultivation Zone: widely planted in the province of Caserta where excellent results are achieved, especially if the vines are trained ad alberata.**

Characteristics: average to small leaf that is smooth with 5 lobes; light green in color; Grape bunches are average in size, compact, long and conical, can produce or not produce wings. The grapes are on the larger side of average with a grey-green color and have an abundant bloom coating.

Ripening: end of September to beginning of October

Productivity: highly productive

Vigor: excellent

**Please click here to see the previous post which explains in greater detail what this type of vine training is.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Fritto misto

Comprensione orale: livello avanzatoSegna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni vere:Il fritto, se ben cucinato, non fa male.
Gli arancini formano parte di questo particolare cibo.
A Milano si è tenuto un convegno sulla frittura.
La frittura, secondo un cuoco, deve essere sempre asciutta e croccante.
A casa si deve friggere con l'olio sempre pulito.
I venditori ambulanti di frittura sono sicuri.

Fine Settimana

After dinner walk in the quiet Venetian streets...

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Vegan Fitness Built Naturally (2005)

Vegan Fitness Built Naturally (2005)


Please Remember: The authors of this movie can be supported by your economic contributions, so if you can afford to buy a DVD copy of this movie, that would be just dandy.

(en) "Vegan Fitness - Built Naturally", featuring the Vegan Fitness Team, was released in December, 2005. Starring Robert Cheeke, Natural Bodybuilder, Brendan Brazier, Professional Ironman Triathlete and Tonya Kay, Professional Dancer, this feature-length movie shows how vegans live, eat, train and compete. This movie is ideal for anyone interested in living a healthy lifestyle - vegans, vegetarians, athletes, and anyone who is concerned about health and fitness.

(sk) Členovia veganského športového tímu opisujú čo jedia a ako sa pripravujú na súťaže.

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