Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What I love about my small town and living in Italy

Many of my friends back home in LA ask me what it is like living in Tuscany, especially in a small town. Chiusi has a population of approximately 9000 people and growing. This includes all the little surrounding towns, called “frazioni”. I have to say the one thing that I do love, that really puts a smile on my face is the fact that you know so many people and they know you….by name! Imagine

Seasons and Closets while Living in Italy

Having been born and raised in Los Angeles, I was somewhat spoiled and oblivious to seasons, heavy clothing and the whole “cambio di stagione” or changing of seasons with regard to your closet. Let me explain. In L.A. most of us have closets that are built into the walls. Some people have walk-in closets and others have those where you just slide open a door and are arm’s length away to anything

Italiane, un popolo di stiliste

Comprensione orale: livello medio-avanzato
Segna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni VERE:
La maggioranza delle italiane interpreta la moda con originalità
I jeans rimangono un feticcio
Se ne è discusso a Parigi durante le sfilate di moda
Il 65% delle donne italiane si sente stilista di sé stessa
E' il risultato di una ricerca dell'Università Statale di Milano
La stilista A. Ferretti è

La morte di Paul Newman

Comprensione orale: livello medioSegna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni VERE:P. Newman è morto a 83 anniEra figli di genitori ebreiCombatté in Europa durante la Seconda Guerra MondialeTerminato l'Actor's Studio, debuttò in teatro nel 1953In "Lassù qualcuno mi ama" interpretò il pugile R. GrazianoSul set incontrerà J. Woodward. Si sposeranno ma il matrimonio durerà pocoVinse il premio Oscar

Monday, September 29, 2008

Butternut Squash Lasagna w/ Roasted Garlic and Rosemary Bechemal!!

I'm a late bloomer in my love for butternut squash. I never wanted to cut up a big squash like that and bake it, I'd rather have a sweet potato! . But then a couple years ago I had the most amazing soup made of butternut squash, and I was hooked!

I started to see it everywhere in magazines, and on cooking shows. I saw it in souffle's, gratin's, ravioli's, in grain's, pasta dishes. I saw it roasted, maple glazed, pureed, in tart's, and even in muffin's and cakes! Suddenly it seemed it was so in vogue!! How come I never noticed this awesome vegetable before? Whats wrong with me?

And guess what! It's one of those power foods, high in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and beta carotene. I'm sure by now all of you have tried this versatile vegetable, but in case you haven't, go out and get some, please! You won't be disappointed.

Which brings me to this lasagna I made over the weekend. I have to admit Hubby wasn't all that excited when I told him I was making a butternut squash lasagna. He gave me a look like, "Huh." He's typically a lasagna purist with the red sauce, but I knew he would love this, and he did!

After searching on the Internet and picking bits and pieces of different recipes I came up with this. I liked the idea of garlic in the sauce, but I thought roasted garlic would make the flavor even more intense, and as it turned out I think it really made the whole dish!

I roasted the garlic a day ahead, as I knew I was going to make this. It also calls for no -boil lasagna, which I'm still of the old school boil kind, and I'm not convinced I like them yet. They are very convenient and fast though. Here I used the Barilla brand. What are your thoughts on no- boil ??

About 3lbs. of peeled, seeded, squash in 1/2 in. slices
2 Heads of Roasted Garlic
1 Box of No-Boil Lasagna
Parmesan Cheese around 1 1/2 cups
Bechemal Sauce

First, you need to roast your squash in a hot oven at 425 degrees. till tender. Make sure you drizzle it with olive oil, salt and pepper. It will probably take about 25 mins.
In the meantime make a pot of bechemel by melting 1/4 to 1/2 cup of butter and then mixing in 1/4 to 1/2 cup of flour, keep whisking, then squeeze in your roasted garlic, add salt and black pepper.
Pour about 5 cups of milk in and whisk till thick. When squash is cooked, stir it into the sauce along with the rosemary ( about 1 tbl.) and half of the Parmesan cheese.

IMPORTANT TIP HERE:I would have liked to had a little more sauce, the noodles soaked it up as it cooked, so you might want to make more. Next time I will.
Reduce oven temp to 375F. Layer it like you would any lasagna. Spray your baking dish, layer the noodles, and spread the sauce mixture all over, and sprinkle with cheese. Continue layering till done. Sprinkle more cheese on top. Cover with foil. Bake around 35 to 40 mins. Uncover and cook till golden brown.
The roasted garlic sauce infused with rosemary, complimented the squash so well, it was heavenly!

