Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Cheese and Herb Polenta Croutons

I've been wanting to make these ever since I saw them tossed in a salad that my SIL ordered at a restaurant we were at. I love polenta, and what better way to add something special to your favorite salad or soup.

I used the instant polenta that only takes 15 minutes to whip up. I added freshly chopped rosemary and thyme, and grated Parmesan cheese. Go easy on the herbs, you just need a little they easily could overpower the croutons, especially rosemary!

Pour your cooked polenta on to a baking sheet sprayed with cooking spray. Spread fast and evenly with a spatula. Cool the whole pan in the frig for 1/2 hour. When cooled cut the polenta into squares or triangles.

Drizzle lightly both sides with olive oil and bake in a 400 degree F oven for about 45 min's. Turn them over to make sure they get crispy on the other side. Cool on a rack when done.

Best if used the same day, but I had alot extra so I stored mine in an airtight container in the frig and the next day I reheated them to crisp them up a bit.
I tossed mine with a salad mix of romaine, arugula, cherry tomatoes, chickpeas, red onion, green and black olives, and slices of some leftover Fontinella cheese I had. Olive oil and red wine vinegar dressing.

I have to say the polenta croutons made the salad! I will definitely make these again!My talented friend Nina of My Easy Cooking gave me this award, you're suppose to list 10 honest things about yourself and pass it on. I'm so very bad with awards and things but I thought this would be fun.

I'm a night owl, feel free to call or email me after midnight, I'll still be up.
I love spicy food, pretty much all ethnic varieties.
I love to listen to Andrea Bocelli while I'm cooking.
I like my toast very well done, bordering burnt.
I make a pot of coffee everynight after dinner, without fail.
Ok, this is really weird, but I have to drink my coffee out of a white or cream colored cup.If you open up my cabinet all you will see is white cups. I know, my family thinks I'm crazy! of course when I'm out I make a concession. ;)
Along with all and any cooking shows, I'm also a sucker for reality TV, thanks to my daughter who years ago got me hooked on "The Real World."
When I watch TV I like to snack on pumpkin seeds, you know the thick shell kind, I always buy a bag when I go to my Italian market.
I love the rocky coastline of the pacific northwest, and of course the awesome ocean.
I want to retire in Italy in a Tuscan villa. ( I can dream can't I?)
Married to the same guy since we were 19, and we're both full blooded Italian.

I'm passing this on to any of you who want to do this, especially my regular readers, just let me know so I can come and check it out.

Buon Appetito!!

La Torre Eiffel

Comprensione orale: livello medio
Indicare le affermazioni vere:
Nel 1884 il governo francese decise la costruzione della Torre Eiffel.
In quel momento era la torre più alta d'Europa.
La Torre Eiffel è alta 400 metri.
Ha 80.000 pezzi metallici.
Ha 2.340.000 viti e bulloni.
Il peso totale è di 60.000 tonnellate.
50 ingegneri e 5.000 operai collaborarono al colossale lavoro.
Molti erano convinti

Call in campaign for the MOVE 9!

Call in campaign for the MOVE 9!

(en) This email action alert has just been sent out by MOVE supporters to help the remaining eight of the MOVE 9 prisoners, who are now having parole hearings. This website was started last year when they were eligible for the first time since their August 8, 1978 arrests and subsequent convictions. An online petition and letter campaign was initiated, but despite this, the parole board denied parole to everyone(remember that the women never even faced weapons charges!) for many unfair reasons including a "lack of remorse" for a crime for which they have always maintained their innocence.

The MOVE 9 are courageous revolutionaries who deserve our support. Please read this email alert, and check out the other postings below from last years campaign for background.



It is best for individuals to personally send a letter to Chairman McVey, and if folks have the resources, to also send a copy to each of the other eight board members, at the same address.

[name of Board member]
Board of Probation and Parole

Attn: Inmate Inquiry

1101 South Front Street, Suite 5300

Harrisburg, PA 17104

However, if individuals lack the resources, the letter can be sent to:

The MOVE Organization
PO Box 19709
Philadelphia, PA, 19143


We will then send a copy of your letter to all Board Members and also each of the eight MOVE prisoners (so they can present the support letters to their interviewers).

These next few weeks are crucial. Please spread the word and help in any way you can!

For the latest news about the MOVE 9 Parole campaign, please visit:

You will find the "MOVE" documentary -- here, in the Documentrary-Prisoners section.

Kampaň za oslobodenie politických väzňov MOVE 9!

(sk) Táto emailová výzva k akcii bola nedávno rozposlaná podporovateľmi MOVE kvôli solidarite a pomoci zostávajúcich ôsmych väzňov MOVE 9, ktorých momentálne čakajú pohovory o podmienečnom prepustení z väzby. O tejto akcii sme písali už minulý rok, kedy sa tiež mohli takto dostať na slobodu, lenže podmienečné prepustenie im zamietli. Minulý rok mali prvú možnosť dostať sa na slobodu od 8. augusta 1978 od ich zatknutia a odsúdenia. Rozbehla sa internetová petícia a listová kampaň, lenže napriek tomu, komisia zamietla podmienečné prepustenie každému (pamätajte, že ženy z MOVE 9 ani nikdy neboli obvinené z držania zbrane!) z mnohých nespravodlivých dôvodov vrátane "neprejavenia ľútosti" za zločin, o ktorom vždy tvrdili, že sú nevinní.

