Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Portella della Ginestra

La strage di Portella della Ginestra (1947)

I piselli

Comprensione orale: livello avanzatoSegna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni VERE:Il servizio è stato girato a Monopoli.Il signore intervistato si chiama Vito Locascio.La varietà di pisello che coltiva si chiama strillo.I piselli si iniziano a seminare dal mese di ottobre.La raccolta dei piselli avviene da aprile a giugno.La raccolta dei piselli si realizza con delle macchine speciali.I

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Grilled shrimp (marinate the shrimp in lemon peel, lemon juice, olive oil, crushed garlic, then grill)
Cooked orzo pasta
Diced and seeded English cucumber
Diced red onion
Crumbled feta
Fresh lemon and lemon peel
Mint, parsley, a little oregano
Make a vinaigrette by whisking olive oil, fresh squeezed lemon juice, a little crumbled feta, salt and pepper,and white wine vinegar, and a crushed garlic clove. Taste it to your liking either adding more or less.
Place all ingredients in a bowl, adding all the herbs, more feta, (make sure it's in small crumbles)pour your vinaigrette over all the ingredients, taste it and make sure you have enough of everything! Adjust it to your liking.
Cooked bowtie pasta
Grape tomatoes sliced in half
Fresh mozzarella cut in chunks ( I used a dry pack)
Fresh basil
Place everything in your bowl and coat with good olive oil, salt and pepper
The juices will come out of the tomatoes and flavor the oil and give a great taste to the salad.

These salads are great for any party, lunch with the girls (or guys), BBQ's, and picnic's.
Hope you give them a try!
Buon Appetito!!

Monday, April 28, 2008


Comprensione orale: livello medio/avanzatoSegna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni VERE:Cala Rossa viene anche detta Punta Zero.Il professor che fa da guida alla giornalista si chiama Rosi.Cala Rossa si trova nella punta settentrionale dell'isola.L'isola è di origine vulcanica.Geologicamente Capraia è un'isola vecchia.Nell'isola ci sono delle terrazze coltivabili.Il vulcano che ha originato

Sunday, April 27, 2008

CHEESECAKE POPS! ( Daring Bakers)

This happened to be a very timely challenge for me, because yesterday my daughter and I hosted a personal shower for my neice. I thought "what a great idea, I'll make these for the shower!" Considering I had a bunch of other things to cook and bake for the shower, this might not have been such a good idea! Doing something new and unfamiliar, then dipping and decorating them, and of course taking pictures! Well you know what I mean!!

Thursday night I baked the cheesecake which by the way, took me 65 min. to bake. My oven is only 2 years old and very accurate, so I set the timer for the 35 to 45 min. that the recipe called for, but it just didn't set. Other than that, I had no problems at all!

Here is the perfectly set and cooled cheesecake!

This months challenge of these DECADENT Cheesecake Pops, was hosted by two ladies, Elle, of Feeding my Enthusiasms and Deborah, at Taste and Tell. Go over to their blogs to check out the whole recipe. I have to admit these little pops were quite a hit at the shower, I got alot of "Ooooh's" and "Ahhhh's" A big thanks to them both!

As far as the melting of the chocolate, I did mine in the microwave, stirring every 30 seconds, it turned out nice and glossy and stuck to the frozen cheesecake balls perfectly.

I decided to decorate the lolipop stick with pipe cleaners, they were super easy to bend around, and I liked the color it added. Great for a Girlie shower!!

I got a little carried away with what I decorated them with. Here is what I used:

Mini chocolate chips



Chopped pecans

Crushed Oreo cookies

Plain chocolate

Crushed Skors toffee bar

Crushed Biscotti ( of course I had to get something Italian in there!)

These one bite wonders are perfect for any party, trust me, they're worth it!!

Please check out some of the other Daring Bakers amazing Cheesecake Pops here.