Buon Appetito!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Lavash Crackers w/ Artichoke Salsa! Daring Bakers September Challenge

This month's challenge was to make Lavash crackers along with a dip, spread, a salsa, or a relish of some sort. Here's the challenge... the crackers had to be made with an all purpose wheat flour, or a gluten free flour, I choose the wheat flour, because I had it in my house, but the toppings had to be made gluten and vegan free!

Our host's this month are alternative Daring Bakers, Natalie from Gluten A Go Go, and Shel, from Musings From The Fish Bowl. I want to thank them for picking a savory recipe this time, it was nice for a change. The recipe comes from the book, The Art Of Extraordinary Bread, By Peter Reinhart. Please check out their blogs for the complete recipe's and instructions on the crackers.

This took no time to get the dough together, I think it took longer to knead it! I probably didn't roll it thin enough I should have divided the dough in half, and rolled it into 2 pans, but I didn't!!

I used a dry seasoning I have that is a mixture of rosemary, garlic, lemon peel, and spicy red pepper, to press into the cracker dough. Some stuck, some didn't!

All in all this was a very easy and fun challenge, and who knew, I'd learn how to make crackers!!

The topping I chose was a very quick "Artichoke Salsa" which by the way is vegan, and gluten free! It's simply made by opening a jar or two of your favorite marinated artichokes, draining them and pulsing them in your food processor. When finished pulsing, pour into your bowl.

Then chop some red onion, slice up some kalamata olives, 1 clove of smashed garlic, and diced and seeded tomatoes. Finish off with salt, pepper, shredded basil, a hint of lemon peel and a little olive oil to taste.

It actually tasted really good with the crackers, and it was a great appetizer with a glass of wine!

Please check out the ever growing Daring Baker blogroll for all their cracker creations!

Buon Appetito!

La lingerie di Dita von Teese

Dita von Teese

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Scuola di Geisha

Comprensione orale: livello avanzato
Segna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni VERE:
In quale città del Giappone si trova la casa da thè?
Tokyo - Kyoto - Nagoya - Osaka

Generalmente a chi è vietato l'ingresso?
turisti - giapponesi - donne - bambini

Kyoto è?
la capitale del Giappone - l'antica capitale del Giappone - una città qualunque

Quante scuole per diventare Geisha ci sono a Kyoto?

La parola "mostro"

Comprensione orale: livello avanzato
Segna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni VERE:
Il giornalista in studio si avvale di un'immagine del film King Kong per introdurre la parola "mostro".
In questo film il gorilla sale sull'Empire State.
In questa sequenza il gorilla è circondato da uccelli.
In questa sequenza il gorilla butta giù dall'edificio la bella che ha rapito.
La parola "mostro"

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Onion Soup w/ Fontina Garlic Bread! O Foods For Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month!!

September is Ovarian Cancer research and awareness month. The blogosphere is a buzz with many bloggers helping to spread the word! Spear heading this awareness along with having a contest is Sara, of Ms Adventures in Italy, Jenn, of The Leftover Queen, and Michelle, of Bleeding Espresso.
We were asked to spread the word by posting a recipe that either started or ended with the letter O. All details are here.

This is my small part of spreading the word for a cause that's near and dear to my heart! Ovarian Cancer claimed the life of my mother when I was 9, and a vibrant niece at age 26.

Please click on the link to read about signs and symptoms, and how you can help!

Now on to this warm and satisfying recipe!

5 onions sliced
6 Cups of Stock ( Beef or Vegetable) I used Beef
3 Tbl. of Brandy
1 tsp. sugar
A little flour, Olive Oil and Butter

Warm a little butter and olive oil in heavy pan, add onions and cook till soft and a deep golden brown. Don't rush the cooking time or else onions will become bitter, stir frequently on a medium heat. Add your thyme, salt, pepper, and sugar.
Meanwhile get your stock nice and hot in another pan. Stir about 2 Tbl. of flour over your golden brown onions, and whisk in gently your hot stock. Add your Brandy and simmer for 10 mins.

To make the Fontina garlic bread, simply rub garlic over a nice chunk of bread, something that has some body, like a good crusty baguette. Slice Fontina cheese on top, and stick it under your broiler for a few mins. or place in an oven till golden.

I hope you try this rich and flavorful soup!

Buon Appetito!!