MOVE 9 sú odvážny revolucionári a odvážne revolucionárky, ktorí a ktoré si zaslúžia našu solidaritu. Prosíme vás, prečítajte si túto výzvu k solidarite a prejdite si nižšie informácie a články z minulých kampaní kvôli pozadiu a informáciách o tomto prípade.

Zostaňte v pohybe! ON A MOVE!


O MOVE bol natočený dokumentárny film. Nájdete ho tu v sekcii Documentary- Prisoners.

Capitalism - The Musical!

Capitalism - The Musical! (2009)

INFO - The first five songs can be found here:

Info "My za krízu platiť nemienime!":

(cz) Ako súčasť nášho projektu "Capitalism - The Musical", do ktorého zahŕňame rozne texty známych spisovateľov na tému Kapitalizmus (C. Wright Mills, Paul Goodman, Thorstein Veblen, Evert Cilliers a iných) a spájame ich so súčasnou hudbou, vytvorili sme video "The Sissy Cheats", ktoré si môžete pozrieť tu:

(en) "A society that is in its higher circles and on its middle levels widely believed to be a network of smart rackets does not produce men with an inner moral sense; a society that is merely expedient does not produce men of conscience.
A society that narrows the meaning of 'success' to the big money and in its terms condemns failure as the chief vice, raising money to the plane of absolute value, will produce the sharp operator and the shady deal. Blessed are the cynical, for only they have what it takes to succeed." - C. Wright Mills

As part of our "Capitalism - The Musical" project, which takes various texts by well known (and more obscure) writers on Capitalism (C. Wright Mills, Paul Goodman, Thorstein Veblen, Evert Cilliers and others) and marries them to contemporary music, we've created a video for "The Sissy Cheats" which you can see here:

The Sissy Cheats

Ca d'Oro

Riding the N°1 vaporetto line, from Santa Lucia (train station) or from Piazzale di Roma (bus station) to the Piazzetta (city center) the visitor is filled with wonder as he sails along those old venetian palaces lining the Grand Canal.

Andrea Palladio

Comprensione orale: livello medio
Indicare le affermazioni vere:
Londra è la città straniera più influenzata dall'arte di Palladio
Londra ha accolto con diffidenza la mostra su Palladio
La mostra è accompagnata da quadri di celebri pittori
E' possibile ammirare anche il quadro di El Greco che raffigura Palladio

Nella formazione del Palladio fu decisivo il suo incontro con l'arte medievale
Tra i

Monday, March 30, 2009

Black actors white stages

"We are still a white audience. If you're watching a cast of negroes, you are still looking at something which in a certain way is strange. We look with white eyes at a negro," said a white actor in a dicussion on TV about black actors in theatre plays.

The scene was a Dutch discussion between a black actor and two white directors. The background was the fact that the only black actor in the cast found some of the elements of his dialog in the play racist. He had to say: “She has the colour of shining hors manure”, which revert to the colour of a black woman. The line was eventually altered.

In the discussion a tape was shown about what a colleague actor had to say about the whole matter, he said: “We look with white eyes at a negro."

The moderator looked at the black actor and repeated what the white actor had said. The black actor answered: “I don’t see it as racist comment, this comment should be seen as part of the internal discussion.“

But it went on. There where more reasons why black actors have difficulties getting on the stages. “Plays aren’t written for black actors,” one director said. “It’s the same as with older woman, roles in plays are usually written for young woman.”

But in the discussion all parties agreed that nothing had changed over the years, black people are still barely seen in the theatres. But, as one of the directors noted, things where changing.

In the UK black playwriter Bonnie Greer is also waiting for change. In a column in the Guardian entitled ‘The white stages’ she wrote: “But subsidised theatre does have shareholders. Black people pay taxes, too. Yet we are consistently underemployed, underused. Invisible. I can hear the arguments out there about "emerging playwrights", and so on. We've been emerging for so long we should be in the stratosphere by now. But we aren't.”

I think that Bonnie Greer finally got her answer. The reason why black actors are underemployed, underused and invisible is that some people look with white eyes at a negro. That plays aren’t made for black people, and that black actors are the same as older woman.

By the way, the Dutch play was entitled ‘Black Face’. The story is not about the racist Black face theatrical makeup, but about a not accepted romance between a black man and a white woman.

Moses's rescue - a baboon who had been enslaved in a circus

Moses's rescue: a baboon who had been enslaved in a circus
-Rescate de la babuina Moses de un circo-
/Záchrana Moses: Samička paviána, ktorú väznili v cirkuse/


(en) On New Year's Eve, five minutes before the bell, when all the workers from Circo Roma Dola were in a tent celebrating the start of 2009, three individuals entered the trailer where a baboon enslaved to the circus was kept in a cage. The baboon was led out of her cell, leaving behind what had been her prison for years. We have received an anonymous communique and some images of her after the rescue that we are echoing here. Igualdad Animal / Animal Equality hasn't claimed any responsability for this rescue.

(es) La pasada nochevieja, una babuina que vivía encerrada permanentemente en un circo fue rescatada de su jaula por simpatizantes de la organización Igualdad Animal. Ahora, algo más de dos meses después de aquella noche -tiempo dejado por la propia seguridad del animal rescatado- recibimos en nuestra oficina, en exclusiva y de forma anónima, un comunicado explicando la vida que había tenido esta babuina y el motivo de este rescate. El comunicado iba acompañado de varias imágenes de ella una vez rescatada con las que hemos editado el siguiente vídeo.