Greetings from Tuscany

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Spring is a beautiful season for painters, photographers and lovers... So this spring I'm away for a new web-site that I'm preparing! That's why I've not posted on this blog for some days. I apologise. Back in some days, without fail. Ciao ciao from beautiful Tuscany!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Caratteristi del cinema italiano

Comprensione orale: livello medioSegna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni VERE:Il ruolo dei caratteristi nel cinema italiano è secondarioTra i registi che li hanno utilizzati ricordiamo De Sica, Fellini e MonicelliTiberio Murgia era siciliano ma interpretava sempre personaggi sardiIl suo primo film fu "I soliti ignoti"In quel film, il suo personaggio si chiamava FerribotteMario Brega divenne

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

D'Annunzio, l'amante guerriero

Comprensione orale: livello medio-avanzato
Segna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni VERE:Il libro su D'Annunzio è opera di Giordano Bruno
Il film che lo riguarda è "L'amante guerriero"
Il teatro citato è il Teatro dell'Orologio
Questi lavori commemorano il 70° anniversario della morte dello scrittore
Il giornalista ricorda quanto D'Annunzio fosse disprezzato dalle masse
D'Annunzio viene

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


This past weekend the weather was beautiful, which prompted me to fire up my grill for dinner.
Since I was going to be grilling chicken I knew exactly how I was going to make it. I got my inspiration for this from eyeing Amy's huge jar of Marinata Diavola, over at Familia Bencomo.
What a great idea to have this on hand in your frig during grilling season. Go over and check out her recipe here, I had to change mine up a bit because I didn't have any fresh rosemary, so instead I used dried greek oregano, hence the title...Chicken Oreganato.

What ever herbs you use trust me it will be delicious! Its simply a mixture of fresh lemon juice, extra virgin olive oil, crushed garlic cloves, sea salt, and pepper, and cayenne pepper. ( I only had red pepper flakes). Put it all in a jar, shake it up and use it as a marinade or just brush it on grilled meats, all kinds of fish, and your favorite veggies.

I didn't make enough, so I'll be making lots more. I love having it readily available in my frig, and the longer it sits, the better it tastes. :)

I even brushed it over my lemons that I grilled. If you have never grilled a lemon, you have to try it, it's sweeter and super juicy! I squeezed it all over my chicken, mmmm was it good!!

If you haven't had a chance to visit Amy's blog, or gotten to know her yet, please stop by for a visit, one conversation with her and you'll think you've known her for years! Really!!!
Thanks Amy!

Happy Grilling!!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

La preparazione del pane

Comprensione orale: livello medioSegna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni VERE:La parola italiana "pane" deriva dal latino "panem"Le farine sono ingredienti fondamentali per la preparazione del paneOgni tipo di pane viene preparato con un solo tipo di farinaGli ingredienti sono acqua, farina, malto e saleSi continua ad usare il sistema tradizionale artigianale per l'impastoIl lievito più

Friday, April 18, 2008

Lo yogurt

Comprensione orale: livello avanzatoSegna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni VERE:Il servizio è stato girato in provincia di Cremona.Il signore intervistato si chiama Tremonti.Il signore è il responsabile del laboratorio chimico dello stabilimento.Il latte viene scaricato in appositi serbatoi nello stabilimento.La prima fase di produzione dello yogurt è la concentrazione del latte.Questa fase

three's company

The Bad Company Of Barack Obama
National Review Online: The Senator's "Change" Would Radically Alter This Country
This column was written by Andrew McCarthy

Why is Barack Obama so comfortable around people who so despise America and its allies? Maybe it’s because they’re so comfortable around him.

He presents as the transcendent agent of “change.” Sounds platitudinous, but it’s really quite strategically vaporous. Sen. Obama is loath to get into the details of how we should change, and, as the media’s Chosen One, he hasn’t had to.

But he’s not, as some hopefully dismiss him, a charismatic lightweight with a gift for sparkling the same old vapid cant. Judging from the company he chooses to keep, Obama’s change would radically alter this country. He eschews detail because most Americans don’t believe we’re a racist, heartless, imperialist cesspool of exploitation. The details would be disqualifying.

Continued here.

Can We Fill the Holes in Barack’s Story?
By Larry Johnson from
(Larry C. Johnson is CEO and co-founder of BERG Associates, LLC, an international business-consulting firm with expertise combating terrorism and investigating money laundering. Mr. Johnson works with US military commands in scripting terrorism exercises, briefs on terrorist trends, and conducts undercover investigations on counterfeiting, smuggling and money laundering. Mr. Johnson, who worked previously with the Central Intelligence Agency and U.S. State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism, is a recognized expert in the fields of terrorism, aviation security, crisis and risk management.)

