Saturday, January 31, 2009

Bite Size Pizzettes!

Looking for some last minute Super Bowl snacks? These pizzettes should do the trick!
Mini bite size pizza's made any way you like them. Just roll out some pizza dough, cut out rounds with a 2-3 inch cookie or pastry cutter. Place on greased baking sheet, top with your favorite ingredients, bake at 400F till crispy and golden, around 10 minutes.
My favorites are, artichoke and gorgonzola , and caprese style with tomato, basil and fresh mozzarella. The possibilities are endless, just make sure you make a bunch because they go quick!

Enjoy the game!!

Suino Divino

Mamma mia, look at that pork! Just a little preview of blog posts to come while Jeremy and I are on the road. This was taken at our wonderful little lunch courtesy of Salumeria Rosi in Manhattan's upper west side.

We are now at JFK airport, waiting to board our flight to Paris where good times (and great eats) are sure to be had on the road with Jeremy's band, Nous Non Plus.

I'll be updating regularly (shut up! I swear I'll try), so stay tuned...

à bientôt :)

Ready, steady, skip (2008)

Ready, steady, skip (2008)


(en) The game show where needlessly wasted food is recovered from the bin and turned into delicious dishes before your very eyes!
Ready Steady Skip is a short film made by a community of friends in response to our continual amazement at the things we find in skips; to share what we experience of the staggering amounts of food waste seen by retailers as nothing more than a factor in the cost of doing business.


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v príprave...

It's winter, isn't it?

Lots of rain, winds, high tides, here are some major ingredients for high waters in the canals. Here, in Burano, as well as in a large part of the Venice Lagoon, water overwhelm the edge of the banks. Well, it's winter, isn't it?

De fortes pluies, le vent et les marées, telles sont les principales raisons pour que le niveau d'eau s'élève dans les canaux. Ici, à Burano, comme dans une grande part de la lagune de Venise, nombre de canaux débordent amplement. Mais bon, c'est l'hiver n'est-ce pas?


Alternative Views #539:


(en) A documentary made in Australia about the war being waged against the people
of Bougainville who do not want further exploitation of the natural
resources of their country which has resulted in massive destruction of the
environment and quality of life of the native population. The film shows
the levels of brutality and political chicanery to which the established
powers will go to maintain the production and profits of their capitalist

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direct (2 GB, mpeg2):

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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Dolomite Mountains

In this city where buildings are so concentrated and where large perspectives are so few when you stride along its streets, it's sometimes good to gain some height and observe the snowy peaks of the not so far Dolomite mountains.

Dans cette cité au tissu urbain si dense et aux vastes perspectives si rares, il est parfois agréable de prendre quelque hauteur et d'observer les sommets enneigés des voisines Dolomites.

Bye, Bye, Gov!!

I thought I'd share a few pictures with you that my daughter sent me today of the media frenzy thats been going on for weeks in her neighborhood. You see, they live on the same block as our famous (former) Govenor Rod Blagojevich! For weeks, every morning staked out bright and early, news reporters and other media.

My Grandaughter called me one morning and said " Gramma, I hear a loud buzzing!" It was helicopters flying up above!
That's his house with the arched entranceway, his frontlawn filled with reporters and gawkers!
Can you say Paparazzi!!!

Check out the cords running down the side walk from all the equipment the media sets up.

As soon as it was announced he was removed from office, tons of people swarmed the area. Police shut down the street.

There he is, still pleading his case with the media. Give it up, it's over!!!

It really was a nice quiet neighborhood, hopefully things will turn back to normal now for all those who live there, well... at least the neighbors anyway!!! ;)

Prisoners of a White God / Zajatci bílého boha (2008)

Prisoners of a White God / Zajatci bílého boha (2008)

Kúpiť film:

(en) A documentary film about a mountain ethnic group in South East Asia, the Prisoners of a White God, tells the story about a researcher, who investigates the activities of christian missionaries and international development among the Akha peoples. Prisoners of a White God received the Grand Prixes at RAFF Film Festival, at Ecofilm Festival, at Festival of the Mountain Films, at "It's Up To You" Film Festival and the Main Prize at Ekotopfilm in 2008!

(cz) Český výzkumník Tomáš strávil v thajských a laoských horách téměř dva roky, aby se za každou cenu dopátral příčin křivd a násilí, která jsou na Akhajích a jejich dětech páchána.

Domorodý horský národ Akha žijící na území zlatého trojúhelníku se absurdně stává obětí rozvojových programů západních civilizací. Mladý český výzkumník se opakovaně do těchto oblastí vrací, aby kmeni Akha pomohl. Postupem času se s vesničany natolik sblíží, že ho mezi sebe přijímají. Čím více do problematiky mezinárodní pomoci proniká, tím více se stává pro některé západní organizace na území Thajska a Laosu nežádoucím. Za dramatických okolností je donucen tuto oblast opustit a přináší tak otřesná svědectví o humanitární katastrofě, která tento národ likviduje.