(sk) Na nový rok, päť minút pred dvanástou, keď boli všetci pracovníci cirkusu Circo Roma Dola - vtedy postavený v San Sebastian de Los Reyes v Španielsku - v stane, kde oslavovali začiatok roku 2009, traja jednotlivci vstúpili do prívesu, kde sa v klietke nachádzal pavián zotročený cirkusom. Pavián bol odstránený zo svojej klietky, zanechávajúc tak to, čo bolo jej väzením celé roky.

Tento pavián, ako všetky ostatné zvieratá, ktorým naďalej dominujú ľudia v rôznych sférach, si zaslúžil byť slobodný a tešiť sa zo svojho života bez toho, aby bola využívaná pre zábavu iných na jej úkor. Jej záchrana bola činom spravodlivosti a solidarity voči nej. Proti otroctvu zvierat, proti speciecizmu. Za koniec cirkusov so zvieratami, a za koniec vykorisťovania zvierat.

Proti otroctvu zvierat, proti speciecizmu. Za koniec cirkusov so zvieratami, a za koniec vykorisťovania zvierat.

Watch online (english): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7-3t0TKScc
(spanish): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJQc14SATG0

Pozri si to online (slovensky):

Subtitles - English transcript:

Titulky (od wafpress):
Prepis-transcript (anglický aj slovenský) -

Genova - Berlusconi's Mousetrap

G8 - Genova - Berlusconi's Mousetrap - La trappola dei topi di Berlusconi


(en) The film had a complicated gestation but heavily involved the majority of the original Indymedia Ireland gang. We came back from working with Indymedia Italy in Genoa all fired up and determined to start an Indymedia in Ireland. Almost five years ago that was now.

The Protests against the G8 in July 2001 in Genoa Italy were the biggest and most significant protests in Western Europe since the Poll Tax riots in the UK. Italian Prime Minister Sylvio Berlusconi, wanting to impress his new best mate George W. Bush, orchestrated a brutal Media/Police preemptive strike on the Anti-Capitalist Movements' biggest First World mobilisation to date. When the weekend of protests ended Carlo Guiliani was dead and a school full of sleeping activists had been attacked in what is popularly referred to as the 'Chilean Night'.

The film traces the events of the three days of protests in detail and poses the question - Was it all a setup? If Seattle was 'Star Wars' then this is 'The Empire Strikes Back'. It is made from a combination of footage of the Genoa protests against the G8 shot by 10 members of IMC Ireland, material from the Italy IMC Archives and material from various other sources. This compelling footage combined with on the spot interviews and reenacted voiceover commentary and analysis from various websites which were active during the protests provides a in-depth blow by blow retelling of the story of the three days of the Genoa protests against the G8.

Watch online/Pozri si to online:



Nenašiel som.

La Biennale di Venezia

Last week has been presented in Rome by its director Daniel Birnbaum the 53rd Biennale di Venezia, whose name will be Fare Mundi (Making Worlds). The famous International art exibition will start June 7 and will last until november 22.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

CBC - The Atheists Spreading The Word

CBC - The Atheists Spreading The Word

(en) For some the belief in God brings hope, faith, and a sense of purpose. But a growing number of people are speaking out about the opposite belief -- that there is no god. For some this is a slap in the face. The more extreme think it should be punishable by death. But Atheists insist it's time to 'spread the word.

(sk) Pre niekoho viera v boha prináša nádej, dôveru a pocit zmysluplnosti. Ale rastúci počet ľudí vypovedá o opačnej viere - že tu žiaden boh nie je. Pre niekoho je toto fackou po tvári. A tí extrémnejší si myslia, že by takéto názory mali byť trestané smrťou. Ale ateisti trvajú na tom, že je načase šíriť slovo.

Watch online/Pozri si to online:
Part1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEMhgIFLljE
Part2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r18KO125dLs
Part3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0xzJdsFr7c



Nenašiel som.

Rainy day

It's wet today. Wet and chilly. And an Aqua alta could occur once again within some hours...

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Il massacro di Katyń

Comprensione orale: livello medioIndicare le affermazioni vere:Dopo la seconda guerra mondiale i comunisti russi hanno attribuito ai nazisti tedeschi il massacro della foresta di Katyń.Nella zona della Polonia da loro occupata, i sovietici tra il 3 aprile e il 19 maggio del 1940 hanno ucciso 32.000 militari polacchi.Tra le vittime dell'eccidio c'erano 8.000 ufficiali.La strage è rimasta nascosta

Community discussion forum FOR YOU!

Community discussion forum FOR YOU!

I have created a community discussion forum for you Anticopyright fans, so if you are interested, you can join here: http://anticopyright.ning.com/
Pripravil som pre vás Anticopyright fanúšikov komunitné diskusné fórum, takže ak vás to zaujme, môžete sa pridať tu: http://anticopyright.ning.com/

The French Bookshop in Venice

In the Castello Sestiere, some steps from San Giovanni e Paolo church, and Bartolomeo Colleoni's eqestrian statue, this friendly french book shop (managed since 1977 by a Parisian and an Italian) is one of the rendez-vous of the french community living in Venice and of all french literature lovers.

Friday, March 27, 2009

(SK) Agrokruh pre teba

(SK) Agrokruh pre teba



(sk) Krátky (18 min.) dokumentárny film / prezentácia Jána Šlinského o jeho "agrokruhu" a monžostiach ekologického pestovania v dnešnej dobe.