It just does not make sense. Why does Barack move to Chicago after law school? He has hidden this part of his past and frankly, if you are hiding something there is usually a reason and the reason ain’t good. You have a reason to move to a particular city or state. Let me illustrate what I mean. I was raised in Independence, Missouri. I left home to attend the University of Missouri. After getting my Master’s degree I returned to Independence briefly then wound up in Honduras working on a community development project. I came back from Honduras and decided to pursue a Ph.D. I was accepted at American University in Washington, D.C. I moved to Washington and have been in the Washington metro area, off and on, since 1979.

So I return to the question. Why does Barack wind up in Chicago? Here’s a guy who is at the top of the heap at Harvard’s Law School as the head of the Law Review, who could reasonably be expected to earn huge dollars in New York, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, or Boston and he spurns all of these to go to work in Chicago? Why?

There is no family tie that we know of. How about a college roommate? His two books do not explain this. Why my interest? I find it odd that this guy goes to Chicago and becomes part of a circle of folks who are known for politics best described as radical left. Any thoughts?

The Obama Campaign: Consent of, or Contempt for, the People
Expert guest post by Joseph C. Wilson
originally published on Huffington Post

Senator Obama's ill-conceived remarks likening small town Americans to embittered guns-and-God bigots have triggered a justifiable furor. Not only are the remarks insulting, but also factually incorrect.

As it happens, at the same event in San Francisco, Senator Obama made other remarks, equally startling, insulting our Foreign Service, Intelligence Officers, members of Congress who provide oversight, and friendly governments. Like his comments about small town Americans, Obama demonstrated a cavalier disregard for Americans who every day get up determined to make this a better country, whether running the general store in a small town, or representing our national security interests in a foreign country.

This is what Obama said:
Experience in Washington in not knowledge of the world. This I know. When Senator Clinton brags, 'I've met leaders from 80 countries,' I know what those trips are like. I've been on them. You go from the airport to the embassy. There's a group of children who do a native dance. You meet with the C.I.A. station chief and the embassy and they give you a briefing. You go take a tour of a plant that with the assistance of USAID has started something. And then you go.

Obama's arrogance and contempt for career professionals in the national security community is palpable. His contempt reminds me of something Bill Kristol, the editor of the right wing war mongering Weekly Standard, said in a debate with me shortly after the launching of the Iraq War in 2003. We were in Midland, Texas, Laura Bush's home town, and Kristol was asked if he had ever spent time in the Middle East region, to which he responded "I've always believed on the ground experience is highly overrated." That callous disregard for professional expertise and experience is, of course, one of the reasons we so badly miscalculated the consequences of our actions in Iraq. That arrogance is no less offensive coming from Senator Obama. And it is no less wrongheaded.

Foreign Service Officers, Intelligence operatives, and USAID development experts carry out the mandate of our government to represent the interests of the United States, to understand the dynamics in a foreign society so as to better advise our own government on policies to be pursued, and work to improve relations between the United States and the country in question. The world is a dangerous and precarious place, and there are serious issues that constantly need to be engaged with foreign governments. It requires hard work and diligence. We ignore or denigrate that work at our peril.

Senator Obama should know better. After all, in his professional capacity as Chairman of the Senate subcommittee responsible for Europe and NATO, he was in charge of ensuring Congressional oversight of the administration's efforts to generate greater NATO support for operations in Afghanistan. The fact that, by his own admission, he was too busy running for president to convene a single meeting of that subcommittee, should not absolve him of responsibility for acquiring at least some understanding of and respect for the work of career professionals who dedicate their lives to the service of their country.

I was one of those public servants for twenty-three years. My colleagues and I, whether in the Foreign Service, the Military or the Central Intelligence Agency, were and are motivated by a commitment to serve the values that have made this country free and secure, values that are enshrined in our founding documents, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. In exercising our responsibilities, we were careful to ensure that members of Congress were kept abreast and made partners in our efforts to keep America safe. When they visited our posts, we went out of our way to provide substantive briefings, meetings with senior host government officials, trips to USAID projects so elected representatives could see for themselves what the United States was doing to assist citizens of the recipient country improve their lot in life. And yes, there were cultural events, to broaden the perspectives of the visitors and to show respect for the indigenous culture they were being introduced to. Our goal in this was to ensure that those who represent the American people in Congress better understood what we were doing because more knowledge leads to better decisions. Judgment is not intuitive, as Senator Obama asserts; from my hard-won experience as a Foreign Service Officer, that judgment is learned.