Air Travel With Children

I promised myself that I would write something informative and helpful about traveling with children since we have now done Italy - Los Angeles roundtrip four times with the children. Each time I learn more and more about making the trip more pleasant for me, my children and the fellow passengers. I have also learned a bit about jet lag with kids. Read on:PreparationClothing and food/drinks:Make

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

La chiesa del Gesù

Comprensione orale: livello avanzato
Segna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni VERE:
La chiesa del Gesù si trova a Roma.
La pala dell'altare rappresenta l'esaltazione di S. Girolamo.
La pala è stata ideata da Andrea del Pazzo.
La pala è stata realizzata alla fine del '700.
In essa sono rappresentati i 4 continenti conosciuti allora.
In essa Cristo consegna a S. Ignazio una croce.
Mediante un

Routines and Living in Italy

Having a family in Italy is no easy chore. Unless you are some kind of a true aristocrat and can afford a live in babysitter, house manager and a live in cook, the routines in Italy can kill you.Pane, Pane, PaneIn this culture it is a crime not to have fresh bread everyday. This means that someone in the household has to go to the local bakery everyday to buy just enough bread for the day. It is

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Il melone

Comprensione orale: livello avanzatoSegna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni VERE:Il servizio è stato girato a Savoia.Il melone proviene dall'Africa.Il signore intervistato si chiama Claudio.I campi del signore intervistato si trovano nel Circeo.Il terreno in cui vengono coltivati i meloni è fangoso.Il clima è un fattore molto importante nella coltivazione dei meloni.La temperatura deve

L'attentato a Palmiro Togliatti

Comprensione orale: livello medio/avanzatoSegna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni VERE:Nel luglio 1948, P. Togliatti, segretario della Democrazia Cristiana, subì un attentatoUn folle gli sparò davanti al Palazzo del ParlamentoTogliatti era il Capo del GovernoA Torino e Genova decine di migliaia di persone scesero in piazza per protestareLa CISL proclamò lo sciopero generaleLa folla si placò

Friday, September 19, 2008

D'Annunzio e Fiume

Comprensione orale: livello medio/avanzato
Segna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni VERE:
Nel 1920 G. D'Annunzio fu espulso con la forza da Fiume
Il poeta rimase ferito in uno scontro a fuoco con le truppe italiane
Tutto era iniziato nel 1919, quando Fiume aveva chiesto di essere annessa all'Italia
Subito dopo, D'Annunzio e i suoi legionari entrarono a Fiume, tra le proteste della

Artichoke Frittata

If you're having a busy week, no need to drive threw those tasteless burger places for dinner, you know which ones I'm talking about! Why not go home and whip up a frittata?

Frittata's are quick and easy to make, you can put just about anything you want in them, and it's a great way to use up some leftover veggies or meats.

Great for a light dinner or a fancy brunch, frittata's are pure comfort food for me and the Hubby!

In this recipe all I used was 1 bag of frozen artichokes, ( I'm putting in another plug for Trader Joes, they have the best frozen artichokes, I can't live without them!) which I quickly defrosted in my microwave. While it was defrosting I turned my broiler on, took out my saute pan quickly drizzled it with olive oil, sauteed some green onion, diced red pepper, and thinly shaved garlic. I also tossed in the artichokes (which were gently squeezed of any water) just to flavor them up.
After they were sauteed in the olive oil a little, I took them them back out of the pan, and set aside.

In the meantime beat some eggs with a little milk, add a generous amount of grated romano cheese, salt, pepper and whatever herbs you want, if any.
Pour egg mixture into the pan, now arrange your artichokes cut side up around the frittata, and slowly let the eggs set, about 10 min's. When set, sprinkle top with more grated cheese and stick the whole thing under the broiler till golden brown. Garnish with fresh parsley and more cheese if you want.

After it cools off a little I think the flavors really come out, with every bite you'll taste the cheese, and that hint of the shaved garlic, and lets not forget the star of this dish, the artichokes!