(en) A short documentary about Jan Slinsky and his "agrokruh" and the possibilities of ecological growing of vegetables in our present time.


Watch online/Pozri si to online:


sorry. it´s only in slovak.

Anna Tatangelo e Giorgia

Anna Tatangelo


Comprensione orale: livello medio
Rispondere alle domande
Come si intitola il nuovo video di Anna Tatangelo?
Cosa racconta A. Tatangelo in questo video?
Secondo A. Tatangelo, oggi la violenza contro le donne...
A chi ha deciso A. Tatangelo donare la sua canzone?
Secondo A. Tatangelo le donne hanno una vita per fare cosa?
Qual'è la canzone prediletta da Giorgia?
Come la

Enema to capitalism (2005)

Enema to capitalism (2005)
What does it mean to be anarchist in Russia?

by Dimitry Vilensky, b. 1964 St. Petersburg, Russia. Lives and works in St. Petersburg and Berlin.
Other films by Dimitry Vilensky: http://dmvilen.rutube.ru/

http://translate.eipcp.net/transversal/0307/vilensky/en (in english)
(in russian - scroll down to find some english articles / je to rusky - treba ísť trochu nižšie, kde nájdete anglické info)

video, 8’20 min and 7 colour photographs

(en) The video works of St. Petersburg artist Dmitry Vilensky are documentary presentations of everyday life in post-communist Russia today. Through his video interviews, Vilensky introduces the audience to 21st century workers, street artists and anarchist punk rockers alike. The artist is politically aware and courageously takes a stand with his works, criticizing those who hold power and transmit information, and also the economic powers that be. Another forum for the artist to take a stand is the free newspaper What Is To Be Done?, which is also published as an art project and which examines open group action and revolutionary actions.
more: http://www.urb.fi/evm/eng/tyypit/Dimitry_Vilensky_eng.htm

Watch online/Pozri si to online:


The video is with english subtitles. Spoken language is russian.

Titulky (preklad WhAck:):

this blog is shutting down

I am moving to a new blog site. I will no longer be writing here. Please visit me at my new site:
sara in italy blog

Bullshit (2005)

Bullshit (2005)
A Documentary about Vandana Shiva, Sweden 2005, 73 min.


(en) Her opponents call her “The Green Killer”. They gave her “The Bullshit Award” for sustaining poverty. TIME says she is a hero of our times, an icon for youngsters all over the world.

The film is about Vandana Shiva, Indian environmental activist and nuclear physicist, who was awarded the Right Livelihood Award in 1993. It’s a film on globalisation and patenting, on genetic engineering, bio-piracy, indigenous knowledge.

In this documentary, the filmmakers follow Vandana Shiva over a two-year period, from her organic farm at the foot of the Himalayas to institutions of power all over the world. Here Vandana Shiva does battle with one of her toughest opponents, Monsanto, a huge American biotech company, when they try to patent an ancient Indian strain of wheat. Together with Dalits she tries to close down a Coca-Cola plant in Kerala, in a conflict involving groundwater pollution. In this film Vandana Shiva also tackles the question of farmers’ suicide, a backlash of the globalisation.

The filmmakers describe Monsanto from the inside and arrange what proves a shaking meeting between Vandana Shiva and Barun Mitra, liberal think-tank, lobbyist and fierce critic of Vandana Shiva – and the man who gave her the “Bullshit Prize”.

PeA Holmquist and Suzanne Khardalian are Swedish independent filmmakers who have directed more than 50 documentaries, among them several award-winning films, like Gaza Ghetto, Back to Ararat, Unsafe Ground, Her Armenian Prince, From Opium to Chrysanthemums, My Dad the Inspector and I Hate Dogs – the last survivor.

More info: http://www.peaholmquist.com/bullshit/about.htm



Torrent DVD:

Nenašiel som.

Vincenzo Scamozzi's facade

San Giorgio Maggiore will not be achieved before 1614, with Vincenzo Scamozzi's (1548-1616) façade. San Giorgio is a perfect counterpart of the San Marco complex on the other side of St. Mark's Basin.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Happiness is... A Warm Ciabatta!!

I think ciabatta bread makes the best panini, it's not doughy at all, its light with lots of holes in the dough but sturdy enough to hold what ever you put in it, and best of all it has great crunch!

You could roast your veggies ahead of time and put this together for a great weekend lunch in no time at all. I had some grilled eggplant sitting in my frig from the other day, and other veggies I wanted to use up, so I roasted red and green bell peppers, red onion, cherry tomatoes, and artichoke hearts to go along with it. All were roasted with olive oil, salt and pepper in a 400 degree oven.

Just slice your ciabatta loaf lengthwise, and slather pesto on each side, in this case I used sun-dried tomato pesto, but basil pesto is equally as good. Layer your veggies along with a good sharp cheese, I used Fontinella, it has the flavor of a good provolone, nice and sharp, and it melts great.

Cook it up on your panini press if you have one, or you can use a grill pan with a weighed down lid on top. This was so good! Crunchy on the outside, the roasted flavors of the veggies inside, the sharpness of the cheese, all highlighted by the pesto. Hope you give it a try!
Have a great weekend, and Buon Appetito!