Obama has made plain that he is not bothered in the slightest about belittling the work of Foreign Service and CIA Officers serving overseas, often in dangerous circumstances, any more than he is about denigrating Americans from small towns or blaming democrats in Congress, and especially Hillary Clinton, for George W. Bush's war in Iraq. It was not ironic that he made both comments at the same fundraiser in San Francisco. The contempt is consistent.

Trashing Congress, small town Americans, and career national security professionals, while befriending Jeremiah Wright and Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers may be a winning electoral strategy. Who knows? Time will tell. But I suspect that many small town Americans are as offended as my professional colleagues and I by this display of contempt from one who seeks our consent to govern.

Ok, now me:
So, is Obama not only giving Hillary the *one finger salute*, but isn't he really giving us ALL the same gesture?

To be honest, I wasn't sure if he was intentionally flipping the bird, but a lot of people in the media think he was, and regardless of my opinion, it is clear that everone in Obama's audience sure thought he was. There is a list here of some of the sites covering the *bird*.

You know, in thinking about the post from Joe Wilson, it made me think about the comments Obama has made about Washington:

“Our leaders in Washington seem incapable of working together in a practical, common-sense way,” Obama said in a video posted on his Web site. “Politics has become so bitter and partisan, so gummed up by money and influence, that we can't tackle the big problems that demand solutions. And that's what we have to change first.”

"The stakes are too high ... to play the same old Washington games with the same old Washington players."

"What Washington needs is adult supervision."

"We can't change the way Washington works unless we first change how Congress works. "

"Most people who serve in Washington have been trained either as lawyers or as political operatives – professions that tend to place a premium on winning arguments rather than solving problems."

It is interesting to me, that people like Kennedy, Kerry and Dodd, lifelong politicians, don't take some offense to a new kid showing up, and telling them that they suck. I guess they know they suck...? Hmm, well, if they do suck, I guess we don't care about their endorsements? *shrug* Just an observation.

Oh, one other thing. You know how I have blogged about Obama supporters and pro-obama web sites threatening Hillary supporters, ridiculing Hillary supporters, the intimidation and death threats on superdelegates, and Tavis Smiley, his mother, and family, their boycotting of Disney, abc and Mickey Mouse, and just all around rude and vile behavior? Well, now someone has made a video called In Memorium - George Stephanopolous. Just because George dared to ask Obama some questions?

This has definitely become a new type of politics. New politics indeed.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


The other day while I was visiting some of my favorite blogs, I came across a post by Peter of Kalofagas Greek Food & Beyond. He was talking about how he was going to try and feature more side dishes. He felt that sides got little attention compared to the main course, we as bloggers often feature. My thoughts exactly!!! In fact in my house we're all about the sides! Especially with grill season starting its fun to get creative with different sides to have with your main course. Below are a few of our favorites, and as grilling season gets reved up I'll be posting more!

Cook in salted boiling water for 3 min. cauliflower, sliced carrots,and celery. With a slotted spoon, transfer to a tray lined with paper towels. Cool vegetables.
In a large bowl add green and your favorite black olives, drained artichoke hearts, minced garlic, drained eggplant salad, chopped red onion, and all of your cooled down veggies.
Make a vinaigrette of red wine vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, season with salt and pepper, dried oregano, lemon juice, and lemon peel. Refrigerate till cool.

Precook your green beans, make sure they still till have a bite to them. Drain and cool them down.
In a large bowl add cooled beans, kalamata olives, red onion, garbanzo beans, and chopped fresh tomato's. Toss like a salad with red wine vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, oregano, salt and pepper, and granulated garlic. Delicious at room temp, or chilled.

I use the tomatoes on the vine, slice a little off the top, scoop out the pulp and place in a bowl.
arrange scooped out tomatoes on a baking tray lined with foil. Set aside.
Smash up the pulp a little, add to that your cooked risotto, parsley, basil, garlic, olive oil, and salt and pepper, mix well.
Spoon filling into prepared tomatoes, drizzle olive oil all over them, roast until tender and soft.
Depending on how big your tomatoes are it could take up to 40 min. at 400 degreesF.
Serve at room temp.

Prepare artichokes by trimming leaves and stems, then steam them just until the leaves pull off easy. Set aside.
In a bowl add flavored dry breadcrumbs, or fresh, add garlic, fresh chopped parsley, grated romano cheese, salt and pepper, moisten mixture with some olive oil.
Stuff each leave with the mixture, take your time go all around the artichoke. Place them in a baking dish and place them in a 375 degreeF. oven till heated through. Garnish with lemon.