Have a good weekend and Buon Appetito!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Televisori digitali di plasma

Specialty- Vacation Tours -In Italy

Once you have done the usual Italy vacation itinerary with tourist stops of Rome, Florence, Venice etc- the following visits to Italy could be spending more time in one particular area and doing a specialty tour.Let's explore these. Specialty tours are short vacations based around a paticular hobby or activity. These can be formal as taking a course in cooking, jewelry making, ceramics/pottery or

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My Tuscany

Here is a really short post just to tell you that sometimes I will admit I get carried away with the daily routines and forget about how really lucky I am to be living here. Yes there are daily and annoying routines here too and it not all about sipping Chianti and listening to Andrea Boccelli all day long. Sometimes when things get to me I have to remember what it is I came out here for in the

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Trenta euro per tre panini

Comprensione orale: livello elementareSegna con una crocetta le risposte VERE:Quanti euro hanno speso in tutto i ragazzi?53 - 33 - 37 - 43Chi era in compagnia di Giancarlo Calanni?Un gruppo di amici - un gruppo di cugini - un gruppo di turisti - un gruppo di bambiniIn quale paese della Sicilia sono stati venduti i panini?Lipari - Sciacca - Cinisi - TusaCom'erano i panini?imbottiti - all'olio -

Employment - in Italy

Ok the logical question before someone decides to move to Italy is will I be able to find work? And of course it would be wise to think about this before actually moving to Italy! I will tell you a little of what I learned during my ten years in Italy with regard to work.Teaching English Yes there is always a great demand no matter where you go in Italy to learn English from a native speaker. You

Monday, September 15, 2008

La resa del Giappone (1945)

Comprensione orale: livello medio/avanzato
Segna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni VERE:
Nel 1946 finisce la guerra nel Pacifico.
La resa viene firmata il 2 settembre sulla corazzata Missouri.
Con la resa si conclude la seconda Guerra Mondiale.
Il generale McArthur ottiene la promozione.
Diventa generale a 4 stelle.
È stato il simbolo della resistenza giapponese.
Il generale McArthur firma

Goya e l'Italia

Comprensione orale: livello medio/avanzato
Segna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni VERE:
Il legame tra i pittori spagnoli e quelli italiani non è stato molto stretto in passato
A Madrid è in corso una mostra sul Settecento napoletano
A Saragozza è stata invece inaugurata una mostra dal titolo "Goya e Italia"
Goya partecipò ad un concorso pittorico a Parma, vincendolo
Il pittore aragonese

Finding and Buying Property - in Italy

Well, here it is: my first post on my first blog. This is a first of a multi part series on finding property in Italy and everything related to moving to Italy. I will not go into detail on how I got here since you can read about that in future posts and on my profile. Instead let me tell you what I learned about finding and purchasing property in Italy.How long will it take to find your home?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Mezzanotte!!! (Midnight)

Pure decadence! That's how I describe this amazing coffee cocktail called, "Mezzanotte".
This is something you'd would want to make for a very special occasion. Dark chocolate, espresso, vodka, and coffee liqueur, make up this little treat! Who wouldn't want to sip one of these? It's like having your espresso and dessert all in one!

Consider making these for a very special occasion, I know I am! In case you haven't heard, there's a big bash going on in the blogosphere. Susan, over at Sticky, Gooey, Creamy, Chewy, is celebrating her 1 year blogiversary, and we're all invited to her virtual cocktail party!! If you haven't already met Susan, please go over and check out her wonderful blog, It's full of family stories that will bring tears to your eyes, and snippets of her life that will make you laugh out loud, along with all her glorious food!!

I've decided to bring this cocktail as my contribution to her party. It's going to be a long night, and I figure we will be sipping these well past midnight!!

Mezzanotte Cocktail
2 oz. Vodka
2 Shots of Espresso ( 1 oz. each)
1 oz. simple Sugar
1/2 oz. of Coffee Liqueur ( Kahlua, Godiva, or Starbucks)
Chocolate Syrup
One Stick of Dark Chocolate
Chocolate Shavings
Sugar the rim of a martini glass. Swirl chocolate syrup inside the glass. Pour your Vodka, sugar, espresso, and coffee liqueur, into a shaker with ice. Shake vigorously. Strain. Garnish with chocolate shavings and a chocolate stick.
Cin Cin!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Il lago di Puccini

Comprensione orale: livello medio/avanzato
Segna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni VERE:
Torre del Lago si trova in provincia di Lucca.
Vi si festeggia il 150º anniversario della morte di Puccini.
Il 15 luglio è stato inaugurato un teatro all'aperto.
Il teatro ha una capienza di 3.200 persone.
Paolo Giorgi è un pittore.
Paolo Giorgi è un appassionato della musica e dell'opera di Puccini.