Palazzo Braschi

Comprensione orale: livello avanzato
Segna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni VERE:
Palazzo Braschi si trova nel cuore di Roma.
La guida, per la trasmissione su Palazzo Braschi, è il professor Francesco Teone.
Il Palazzo venne fatto costruire per volere del Papa Pio VI.
Si iniziò a costruire il Palazzo nel 1780.
Il Palazzo fu la residenza del nipote del Papa: Luigi Braschi.
Il Palazzo venne

WACO: The Rules of Engagement

WACO: The Rules of Engagement


(en) Waco: The Rules of Engagement is the first full-length documentary film to present the complete picture of the series of events outside Waco, Texas during 1993 that resulted in the shooting of 4 federal agents and the deaths of 86 men, women, and children of the Branch Davidian religious sect.

Waco: The Rules of Engagement is a highly detailed examination of the interaction between David Koresh, his members, and Federal Law Enforcement. It shows how the FBI misled the public and American political leaders in order to focus overwhelming force on a group whose diversity of race, national origin, and apocalyptic religious beliefs made its members easy targets for lethal abuse of civil and human rights.

Gripping and deeply thought provoking, the film provides America with something it truly needs - an opportunity to review the historical record of events at Waco. The findings raise doubts about the FBI's version of the story and their larger role in similar instances of law enforcement.



Watch online/Pozri si to online:
part 1: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4298137966377572665
part 2: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1755692679103175934


Nenašiel som.

Inside San Giorgio

In the little island of San Giorgio Maggiore, the famous architect Andrea Palladio began in 1559 the construction of this church and monastery. The church will not be achieved before 1614, with Vincenzo Scamozzi's façade (that I'll show you tomorrow).

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Anarchy Radio - 24. 03. 2009

Anarchy Radio - 24. 03. 2009

A weekly anarchist radio show hosted by John Zerzan.


Past shows:

The Red Paintings "Whales Are Dying"

The Red Paintings "Whales Are Dying" Music Video


(en) Orchestral art-rock band, The Red Paintings, collaborated with
Sea Shepherd to record this song the night before the Steve Irwin
left Australia for the latest campaign in Antarctic waters.
Lyrics were written by lead singer, Trash McSweeney in conjunction
with the Sea Shepherd's founder and president, Captain Paul Watson.

Watch online/Pozri si to online:

The Red Paintings "Whales Are Dying" Music Video from The Red Paintings on Vimeo

Erin Brockovich (2000)

Erin Brockovich (2000)


(en) Erin Brockovich is an unemployed single mother, desperate to find a job, but is having no luck. This losing streak even extends to a failed lawsuit against a doctor in a car accident she was in. With no alternative, she successfully browbeats her lawyer to give her a job in compensation for the loss. While no one takes her seriously, with her trashy clothes and earthy manners, that soon changes when she begins to investigate a suspicious real estate case involving the Pacific Gas & Electric Company. What she discovers is that the company is trying quietly to buy land that was contaminated by hexavalent chromium, a deadly toxic waste that the company is improperly and illegally dumping and, in turn, poisoning the residents in the area. As she digs deeper, Erin finds herself leading point in a series of events that would involve her lawfirm in one of the biggest class action lawsuits in American history against a multi-billion dollar corporation.

(cz) Erin Brockovich (Julia Roberts) je dvakrát rozvedená matka tří dětí. Navíc toho času bez zaměstnání a téměř bez peněz. Když se jí konečně podaří uchytit jako nejposlednější sekretářka v advokátní kanceláři Eda Masryho je pevně rozhodnuta chytit svou šanci za pačesy. Při rešerši jednoho banálního případu narazí na stopu znečišťování podzemních vod elektrárenskou společností. Následky, které zanechal jedovatý chrom na obyvatelích přilehlého pouštního městečka jsou katastrofální - zhoubné nemoci, genetické změny, potraty. Erin získá důvěru poškozených lidí i svého šéfa a začne dávat dohromady velký případ. Karta
jejího doposud neblahého osudu se konečně obrátila...
Film vznikl podle skutečné události.


Download - english:

Download - cz aj sk audio/czech and slovak audio:
Veľkosť súboru : 1,19 GB Trvanie : 02:05:49
HESLO: pody80


Torrent 720p HDDVD:


San Giorgio's Cloister

The first settlement on San Giorgio (the island that you can see right in front of you when you are on the Piazzetta) dates back to 790, with the construction of the first church dedicated to San Giorgio. The present conventual complex has been built from the 15th to the 17th century. A large part of it (that I will show you tomorrow) is architect Andrea Palladio's work, between 1559 and 1580.

Keeping it Italian: 'A Past' Asciutt' Pt 1

Misconception Americans have about Italian food #32b, Section 2:

Fresh pasta is superior/preferred to dried pasta, the latter being merely a convenient substitute for the unskilled and lazy.

Many times I have heard people say, "But fresh pasta is definitely better." Well, not exactly. I will start by saying that fresh pasta is a more Northern tradition, while dried pasta is a more Southerly thang.

The absolute Mecca for fresh pasta is without a doubt, Emilia-Romagna. That being said, all regions, no matter their Latitudinal persuasion, boast their own fresh pasta. (In Naples, they have eggless scialatielli, made with regular flour and water, typically dressed with frutti di mare...yum!)