Dramatický dokument o malém horském etniku byl zpracován podle skutečné události.


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(audio: english and czech; subtitles: english)

Direct Download (563 MB):

Film je česky s anglickými titulkami.

Rozhovor s Tomášom Ryškou:

100 anni del Manifesto Futurista

Comprensione orale: livello avanzato
Segna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni VERE:
La moneta da 20 centesimi coniata in Italia, rappresenta, nel rovescio, una scultura di Boccioni.
La scultura ha per titolo Forme uniche della donna nello spazio.
Il Manifesto Futurista venne pubblicato da Marinetti 100 anni fa.
Due grandi mostre, allestite a Roma e a Torino, ricordano quest'evento.
A Rovereto

Black celebrities speak about Obama

Entertainers, movie stars and celeb athletes share their private feelings about Obama. Thanks to the The Glamazon Chronicles

The Coconut Revolution (2000)

The Coconut Revolution (2000)

Dom Rotheroe, UK, english, 2000, 52 min.
DVD "Indigenous Resistance in New Guinea" made by Solidarity South Pacific: - respect!

Bougainville, with a populations of only 160,000 has managed to close and keep closed one of the biggest mines in the world. They have held their ground for a decade with antique weapons and homemade guns. These people have taken on the biggest mining company in the world and won.
This is an incredible modern-day story of a native peoples' victory over Western globalization. Sick of seeing their environment ruined and their people exploited by the Panguna Mine, the Pacific island of Bougainville rose up against the giant mining corporation, Rio Tinto Zinc. The newly formed Bougainville Revolutionary Army began fighting with bows and arrows and sticks and stones against a heavily armed adversary. In an attempt to put down the rebellion the Papua New Guinean Army swiftly established a gunboat blockade around the island. But with no shipments allowed in or out, how did new electricity networks spring up on the island? And how were the people of Bougainville able to drive around the island without any source of petrol or diesel? Watch as the world's first eco-revolution unfolds within the blockade. A David and Goliath story for the 21st century. A multi-award winning documentary.

(sk) Toto je neuveriteľný príbeh zo súčasnosti, kde domorodí obyvatelia porazili Západnú globalizáciu. Zničení z pozerania sa, ako sa ich domov rozpadá pod kolesami a rýpadlami obludných strojov a ako sú ich ľudia vykorisťovaní baňami Panguany, ostrov Bougainville povstal proti gigantickej ťažobnej korporácii Rio Tinto Zinc. Obnovená Bougainvillská revolučná armáda (BRA) začala bojovať s lukmi a šípmi a palicami a kameňmi proti ťažko ozbrojenému nepriateľovi. Na snahu zlikvidovať rebéliu, armáda Papuy-Novej Guinei rýchlo zaviedla blokádu ostrova prostredníctvom delových člnov. Tým ale zastavila aj prívod elektriky a pohonných látok pre celý ostrov a znemožnila tak existenciu korporácií. Vychutnajte si, snáď prvú úspešnú eko-revolúciu v zovretí blokády, príbeh Dávida a Goliáša 21. storočia. Niečo viac o histórii BRA sa dozviete v dokumente First Contact a v dokumente Bougainville: Another Colonial War zas niečo viac o ich politike.

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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

American news at Querini-Stampalia Library

On a display stand at Querini-Stampalia Library, a collection of books about the recent american presidential election : L'Audacia della Speranza, Sulla Razza, Progetto Obama, Storia degli Stati Uniti, I Presidenti USA, Manifesti per la Nuova America, and Barack Obama 44e Presidente USA...

Sur le présentoir intitulé "Pour se faire une Idée", à la bibliothèque Querini-Stampalia, une collection de livres traitant de la récente élection présidentielle américaine : L'Audacia della Speranza, Sulla Razza, Progetto Obama, Storia degli Stati Uniti, I Presidenti USA, Manifesti per la Nuova America, et Barack Obama 44e Presidente USA...

Sicilian Blood Orange Salad

Although I didn't get these in Sicily, ( I wish I did!!), I've been seeing them all over the stores around here. Originally blood oranges came from Sicily, but now they're popping up all over the US, in fact they're grown in Texas and California.
They're in season right now so if you get a chance to try these, please do. Easy to spot with their distinctive dark washes of red on the outside. I love their appearance, and their flavor is great in sweet or savory dishes.

Don't you just love the color? Look at all that juice coming out!