I pomodori di Pachino

Comprensione orale: livello elementareSegna con una crocetta le risposte VERE:La giornalista si trova:In Calabria - in Sicilia - in PugliaL'impianto delle piantine di pomodoro si fa:da ottobre a novembre - da dicembre a febbraio - da settembre a novembreDall'impianto alla raccolta passano:90 giorni - 120 giorni - 70 giorniTutta la raccolta dura:da 150 a 180 giorni - da 120 a 140 giorni - da 100 a

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Peppino Impastato

Comprensione orale: livello avanzato
Segna con una crocetta solo le risposte VERE:
Peppino Impastato è stato ucciso dalla mafia.
Peppino Impastato è stato ucciso il 9 maggio 1978.
Quello stesso giorno venne ucciso Aldo Moro.
Il cadavere di Aldo Moro venne ritrovato in un'auto in Via Tani.
Peppino Impastato lavorava a Radio Aut.
Il fratello Giacomo è presente in studio.
Peppino Impastasto fu

Monday, September 8, 2008

Risotto Primavera Cake!

I'm beginning to see a trend in my cooking. I've noticed I have a fondness for molded foods! No really! Check it out! Here, here, here, here, and here. And now I'm adding this one to my list! I must surely have a problem!!!

I started molding risotto about 10 yrs ago in my green Tupperware Jello mold, you know the one with the whole in the center. I read it somewhere in a magazine many years ago and I thought it was the coolest idea, especially for a dinner party as a side dish, I just liked the idea of cutting off a piece that was all contained, it has a nice presentation.
Believe me I don't do this all the time, we like our risotto the normal way, slathered on our plates too, but for something a little different and out of the ordinary, you might want to give this a try.

The other thing I like about this is the fact that you can make your risotto the day before, have all that stirring done, and your kitchen cleaned up! Use any combination you like, you know risotto's a personal thing. Put together the ingredients and flavors you enjoy!
I did a primavera, because I had alot of veggies I wanted to use up. In mine I used zucchini, yellow squash, red and green pepper, mushroom, onions, and pea's. I added to it, fresh parsley and basil, salt, pepper, and grated romano cheese.

The key here is that you use a little less liquid than normal, so it will have a drier consistency, but still be very moist and creamy. The other thing I do is saute my veggies first in another pan and set aside. I don't like my veggies overcooked and mushy, so when the risotto is finished absorbing all the liquid, thats when I'll fold my veggies in.
Grease your mold, here I used a springform pan. Pour your risotto mixture into it, make sure you press it down with the back of a spoon, then wrap in foil and refrigerate it! If you're making it the same day, still keep it in foil, but bake it in a 400 degree oven for about 30 to 35 min. Let it sit for about 5 min's, then un mold. You can serve this hot, cold, or at room temperature.

The important things to remember are, for every 1 cup of rice use 2 1/2 cups of stock, and don't forget to deglaze with a shot of wine, finish it off with a little butter, and the cheese. and don't forget you're going to bake it for about a half hour.
Other than that you could use any risotto recipe you like.
Any one else seeing a trend in their posts?
Buon Appetito Everyone!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Comprensione orale: livello avanzatoSegna con una crocetta sole le risposte giuste:Il servizio è stato girato a Poliformo.Il paese in questione si trova nel Metapontino.Il signore intervistato si chiama Senio.La raccolta dell'albicocca inizia a maggio.In questa zona la raccolta dell'albicocca si tiene con circa un mese di anticipo rispetto ad altre zone.L'anticipo della raccolta è dovuto ad un

Friday, September 5, 2008

La danza del ventre

Adoring Dolcetti!

There's still an abundance of peaches out there and this is a great way to use them up. In fact a whole platter of these is a great thing to bring to a party, trust me I've done it! You can grill them ahead of time either outdoors, or like I did here right here, on my indoor grill.
Cut them in half, scoop out the pit, grill face down, just till you get some grill marks on.
Put a dollop of mascarpone, chopped pistachio's, and a good drizzle of honey!

Do you have any banana's that are starting to look sad? No problem! Wrap them in some tin foil and throw them on the grill, either inside or out.
Let them cook till the skin gets brown and soft in the center, about 20 min's.
In a small sauce pan melt some butter, about 2 Tbl. Now add 1/2 cup of toasted and chopped hazelnuts, a squeeze of lemon juice, and a few Tbl. of light corn syrup.
Pour the warm sauce over your warm banana's with a scoop of vanilla ice cream sprinkled with cinnamon!

Both of these desserts are very quick and so, so, easy to make!! They taste very decadent! and your family and friends will adore you for serving these!