Hopefully this will encourage all of you to "show your sides"! I'll be looking forward to seeing all of your creations!


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Le abitudini degli italiani

Comprensione orale: livello elementareSegna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni VERE:Una signora usa il fruttosio nel thé.Il fruttosio è un dolcificante sintetico.La signora dà lo zucchero ai suoi bambini.Una signora prende tutto amaro.Una signora dice che quando è a dieta usa il dolcificante.Un signore dice che il dolcificante è buonissimo.Una signora afferma che quando ha avuto il colesterolo

Monday, April 14, 2008

Il pompelmo

Comprensione orale: livello elementareDove si trova l’azienda di Marco Bernardi?Da quale zona provengono i pompelmi lavorati in azienda durante l’inverno?Da quali paesi?Da dove arrivano i pompelmi da maggio a settembre?Con quali mezzi avviene i trasporto?Per quanto tempo può essere conservato un pompelmo?A quale temperatura?Quali sono le caratteristiche di un buon pompelmo?Come sono i pompelmi

Time for an expresso

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Let's take a break in one of those lively italian cafés. What will you have? Il "barista" will prepare your cafe by the rule book (café is sacred in Italy). Listen to the waiter placing his order : "Due espressi, un machiato, un ristretto, e un cappuccino non tropo caldo."

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Come si vota in Italia

Torcello's lost city

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A garden, with its cabin, italian flag and artichokes heads, in the island of Torcello. Known and mostly visited for its old (built around 639) and imposing Santa Maria Assunta Cathedral, Torcello has been the first settlement on the Lagoon. Some 30 000 inhabitants used to live in this rather small island until the 15th century. Then, chased away by the malaria (mal'aria : bad air) they took down their houses and churches and went to rebuilt them in the yet prosperous Venice. Now, gardens stretch over this island where a city used to be.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


I first saw this recipe in the cookbook Cucina & Famiglia, out of that cookbook came the signature Timpano that made the movie "Big Night" famous. I've been making that Timpano for years, and even did a post on it here. Its huge, it feeds 16 people and great for a party.
In the same book there's also a vegetarian version that I have been wanting to try for just as long. I think I was intimidated by the wrapping of the eggplant and all, so I just put it on my list of things I wanted to make.
Then a couple weeks ago I saw Giada De Laurentiis make this Eggplant Timbale on her show, she talked about how her Grandfather, Dino De Laurentiis, made this all the time for their family. I got inspired right then to make it, and I made it the very next day!
I sort of combined a little of both versions together, and came up with this. You can easily find her recipe by going to Food TV and put a search in for Eggplant Timbale, and it will come up.

Giada's recipe called for 2 eggplants, that didn't seem enough to me so I grilled about 4, and it was just enough. Depending on the size and length of each piece you definitely don't want to run out in the middle of doing this. You want to make sure the pieces are long enough to drape over a 9" spring form pan.

The filling is basically, 1/2 lb. of pasta cooked al'dente mixed together with a marinara, a little Marsala wine, peas, I put in some Italian sausage and a dry packed fresh mozzarella, along with grated romano, Giada used a smoked mozzarella in hers.

The spring form pan which has been lined with the grilled eggplant, filled with the pasta filling, and now folded over into a neat little package is now ready for the oven! 350 Degrees, for about 1/2 hr, till warmed through and cheese inside melts.

After you let it rest a good 10 min, release the pan. Everything molds together perfectly!

It all stayed together when I cut into it. Just use a serrated knife and gently cut it.

You don't have to add meat to it at all, you can make this completely vegetarian.

Can I tell you, the taste was out of this world, we loved it! It was light, and the flavors of the grilled eggplant along with the Marsala wine, sausage, marinara was wonderful, and it was just as good the next day, and the next. Yes, Hubby ate it 3 days in a row he loved it that much.

Not only does it taste good, but I think it looks spectacular don't you? Not because I made it, but just how the eggplant looks overlapped with the skin on for a little color, the grill marks and all of the above.

I would highly recommend you try this, all you need is a little salad on the side and you're good to go!

Buon Appetito!!