Dried and fresh pasta have two very different but equally important uses. For example, no Italian in her right mind would EVER make a puttanesca with fresh pasta (click here to read DoBianchi's excellent history on this misunderstood sauce). On the other hand, who ever heard of dried ravioli? Spaghetti/penne with fresh tomatoes would not be the same without perfectly al dente, high-quality dried pasta.

Since I am a girl of the south, on both sides of the Atlantic, we'll concentrate on the latter. (In my series Keeping it Italian, we'll focus on how to get the good stuff right here at home.)

There are a few indicators of quality to help you navigate a grocery isle (stay away from anything that says "noodles" unless you're making Asian food, please.) The most important is the surface of the pasta, whatever shape it may be. It must-a to be ruvido (that means rough), not like sandpaper, but a bit like the fine side of a fingernail file. This helps the sauce adhere to the pasta, clinging to the hope of making your mouth happy.

Buy one of those bags of 79 cent "noodles" when you buy your good spaghetti. You'll feel the difference!

The second, which reveals itself only after cooking, is the integrity of the pasta. If it falls apart when you stir it with the sauce, it is too old. It may have been a fine bag of love in its prime, but it's a sign that your grocer isn't turning over his stock.

**Digression alert**
One more thing, and this is a personal preference, but I believe with my entire Texan being that all "cut" pasta (penne, ziti, rigatoni, etc) should be ridged, or rigata. There is nothing uglier than a plate of smooth penne, espesh when one or two are broken. Why have Lays when you can have Ruffles? Why would you forgo the extra fun of added texture for the flat and boring landscape of liscia (smooth)?

Back to business...

Must we spend 5-7 dollars a pound on Rustichella d'Abruzzo to get it right? Maybe. This is terrific pasta, but this starch's humble purpose in the kitchen becomes a luxury when it should be a nutritious and everyday option.

In most supermarkets you can find DeCecco, which is a fine product, though industrial, but I use it regularly. My favorite, however, is I SapORI di Napoli (this is a bit of a word-play, sapori means flavors, the capitalized ori is the plural of oro, which means gold). I found in this brand what I had been looking for since I returned from Italia. It's made in Caserta (just outside of Naples) and feels like a true artisan pasta.

Otherwise, Garofolo is great AND made in Gragnano. This Southern Italian town is home to panuozzi, eponymous fizzy red wine, and it is molto famous for its dried pasta...

Please stay tuned for Part 2 where we'll talk about cooking the pasta!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

La pizza al taglio

Comprensione orale: livello medioSegna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni VERE:La pizza al taglio è l'ideale per chi vuole consumare un pasto veloce.La pizza al taglio si può mangiare in piedi.La pizza al taglio si può mangiare mentre si parla al telefono.La pizza al taglio non si può mangiare in mezzo alla strada.A Milano, in soli due anni, i consumatori della pizza al taglio sono aumentati

Local cafe on the Zitelle

Although situated right in front of Venice's Zaterre (across the Canale della Giudecca) Giudecca Island (that I showed you from above some days ago) is another quiet place in Venice. Tourists are few, in spite of two major points of interest that are Andrea Palladio's Zitelle and Redentore churches. So the neighbourhood cafes, as this little one two steps from the Zitelle Church, mainly attract local people and workers coming for lunch.

Genova Citta Aperta (2001)

Genova Citta Aperta (2001)

(en) Impressions and expressions of the events that surrounded the
Genoa Social Forum and the G8 meeting in July, 2001.

It was a quite dramatic and traumatic experience for many. This
documentary, which is just one of the many stories that could
have been told, when more than 200.000 people come together,
seeks to illuminate the joyous events, actions and imaginative
theatres that painted the streets of Genova with a positive colour
and gave good reason to be optimistic about the future.

'Genova Citta Aperta' portrays impressions and expressions of the
events that surrounded the G8 meeting and the Genoa Social Forum
in Genova, July 2001. More people and less violence in this
documentary, which featured as one of the headlines in
'Another World is Possible Film Festival' in connection with the
Asian Social Forum in Hyderabad, 2003. The documentary includes
interviews with Genovese residents, artists, an anarchist catholic
priest , the 'Living Theatre', and other interesting characters,
such as environmentalist Nigerian lawyer, Oronto Douglas.

(mpg, 1,4 GB) ftp://st1it:st1it@store.arcoiris.tv/genova_g8/citta_aperta.mpg
(avi,divx, 387 MB) http://www.ngvision.org/download/21/ngv.bradipz.net/new_global_vision/disc06/ngv_ita_ge_20010718_genova_citta_aperta.avi


English transcript:

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Facebook, dal web alla realtà

Comprensione orale: livello avanzato.
Segna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni VERE
Un gruppo di vecchi amici si è ritrovato grazie a Facebook
L'invito è stato spedito con la posta tradizionale
Alla festa ha suonato una gruppo jazz
Gli italiani iscritti a Facebook sono un milione e mezzo
Una ragazza ha ritrovato il suo vecchio fidanzato
L'effetto della festa è stato positivo
Alcuni ragazzi

Monday, March 23, 2009

UK Lola Adesioye about “Blacks, Whites hear Obama differently"

Lola Adesioye is a New York based Socio-Political Commentator who writes about race in the US and the UK. In a blogpost she makes some interesting comments about the story entitled “Blacks, Whites hear Obama differently.”
She writes: "The basic premise of the article is that Obama’s speech and mannerisms are coded in such a way that he can do and say things that black people will recognize and feel familiar and comfortable with, but that will slip under the radar of most white people. He can therefore “be black” and appeal to black people without overtly talking about race."
For instance whites didn't get the meaning of the ‘fist bump’ that Barack Obama and Michelle do, and the fact that Barack Obama plays basketball as opposed to golf.