Have a nice weekend, and Buon Appetito!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Harry Potter e il Principe Mezzosangue (I)

Comprensione orale: livello medioSegna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni VERE:Il prossimo film su H. Potter in uscita nelle sale è il 3° della serieL'attesa dei fans per l'uscita del film è piuttosto contenutaNella prima scena del film mostrata nel video, Harry parla con Albus SilenteNel film Harry si proietta nel futuroIl film uscirà nelle sale il 21 novembreA dicembre l'autrice dei libri

Harry Potter e il Principe Mezzosangue (II)

Comprensione orale: livello medioCompleta le frasiEd ora parliamo di Harry Potter perché ______ ________ dei fans per il nuovo film ispirato alla ____ ___ _________. Si tratta del sesto film della serie ed ecco quindi le prime immagine ...... quelli che _____ _____________ sono ricordi. In questo caso riguardano ____ ___ _______________; questo è forse il ricordo più importante da me


Comprensione orale: livello medio
Segna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni VERE:
Rasputin morì in ospedale il 17 dicembre 1916
Era un operaio siberiano di 37 anni
Era colto
Il figlio dello zar era malato di emofilia
Rasputin lo aveva del tutto guarito
Il popolo lo venerava come un santo
Lo zar lo baciava sulle guance
Era odiato dai nobili
Si era dimenticato delle sue origini contadine

Maria Callas, fiera e fragile

Comprensione orale: livello avanzato
Guarda il video e rispondi alle domande
Da quanti anni è scomparsa Maria Callas?
Chi è il giovane che parla nel video?
Di quale romanzo si parla nel video?
Con quale appellativo era conosciuta la Callas?
Come è stata la vita della Callas?
Di quale nazionalità era il grande amore della Callas?
La Callas non si riprese più da un terribile dolore, quale?

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Lo chef italiano più famoso al mondo

Comprensione orale: livello medioSegna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni VERE:Il ristorante di G. Marchesi è a VeneziaMarchesì è considerato il re della cucina italianaE' contrario alla prassi dei voti dati ai cuochiLo chef Barbieri dice che i voti sono utili e fanno crescere professionalmenteLo chef Cracco dice che le guide non sono indispensabiliLo chef Perbellini dice che è necessario

Monday, September 1, 2008


One night recently, a friend asked me what was the wine--that one, that inspired me along this path. Thinking about it, I've noticed that a lot of people have these passionate tales of a revelatory Barolo or Burgundy (or in his case, a Spatburgunder). It's all very romantic to have a such a beautiful story, or some one-word answer with a respectable D/AOC attached.

For me though, there wasn't one wine that turned the key that opened the door to this technicolor world. I didn't have such a tidy response. There was just a beginning, the first steps of a journey.

It's funny, but white zinfandel was my first wine, though I didn't stay there for long. My active curiosity quickly (and thankfully) swept me along on a current of new places and better wines.

My love for wine is one manifestation of this curiosita', a theme that has also led me away from home and back again. To me, wine has always been a stained-glass window to the world, a way to touch another culture and understand it's eno-gastronomic traditions; a way to travel that is much more visceral than vicarious. (Such a gift!)

Of course there have been special players along the way, wines which have made my ears perk...wines which have sent shivers down my spine...wines that stayed with me long after their ephemeral physical selves were poured and drunk.

Those have been special. But when asked to explain where my love of wine comes from, I have to say that it is the taste of an exotic place, connection with foreign geography right in my own home, and perhaps most thrillingly of all, there is always something to learn.

And for the thirsty ones out there like me, that's the key. What's yours?

Balsamic and Herb Grilled Chicken Breasts with Roasted Red Pepper and Basil Salsa!!

Even though Labor Day is long gone, there's still plenty of time left for grilling!
The flavors in this dish go so well together, I hope you'll give it a try before grilling season is over.
Marinating the chicken is the key here, so you'll want to do it for at least 2 hours.

In a Ziploc bag place 4 chicken breasts, 2 crushed garlic cloves, herbs of your choice, I used rosemary, oregano, and thyme, you can use fresh or dry. 1 tbl. of Dijon mustard, 3 tbl. of olive oil, 1/4 cup of balsamic vinegar, plus some salt and fresh ground pepper.

When done marinating, place on your grill to cook.

While your chicken is marinating grill your red peppers. Peel, seed, then cut them into a dice.
Place in a bowl along with some crushed garlic, lots of fresh basil, red wine vinegar, olive oil, salt and black pepper. Let everything sit together at room temperature.

When your chicken breasts are done grilling, you'll want to spoon this roasted red pepper salsa on top. You won't believe how good these flavors taste together! So please, fire up your grill and give this a try!

Buon Appetito Everyone!