I decided to use mine in a simple salad. Sliced blood oranges, baby spinach, red onion, crumbled Gorgonzola, and the best extra virgin olive oil you have, season with salt, and freshly ground pepper.
The olive oil mingled with the juice of the orange makes a perfect dressing.

If you haven't already tried these, grab some while they're still in season!!
Buon Appetito!!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of the Politics of Fear (BBC)

The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of the Politics of Fear (BBC)

INFO: 88%

(en) This film explores the origins in the 1940s and 50s of Islamic Fundamentalism in the Middle East, and Neoconservatism in America, parallels between these movements, and their effect on the world today. From the introduction to Part 1:

"Both [the Islamists and Neoconservatives] were idealists who were born out of the failure of the liberal dream to build a better world. And both had a very similar explanation for what caused that failure. These two groups have changed the world, but not in the way that either intended. Together, they created todayAÂAÂs nightmare vision of a secret, organized evil that threatens the world. A fantasy that politicians then found restored their power and authority in a disillusioned age. And those with the darkest fears became the most powerful. " The Power of Nightmares, Baby It's Cold Outside.

Part 1 - Baby it's Cold Outside
Part 2 - The Phantom Victory

Part 3 - The Shadows in the Cave

(cz) Třídílný dokument z produkce BBC se zabývá vznikem, vývojem, srovnáním a praktickými dopady dvou v současné době populárních ideologií-amerického neokonzervativismu a islámského fundamentalismu. Zobrazuje profily jejich zakladateů-egyptského lékaře Saída Qutba a amerického politologa Leo Strausse, kteří v 50.letech nezávisle na sobě vyhlásili válku liberální společnosti.
Mapuje spolupráci obou táborů v období studené války a první konflikty po válce v Afghánistánu. V závěru srovnává současné přestavitele obou ideologií-George W. Bushe a Usámu bin Ládina.
Díl 1: Baby Its Cold Outside -59m:01s-
Díl 2: The Phantom Of Victory -59m:00s-

Díl 3: The Shadows In The Cave -58m:59s-


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Il Lago di Como

Comprensione orale: livello medio/avanzato
Segna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni VERE:
Secondo lo scrittore Guido Piovene il Lago di Como ha dato vita alla storia della letteratura italiana.
Il Lago di Como è molto simile a un fiordo.
Il Lago di Como ha una profondità di circa 400 m.
Il Lago di Como è di origine glaciale.
L'aristocrazia lombarda costruì tra il '600 e il '700 numerose

tapered crochet cowl pattern

I wanted to make a cowl scarf, to keep me toasty, around the house, and out and about. I have seen some patterns but they are usually straight tubes. I wanted to make one a little tapered, so it would be more closed around the neck. It took me a few tries, but I think I managed to created the perfect cowl (for me, anyway!)

These are good for kids, too - no hanging scarves to lose, or pull on the neck. Also, if you are like my mom, and have a fear of getting your scarf caught in the bus door, these might be the perfect thing! (My mom read about that happening once, and is terrified of getting dragged behind a bus... I think I might need to make her a cowl. haha)
(I don't have makeup on, so whatever!)

Tapered Crochet Cowl Pattern

Hook: H/8, 5MM

Yarn: Tropical Lane Confort
I used a 60% baby merino wool, 5% alpaca, 10% super kid mohair, 25% Dralon mix
(Worsted Weight 4)
Two skeins 50g/each

Chain 80 stitches

Slip stitch to join. Be careful not to twist.
I worked the first row in the back of the chain. (The hump)
Chain two at beginning of each new row.

Rows 1 - 7:
Double crochet, slip stitch every row to join. (80 dbl crochet each row)

Row 8:
*DC 7, Decrease, DC 7, decrease*. (every 8/9th stitch is a decrease)

Rows 9 - 10:
Double crochet, slip stitch to join row

Row 11:
*DC 5, Decrease, DC 5, decrease*. (the 6/7th stitch is a decrease)

Rows: 12 - 19
Double crochet, slip stitch each row.
Finish and hide ends.


Noam Chomsky - Class War

Noam Chomsky - Class War
The Attack On Working People (Audiobook)


(en) Professor Noam Chomsky in Class War reveals what does the government understand of democracy, telling us how big corporations have great power on political system. A frightening and eye-opening lecture by an intellectual.

Download:File Size: 31,46 MB:

An Economic Crisis-Surviving it in Italy

The economic crisis is alive and well in Italy just as so everywhere else in the world. Although it is easy to say that Italy's economic woes are the result of the world's financial mess, this country has had high unemployment, inflation out of control, low impossible salaries for years and years. In fact when I arrived here ten years ago and saw what the going salaries were (much less then

Monday, January 26, 2009

Still Wild Still Threatened

Still Wild Still Threatened
Help save the Upper Florentine - Forestry Tasmania is smashing into pristine wilderness RIGHT NOW!!!!