Right near Venice, the uncontrollable expansion of Marghera's industrial harbour and oil terminal is widely seen as a threat to the lagoon's fragile ecosystem.

Love, Peace and Petrolbombs (2000)

Love, Peace and Petrolbombs (2000)

Run time: 34 min.

(en) Protests against IMF and WB in Prague in 2000.

(cz) Protesty proti 55. zasadaniu Medzinarodneho Menoveho Fondu a Svetovej banky
v Prahe 2000 - 26.-28.9.2000
Rozhovory s kritikmi MMF a SB a zabery z protestov a konfliktov
AK KRAAK - akkraak.squat.net

(de) AK Kraak bei dem IWF- und Weltbanktreffen in Prag.
Internationale Vernetzung und Organisation des Widerstands - AK Kraak begleitet die AktivistInnen bei ihren Vorbereitung für den globalen Aktionstag, am S26 vor dem Kongresscenter und auf der Straße.


Myslím, že nie sú.

Crowd bites Wolf / Dav hryzie vlka (2001)

Crowd bites Wolf / Dav hryzie vlka (2001)
The Czech Connection
World Bank and IMF meet in the Czech capital Prague

Creator: Guerillavision

(en) The Bank and Fund scuttle off to Prague, but an international army of insurrection is waiting. Caught in the middle one man finds his anticipated fortnight on the piss shelved by a chance encounter. Since the WTO protests in Seattle in 1999, Guerillavision have been documenting the campaigns against corporate globalisation from behind the barricades. These are stylistic hard hitting films (Big Rattle in Seattle, Capital's Ill and Crowd Bites Wolf) which pull no punches. But be careful, watching all three together will have you reaching for a rock and heading for the nearest symbol of capitalist oppression...
Date of Production: Jan 2001
Author: Guerillavision

Length: 23min.

Country of production: United Kingdom of Great Britain & N. Ireland

(sk) Protesty proti Medzinarodnemu menovemu fondu a Svetovej banke 26.-28.9.2000 v Prahe.
Svojsky podany ciastocne hrany dokument.

(de) Originalaufnahmen der Proteste gegen IWF und Weltbank in Prag 2000, zusammengeschnitten zu einem kleinen Thriller. Während sich die Elite des Neoliberalismus trifft, um weiteres Unheil auszuhecken, bleibt auch die Gegenseite nicht untätig: In der zapatistischen Kommandozentrale entwirft Subcommandate Marcos den Schlachtplan zum strategischen Boykott des Gipfels. Der Ich-Erzähler ist zugleich Kontaktperson in Prag und rasender Reporter, der uns durch die Ereignisse führt.



Sú na to titulky??? Alebo spraví niekto?

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Renato Guttuso

Comprensione orale: livello avanzato
Segna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni VERE:
Guttuso nacque nel febbraio del 1918.
A sedici anni assistette a un delitto di mafia a Bagheria.
Sua madre si chiamava Giuseppina Panico.
Suo padre si chiamava Gioacchino.
Suo padre era agricoltore.
Suo padre scriveva, dipingeva e suonava il pianoforte.
Dopo il liceo classico Guttuso si iscrisse a

American History X / Kult hákového kríža (1998)

American History X / Kult hákového kríža (1998)
Drama / Thriller USA, 1998, 119 min


(en) Derek Vinyard returns from prison to find his younger brother, Danny, caught in the same web of racism and hatred that landed him in prison. After Derek's father is killed in the line of duty by a minority, Derek's view of mankind is altered, but while in prison, he discovers that there is good and bad in every race. The task before him now is to convince Danny of his newfound enlightenment.

(cz) Derek Vinyard (Edward Norton) byl šťastným člověkem. Rodina držela pohromadě a ve škole patřil k nejlepším. Pak ale přišel zlom jeho života, když mu jeho otce, který byl profesionálním hasičem zastřelili při práci v černosšském ghettu. To Dereka přesvědčilo o tom, aby se stal neonacistickým stoupencem. V této skupině stoupal výš a výš, až se dostal na velící post pod největšího šéfa Camerona (Stacy Keach), který všechny své rozkazy ze strachu před policií vydával přes Dereka. Když se mu v noci skupina černochů snažila ukrást auto, tak dva z nich zastřelil. Dostal se na tři roky do vězení, kde konečně pochopil i záporné stránky této organizace. Po návratu z vězení však na něj čekalo další nemilé překvapení. Neonacistické názory začal vyznávat i jeho mladší šestnáctiletý bratr Danny (Edward Furlong). Derek začíná chápat, že návrat do normálního života nebude žádná slast, zvláště pokud mu jeho staré ideály připomíná i spousta tetování.


Download - english:
---or--- Disk 1:
Disk 2:

Download - czech/český dabing:
ŽIADNE HESLO (rozbaľ pomocou 7-ZIP)


American History X 1998 720p BluRay x264-REVEiLLE


Lunch time

It's oranges season, isn't it! Some little connoisseur...