Still Wild Still Threatened needs your assistance in our urgent
campaign to stop the roading and imminent logging of globally recognised old growth tall eucalypt forest and rainforest in the Upper Florentine Valley, Tasmania.


Video Galery - Watch online:

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Howard Zinn (AudioBook - 2000)

Howard Zinn (AudioBook - 2000)
Heroes and Martyrs: Emma Goldman, Sacco & Vanzetti, and the Revolutionary Struggle


(en) Recorded in Cambridge, Massachusettes on February 24, 1993 and Boston, Massachusettes on October 9, 1997. Includes liner notes by Howard Zinn.

Howard Zinn takes us back a century to a newly industrialized America, the time of robber barons & tycoons, of tenements bursting with immigrants, of dramatic and often violent labor struggles like Haymarket & Homestead.
Zinn's cast includes Cornelius Vanderbilt and Andrew Carnegie, the young J. Edgar Hoover, Oliver Wendell Holmes and George Bernard Shaw. But his focus, as ever, is on the organizers and agitators in the worker and immigrant communities, characters as colorful as those in any novel like Ben Reitman, the king of the hobos, and Alexander Berkman, author of Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist; Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, anarchists whose arrest, conviction and execution on trumped-up murder charges produced storms of protest around the world, and Emma Goldman, feminist, anarchist, propagandist extraordinaire for free love and against capitalist exploitation, for direct action and against oppression.

Howard Zinn is Professor of History emeritus at Boston University and acclaimed author of numerous books.


Vamos a Iluminar La Oscuridad (2008)

Vamos a Iluminar La Oscuridad (2008)
audio: spanish

(es) Sobre las revueltas proletarias en Grecia que han comenzado en Diciembre del 2008, continuando hoy día las confrontaciones en las calles para recuperarlas, las expropiaciones a grandes comercios, las ocupaciones de estaciones de radio y televisión para difundir comunicados, la solidaridad con los presos, la auto-organización en los barrios. Realizando una crítica práctica de la totalidad lo que nos oprime: el Estado con su policía, la economía con sus mercancías, el trabajo asalariado y el ocio alienado, el urbanismo y sus sofocantes ciudades…

Produccion: Anarquistas Rosario:

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Nie sú.

Resistir para Existir: La Lucha de los Cucapá (2007)

Resistir para Existir: La Lucha de los Cucapá (2007) Documentary, 18 minutes, audio: espanol/spanish, subtitles: english


(en) This short documentary tells the story the Cucapá, an Indigenous people of Mexicali, who have been denied fishing permits, even though they ... all » have been fishing in their valley for over 9,000 years; indeed, even before this area was considered Mexico. Fishing is part of their ancestral traditions and is their only form of support. On the other hand, commercial fisherman have no problems obtaining fishing permits. During the upcoming fishing season, which runs from February to May, the Sixth Delegation of the EZLN, along with adherents of “The Other Campaign” will set up camp in the Mexicali dessert community of the Mayor Cucapa, and will join the local community in exercizing their rights to fish in a peaceful, civil disobedient campaign for social change and justice. For those of you who would like to support the cause, a monetary donation would be greatly appreciated.

(es) Resistir para Existir es un documental corto que muestra la forma en que los indígenas Cucapá de la comunidad de El Mayor, Baja California, luchan para subsistir después de la "desaparición" del Río Colorado y luego de que el gobierno mexicano los despojara de su derecho a pescar en el mar. Pescadores por tradición milenaria, los Cucapá ahora se han quedado sin agua ni comida. Sin embargo, su decisión para continuar como pueblos herederos de una cultura antigua, los ha llevado a buscar varias maneras de defender sus derechos. La Otra Campana y La Delegación Sexta del EZLN, se han sumado a esta lucha "en defensa de la vida, la cultura y la naturaleza" de los pueblos Cucapá y Kiliwa, con la instalación de un campamento en territorio indígena bajacaliforniano, desde febrero a abril de 2007. Realización: Comisión de video de La Otra en el Otro Lado México, Enero de 2007.Duración 18 minutos.

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Video je s anglickými titulkami. SK/CZ som nenašiel. Samozrejme, je len na vás (ktorí viete anglicky...), či budú aj naše titulky.

Ricotta Pots with Blueberries!

Ricotta, savory or sweet has always been a favorite of mine. In this recipe ricotta has been transformed into an elegant, almost souffle like, dessert. What I love about this, is that you can change it up with different berries, nuts, and flavors all to your liking.
Just stick to the amounts specified, and be creative! Blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, as well as, pistachios, almonds, and hazelnuts all would go well.

The recipe serves four, using four, 8oz ramekins. Heres what you'll need!

4 Eggs Separated
1/2 Cup of Superfine Sugar
12 oz of Fresh Ricotta
1/4 Cup finely Chopped Pistachio Nuts
1 t. Grated Lemon Rind
2 Tbl. Lemon Juice
6 To 7 oz Fresh Blueberries

1. Preheat oven to 350F. Beat the egg yolks and sugar in a small bowl until pale and creamy.
Transfer to a large bowl and add the ricotta, pistachio nuts, lemon rind and juice and mix well.
2. In a separate bowl, whisk the egg whites into stiff peaks. Next, fold the whites into the ricotta
mixture, gently to keep the volume.
3. Lightly grease 4 individual, 1-cup ramekins. Divide the blueberries among them, then spoon
ricotta filling over the top. Place on a baking tray and bake 20-25 minutes, or until puffed
and lightly browned. Serve immediately, and dust with powdered sugar.
Buon Appetito!!

I sandali

Comprensione orale: livello medio/avanzatoSegna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni VERE:Il servizio è stato girato a Napoli.La ditta in cui è stato girato il servizio è di capitale cinese.Il signore intervistato si chiama Gelsomino.La produzione dei sandali inizia con un disegno al computer.Il taglio viene effettuato con una macchina speciale chiamata orlatrice.Il taglio del sandalo è al 20%

Do we want BET as black European television?

Should we be pleased with the European expansion of Black Entertainment Television BET?

BET, short for Black Entertainment Television, becomes mainstream in Europe. The company broadcasts Hip Hop, Jazz and Gospel music and various sitcoms, and life style shows. The channel started broadcasting in 2008 via the satellite network Sky UK, but rumors are that it will broadcast via the bigger media company UK Virgin TV in march 2009.

From a black political point of view there is nothing wrong with BET. BET CEO Debra Lee explained in an interview: “ It’s a place for those who are yet to be heard. Being able to control our voices and to give of voice to the black community is a political statement. Editorial decisions and the what people you have on the air. “ Besides who doesn't want to see all the black stars on TV.

The UK comedian Lenny Henry sees BET UK as a much needed channel. He stated that in the thirty years he worked for the BBC, the only black people he saw where the people on the door, in the hats and in the cantina. So far so good.

But there is also a downside. In 2007 BET aired a show based on a highly controversial website ‘Black Ghetto mess’. The project had been criticized by other African Americans, who said the site and program where demeaning and presented racist depictions of blacks. As a result two sponsors dropped their ad spots from the television show.

So do we need BET in Europe? As a BET executive puts it, ”we want to fill the gap in black cultural content.” But if you look at the problems of black youth in the UK in France and in the Netherlands, you don’t want a channel which broadcasts the opposite of that new African-American black image we see in Europe nowadays.

But maybe things will change. If Colin Powel uses BET to reach out to the troubled African American inner city youth, then they must be doing something right. Let’s hope they don’t use Europe as a try out for ghetto programs.


Black Entertainment Television (BET) UK Lauch - What Happenend
BET Retitles 'Hot Ghetto Mess' Before Debut Tonight
Website Hot Ghetto Mess


"Ecodefense" - Dave Foreman, Bill Haywood - .pdf

Earth First' s theory - practice book.


Making Sense of the Italian Language

First of all I apologize for being absent for some days. Last week was a challenge with two young children home with the flu. I was so satisfied though that I was able to catch the entire Obama swearing in ceremony on CNN. Thanks CNN and thanks hubby and inlaws for helping out with the kids. Now on to my post....I am amazed on how many Italian words I did not know and on how many English words

Ohhhhhhh Bama!

It´s the End of the World and I Feel Fine

Ohhhhhhh Bama!


This Week:
The Chomskulator
Ohhhhhhhhh Bama
Clean Coal 2 for 2
Duke Nuke ‘Em
Somali Ocean Defenders
Syncrude’s bad karma
Smash EDO
Jeff Munson

Watch online:

Download Episode

just because...

*utterly brilliant* It made me cry.


I tortellini

Comprensione orale: livello medioIndicare le affermazioni vereLa giornalista è a ModenaTra gli ingredienti dei tortellini, abbiamo la farina di grano tenero e la semola di grano duroPer il ripieno si usa carne magra di maialeIl lombo fiene fritto con il burroIl sale è esclusoLa forma è la più vicina possibile a quella tradizionaleL'azienda dove si svolge l'intervista usa ancora sistemi

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Living Utopia / Vivir la Utopia (1997)

Living Utopia / Vivir la Utopia (1997)

Juan Gamero, Spain, Spanish with English subtitles, 1997, 96 min.