Sacco e Vanzetti

Comprensione orale: livello medioIndicare le affermazioni vereNel luglio 1921 i due anarchici italiani Sacco e Vanzetti furono giustiziati per omicidio a BostonErano accusati di aver ucciso due uomini a BostonSecondo l'accusa, i due avevano trafugato anche le buste paga per un valore di circa cinquemila dollariEntrambi avevano dei validi alibi: all'ora del delitto stavano lavorando in un'altra

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Ricotta Poundcake

This is hands down my favorite poundcake! I can't say enough good things about it, except that it's so moist, rich in flavor, and just plain delicious! I've made it several times ever since I first saw the recipe in "Dolce Italiana" by Gina De Palma. Everyone who takes a bite of this always says the same thing, "OMG this is so good!"

The original version, which I made here, is vanilla based, and it's truely outstanding. I also make a Lemon flavored version replacing the vanilla with Limoncello and freshly grated lemon peel, and all I can say is "OMG it's so good too!"

I thought I'd bake a cake to celebrate Spring. Finally it's here in Chicagoland!! Doors and windows are open, birds chirping, dogs barking, kid's playing, people working in their gardens, and no sign of coats anywhere!!

Adapted from Gina's recipe
1 1/2 cups of cake flour
2 1/2 teapoons of baking powder
1 teaspoon of kosher salt
3/4 cup or 6oz unsalted butter, softened
1 1/2 cups fresh whole milk ricotta ( mine wasn't whole milk & it turned out perfect)
1 1/2 cups of granulated sugar
3 large eggs
1/2 vanilla bean ( I didn't have any at the time, and believe me it was just as good!)
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract ( I added a little more because I didn't use a vanilla bean)
Confectioners sugar for dusting

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F, and position rack in center. Grease and flour a 9-inch loaf pan.

In a medium bowl, sift together cake flour, bak powder, and salt, set aside. With your mixer cream together the butter, ricotta, and sugar on medium speed until smooth, about 2 min's. Beat eggs in one at a time, scraping down the sides of the bowl after each addition. Split the vanilla bean, scrape out, and beat into the batter along with the extract. On low speed beat in the dry ingredients. Scrape down and beat for 30 seconds more.

Pour batter into prepared pan, smooth down with a spatula. Gently wack pan on counter to remove air pockets. Bake just for 15 min's, then turn pan 180 degrees to ensure even browning. Lower temp to 325 degrees F and bake till cake springs back lightly, the sides start to pull away, and when it comes out clean in the center, about 25 min's more.

Ok, here's a couple of things I noted. Depending on how wet your ricotta is you might have to bake it longer, so drain your ricotta for a while if it's very wet. This time I added an extra 15 min's to the time. One other time I made this, I added another 1/2 hour. So just watch it and keep testing for doneness. Cool on a wire rack, then invert, and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Rio di san Girolamo

Just behind Venice's Gettho, this large and quiet canal and its fondamenta (its bank) which is sadly little known to tourists.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Footage Of March 15 Anti-Police Riot In Montreal

Footage Of March 15 Anti-Police Riot In Montreal


Arturo Toscanini

Comprensione orale: livello medio-avanzato
Indicare le affermazioni vere
Arturo Toscanini morì a New York nel 1957
Nella città americana furono celebrati i funerali
Ai funerali parteciparono poche decine di persone
Toscanini era nato a Parma
Dopo il conservatorio, si recò in Brasile per suonare il violino
A Rio de Jainero, dovette sostituire improvvisamente il direttore d'orchestra e fu un

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Linea 51

Coming back home on the vaporetto 51, which skirts around Venice, worming its way between the Bacino Statione Marittima and the Dorsoduro, before arriving in the wide Canale della Giudecca. A much faster way than the Grand Canal line (though less beautiful indeed) to link Piazale di Roma to Piazza San Marco, the Riva degli Schiavoni or the Giardini.

MINE: Story of a Sacred Mountain (2009)

MINE: Story of a Sacred Mountain (2009)
What will one tribe have to do to save everything they know?

Toby Nicholas, UK, english/Oriya, 2009, 16 min.

(en) Narrated by Indian-born actress Joanna Lumley, “Mine” tells the story of the Dongria Kondh tribe in Orissa, India, who are struggling to protect the Niyamgiri hills from an open-cast bauxite mine proposed by Vedanta Resources.

The Dongria Kondh regard themselves as the traditional caretakers of the hills, which they believe to home to their god, Niyamraja Penu. They say the hills must remain inviolate, and protected at all costs. Without the Niyamgiri hills, the Kondh say, “there is no life for us.”

(sk) Tento film rozpráva príbeh kmeňa Dongria Kondh z oblasti Orissa v Indii, ktorý bojuje, aby zachránil hory Niyamgiri pred otvorenou ťažbou bauxitu, plánovanou firmou Vedanta Resources.

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Writing a letter to the Indian government lets them know you care about the fate of the Dongria Kondh. We'll send you a personalized PDF file, ready to print and post.
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Watch online (12 min. version):

Pozrite si to online (slovenské titulky - 16 min. verzia):

Download (12 min. version):

12 min. - http://www.opensubtitles.org/en/subtitles/3705387/mine-story-of-a-sacred-mountain-en
16 min. - http://www.opensubtitles.org/en/subtitles/3705390/mine-story-of-a-sacred-mountain-en

12 min. - http://www.opensubtitles.org/en/subtitles/3705391/mine-story-of-a-sacred-mountain-sk
16 min. - http://www.opensubtitles.org/en/subtitles/3705393/mine-story-of-a-sacred-mountain-sk