(en) Living Utopia is a unique documentary that blends the historical account of the origins and development of the Spanish anarchist movement, focussing on the 1936 war. A reflection on the philosophical underpinnings of such a movement and their practical application. As both an informative and inspiring piece of research it is considered a jewel amongst historians and rebel hearts.

(sk) Dokument režiséra Juana Gamera obsahuje 30 rozhovorov s bývalými účastníkmi Španielskej revolúcie (1936-1939), dobové zábery a archívne videá.

Svedectvá anarchistických militantov sú veľmi silné a ukazujú konštruktívnu prácu sociálnej revolúcie v Španielsku. Tu pojem "Anarchia v akcii" predstavuje krajinu s viac ako 7 miliónmi roľníkov tvoriacich kolektívy a komúny, v meste tisíce kolektivizovaných pracovných miest, 150 000 ľudí sa pridáva k anarchistickým milíciám do boja proti fašistom a rozvíjajú sa ďalšie kultúrne aktivity, ako napríklad hnutie "Mujeres Libres" pre oslobodenie žien od patriarchátu.

Watch online/Pozri si to online - 10 parts:

Watch online (deutch - german):

Watch online (espanol - spanish):

Direct Download:

with greek subs -

Not found.

Nenašiel som.

Spaghetti Squash w/ Basil Brown Butter, Fontinella Cheese, and Toasted Pecans!

When was the last time you had spaghetti squash? For me, it's been ages! I actually forgot how good it was. I actually got reminded of spaghetti squash while flipping through a magazine a few weeks ago. The recipe used brown butter sage, but seeing that I'm a basil kind of girl, I thought I'd change it up!

You could use toasted walnuts, pine nuts, hazelnuts, whatever you like. Same with the cheese, romano, parmesan, provolone, I happen to have fontinella on hand which tastes like provolone so I used that, which was excellent, nice and sharp!

I had this for lunch today all by myself, and I can honestly say, I enjoyed every bite!
Here's what you do, it's so easy!

1. Take a spaghetti squash, cut it lengthwise, scoop out the seeds, lightly oil it, and add salt and pepper. Place cut side down on a baking sheet in a 350F oven, for about 30 minutes or until knife goes through.
2. Toast your nuts in a saute pan, remove.
3. Melt your butter, toss in the basil, and cook till it browns.
4. When squash is done, take a fork and fluff up all the strands.
5. Pour your butter sauce all over, sprinkle with the nuts, and garnish with your favorite cheese.

It was so good I think I'll have the other half tomorrow!

Buon Appetito!!

The Animals Save The Planet

The Animals Save The Planet

Funny animated ideas on how to be more carefull to our planet.
Not a breakthrough, but funny anyway:)

WATCH here:

Persepolis (2007)

Persepolis (2007)


(en) In 1970s Iran, Marjane 'Marji' Statrapi watches events through her young eyes and her idealistic family of a long dream being fulfilled of the hated Shah's defeat in the Iranian Revolution of 1979. However as Marji grows up, she witnesses first hand how the new Iran, now ruled by Islamic fundamentalists, has become a repressive tyranny on its own. With Marji dangerously refusing to remain silent at this injustice, her parents send her abroad to Vienna to study for a better life. However, this change proves an equally difficult trial with the young woman finding herself in a different culture loaded with abrasive characters and profound disappointments that deeply trouble her. Even when she returns home, Marji finds that both she and homeland have changed too much and the young woman and her loving family must decide where she truly belongs.

(cz) O Zlatou plamu v Cannes bojoval tento celovečerní animovaný film francouzské režisérky původem z Íránu, Marjane Satrapi, která napsala a nakreslila první íránský komiks všech dob, a na jehož základě pak vznikl tento celovečerní film.
Autobiografický příběh s lehkostí popisuje její krušné dětsví a dospívání v Íránu za dob islámské revoluce, války s Írákem a následného režimu. S humorem a lehkostí znázorňuje rozdílné vnímání kultury v evropském a arabském světě. A protože je to příběh umíněné dospívající holky, která si vždycky prosadí svoje a která žije v tuhém ideologickém režimu nesnášejícím odlišné názory, je to samozřejmě i příběh rebelantství a svobody.


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La dittatura di Trujillo

Comprensione orale: livello medio-avanzatoIndicare le affermazioni vere:R. Trujillo, dittatore della Rep. Dominicana, morì nel maggio 1961Per la sua crudeltà, era stato ribattezzato "la tigre dei Caraibi"Trujillo morì assassinato da un commando all'interno della sua casaIl dittatore non riuscì a rispondere al fuocoTrujillo aveva militato nell'esercito americanoAveva preso il potere nel 1930,

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A black President, a new future

Will Smith said that the circle has closed. From slavery, to the civil rights movement and now to something no one could have imagined, a black President.

As I was standing in front of my TV for hours, I thought of all the books and conversations my friends and I had about the civil rights movement, Malcom X, and about being black in a white society. I remembered the pictures of black people being beaten when they stood up for their rights in Birmingham.

Somehow being black is being in a constant state of protest. Although there is still a lot to fight for, I know it's time to say good bye to all my images of the African American struggle and perhaps about being black. Reinventing blackness and move on to a new circle. Because the old one has now closed.

The Tobacco Conspiracy (2007)

The Tobacco Conspiracy (2007)

UPDATE: Download links added for english language version.

Broccoli Rabe Pasta, with Sausage, Roasted Tomatoes and Beans!

Rapini, or otherwise known as, Broccoli Rabe, is a relative of the turnip family, and loaded with many healthy benefits.

Who couldn't use a little extra vitamin C, K, Potassium, Calcium, and Iron! Not to mention, it's very high in phytochemicals, which have the potential for reducing the risk of cancer.

Wikipedia describes it as "nutty, bitter, pungent, an acquired taste". It is a little bitter, but that's what makes it so good! I find that blanching it in water for a couple minutes takes some of that bitterness away.

Pairing it with some spicy Italian sausage gives it the perfect balance!

Normally this dish is made with orrecciette pasta, but I like to try it with some of the other specialty pasta's that are out there.


1 lb. of Spicy Italian Sausage, cut up into bite size pieces
1 lb. of Cooked Broccoli Rabe
1lb. Specialty Pasta
Roasted Tomatoes ( Recipe Here)
4 Cloves of Crushed Garlic
1/4 Cup of Garlic Flavored Olive Oil
1 Can of Cannelloni Beans
Grated Romano Cheese
Reserved Broccoli Rabe Water, or a touch of Stock


1. Saute your sausage in the garlic oil along with the crushed garlic, till no longer pink.
2. Add in about a 1/2 cup of the broccoli rabe water or stock. ( you might need a little more)
3. Add beans, and cooked broccoli rabe.
4. Cook pasta al dente, and toss in.
5. Gently toss in some roasted tomatoes, (as many as you want).
6. Season with salt, pepper, and the grated romano, and maybe a little extra olive oil.

Something good to eat while we're all watching the Presidential Inauguration ceremonies today!

Buon Appetito!!

Standard Operating Procedure (2008)

Standard Operating Procedure (2008)


(en) Is it possible for a photograph to change the world? Photographs taken by soldiers in Abu Ghraib prison changed the war in Iraq and changed Americas image of itself. Yet, a central mystery remains. Did the notorious Abu Ghraib photographs constitute evidence of systematic abuse by the American military, or were they documenting the aberrant behavior of a few bad apples? We set out to examine the context of these photographs. Why were they taken? What was happening outside the frame? We talked directly to the soldiers who took the photographs and who were in the photographs. Who are these people? What were they thinking? Over two years of investigation, we amassed a million and a half words of interview transcript, thousands of pages of unredacted reports, and hundreds of photographs. The story of Abu Ghraib is still shrouded in moral ambiguity, but it is clear what happened there. The Abu Ghraib photographs serve as both an expose and a coverup. An expose, because the photographs offer us a glimpse of the horror of Abu Ghraib; and a coverup because they convinced journalists and readers they had seen everything, that there was no need to look further. In recent news reports, we have learned about the destruction of the Abu Zubaydah interrogation tapes. A coverup. It has been front page news. But the coverup at Abu Ghraib involved thousands of prisoners and hundreds of soldiers. We are still learning about the extent of it. Many journalists have asked about the smoking gun of Abu Ghraib. It is the wrong question. As Philip Gourevitch has commented, Abu Ghraib is the smoking gun. The underlying question that we still have not resolved, four years after the scandal: how could American values become so compromised that Abu Ghraiband the subsequent coverupcould happen?

(sk) Ospravedlnenia z hláv odsúdených amerických vojakov vysvetľujú pozadie vzniku fotiek mučených irackých väzňov vo väznici Abú Ghrajb. Vo vysokom rozlíšení sa striedajú úkony vykonávané na príkaz amerických väzniteľov: nútená onania, pyramída naháčov, prikladanie elektrinou nabitých drôtov na telo, nohavičky na hlavách, symbolické ukrižovanie, zastrašovanie útočným psom a pod. Hlavné príčiny podľa zainteresovaných: rozkazy veliacich dôstojníkov, sadista v tíme, mladosť-pochabosť, zamilovanosť. Z emočne studenej obhajoby vyplýva: my nič, len poslušné bábky, kolieska v stroji zvrhlého systému. Trpká pachuť z potrestania nastrčených pešiakov a rýchleho upratania tajných rozkazov ostáva.


Download (english):



Subtitulos - spanish:


Noam Chomsky: Imperial presidency (AudioBook)

Noam Chomsky: Imperial presidency (AudioBook)

(en) On Sunday November 21, Professor Noam Chomsky visited Toronto to speak in support of Canadian Dimension, one of Canada's oldest progressive periodicals. His sold-out talk at the University of Toronto addressed 'the Imperial Presidency.'

Track list:
1. History and the "Second Superpower"
2. Controlling the Great Beast
3. Rescinding the Geneva Convention
4. Demystifying "Pre-Emptive War"
5. Principle of Universality, The
6. Polling the "Great Beast" Of Public Opinion
7. "Threat of Terrorism" Vs. The Real U.S. Priorities, The
8. What the "Great Beast" Wants and Why It Is Deceived
9. What Is "Old Europe" Anyway?
10. America's Messianic Vision of Democracy
11. Making Use of Our Freedom to Fight Back

Torrent: (one of many audiobooks from this collection)

Il Piccolo Principe

Comprensione orale: livello medioIndicare le affermazioni vereSi è infittito il mistero della morte dell'autore de "Il Piccolo Principe"Ne "Il Piccolo Principe" il protagonista dice che le persone serie amano i numeriLe persone serie sono quelle che ti chiedono quanti anni ha un tuo nuovo amico, quanto guadagna, quanti fratelli haAntoine de Saint-Exupéry nacque a Tolone nel 1900Da ragazzo si

Monday, January 19, 2009

Noam Chomsky: Imperial Ambitions

Noam Chomsky: Imperial Ambitions
Conversations on the Post-9/11 World (AudioBook)


(en) Imperial Ambitions: Conversations with Noam Chomsky on the Post 9/11 World is a useful collection of nine brief interviews between Chomsky's and his regular interviewer David Barsamian (Barsamian, of Alternative Radio, has been "working with him" for more than twenty years according to his very brief introduction; and see e.g. Class Warfare; Secrets, Lies and Democracy; The Common Good; Propaganda and the Public Mind etc). These conversations took place between March 2003 and February 2005 ("mostly conducted in Chomsky's office at MIT") and in them Chomsky and Barsamian discuss the usual: US foreign policy in a post-9/11 world; the 2004 US presidential campaign and election; the future of Social Security (in the US); the increasing threat of global warming; the dangers arising out of the war in/against Iraq; and the difficulties of developing an "ongoing, living, democratic culture" to counter such things. In addition, we get -- amongst many other titbits -- a brief glimpse into Chomsky's childhood, his relationship with his father, and his political education.


Torrent: (one of many audiobooks from this collection)

Bakunin's Bum: Fight To Win!

Bakunin's Bum: Fight To Win!
A Benefit CD for OCAP Ontario Coalition Against Poverty [2001]

This is a benefit CD, but I didn´t find it anywhere to buy, so you can go to their website and support them in a way you like!
(en) Bakunin's Bum
Bakunin's Bum is the newest 'beats & strings' musical/spoken word collaboration between Norman Nawrocki & beat meister/drummer Aidan from 1 Speed Bike, Exhaust & Godspeed You! Black Emporer.

Their first recording is a benefit CD for the radical Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP). It features excerpts from a speech given by two OCAP members in Montréal in December 2000, which Aidan & Norman have set to original music. Aidan provides the beats, Norman plays violin, viola, cello & odd instruments.

Author, actor, violinist, sex advocate, educator, Norman Nawrocki is a Vancouver-born, Montreal-based, internationally-acclaimed cabaret artist known for his provocative and topical work.

Aidan is a long-time Montréal activist/musician & member of the city's anarchist bookstore collective, The Librairie Alternative. His first solo album, 'droopy butt begone!' (on Constellation Records) is a sampling of his own live beats mixed with many melodic elements, slogans & rants. It's garnered rave reviews in the music press around the world.

bakunin's bum, "FIGHT TO WIN! (A benefit for The Ontario Coalition Against Poverty)"

released october 9, 2001
g7 welcoming committee records (g7021)

1. How far are you willing to go?
2. And the cops just go 'fuck'
3. A front, a middle, a back
4. What is OCAP?
5. Real 'Peace'
6. By any means necessary
7. It's too late for concessions
8. People already know
9. There's a place for everyone
10. We don't have 'show trials'
11. Hope, Pride & Dignity in fighting back

bakunin's bum is aidan on drums and norman nawrocki (rhythm activism and da zoque!). as the subtitle suggests, this is a benefit album for OCAP. the music is very similar to that of 1-speed bike (using some of the same loops in places), but also features spoken word speech by two anti-poverty activists that has been edited to the music.