Friday, April 11, 2008

La parola "bamboccione"

Comprensione orale: livello medio/superiore
Segna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni VERE:
Gli italiani vengono considerati degli eterni bamboccioni.
I bamboccioni vengono considerati come esponenti di una scuola di pensiero.
Secondo il dizionario De Mauro i bamboccioni sono sempre esistiti.
A metà del '600 già esistevano i cosiddetti bamboccianti.
I bamboccianti devono il loro nome a un

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Burano blur

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In this island, that the poet Jean Cocteau called the "Crazy rainbow", things seem as small as they are colourful : narrow canals, tiny houses, little bridges...

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Water entrance

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As well as the palaces on the Grand Canal, many houses situated along a canal possess a water entrance by which, in the past centuries, the goods used to be delivered. On the other side of the house is a ground entrance, the way to the street.


Comprensione orale: livello avanzato
Segna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni VERE:
Bagnaia è vicino Siena.
Bagnaia è sulle Alpi.
Il monumento più famoso di Bagnaia è Villa Lante.
Villa Lante veniva frequentata d'estate da papi e cardinali.
Il giardino di Villa Lante è stato progettato dal Vignola.
La Villa è stata costruita nel 1666.
Il cardinale Sardana fece costruire la villa.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Antique Shop near San Giorgio dei Greci

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I see the cafes, the sunlit days with you, my love
The antique shop where we'd stop for a souvenir
The bridge, the boats below, the blue above...
Summertime In Venice Lyrics by Connie Francis

Monday, April 7, 2008

Nino Manfredi

Comprensione orale: livello medio/avanzato
Segna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni VERE:
Nino Manfredi è nato il 22 marzo 1921.
E' nato a Tolsci, in provincia di Pordenone.
Suo padre faceva il falegname.
Manfredi iniziò a recitare nelle recite parrocchiali.
Manfredi studiò giurisprudenza senza riuscire a laurearsi.
Nel 1954 si iscrisse all'Accademia di Arte Drammatica.
Nel 1958 ebbe un

La fiaccola olimpica a Londra

Vídeo in formato Real MediaComprensione orale: livello elementareDi quale festa si parla nel video?Quanti agenti di polizia sono stati schierati?Che cosa hanno tentato di fare i manifestanti?Dov’era diretta la fiaccola olimpica?Quali gruppi si sono scontrati?Quante persone sono state fermate?Qual è la prossima tappa della fiaccola?Esercizio creato da Marco Cattaruzza Decine di arresti a Londra

Riva dei Schiavoni

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A beautiful morning, in early spring, when air is sweet and light is cool... A good moment to discover la Serenissima isn't-it?

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Spring has definitely sprung here in Chicago! finally!! So long winter! See ya! Ba Bye! Arrivederci! Ciao!!

Time to open up the windows, crank up the grill, clean off the lawn furniture, and enjoy the sunshine! And thats just what we did!

Heres a couple of appetizers we enjoyed over the weekend. CAPRESE EGGPLANT TOWER

Grilled eggplant
Fresh mozzarella
Ripe and juicy tomatoes
Red onion
Fresh basil
Brush eggplant with olive oil, season with salt and pepper and grill. You can either grill the red onion slice or just keep it raw. Stack in any order you want.

Drizzle everything with your best extra virgin olive oil, and don't forget a couple slices of good bread. I like the holes you get with a chiabatta, it's not doughy at all. Oh, and don't forget to open up your favorite bottle of wine to enjoy with this.


Grill your zuccini, and spread on your favorite pesto! so simple, so good!

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! :)

Addio a Charlton Heston

Comprensione orale: livello elementare
Dove abitava Charlton Heston?
Da chi è stato assistito negli ultimi giorni?
Quanti anni aveva Charlton Heston?
Quale famoso film ha interpretato?
Dove è stato girato quel famoso film?
In che anno?
Scrivi almeno due titoli di altri film interpretati da Charlton Heston
Che cosa ha ricevuto nel 1983?

Esercizio creato da Marco Cattaruzza

Friday, April 4, 2008


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Spring is in the air
And one can smell it on the breeze...

Un sms ti può salvare la vita

Comprensione orale: livello avanzato
Segna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni VERE:
Un sistema di sms può avvisare le forze dell'ordine.
Il sistema oggetto del servizio si chiama Tetrix.
Il sistema funziona con un gps.
La localizzazione viene effettuata mediante un satellite.
Per consultare dove si trova una persona bisogna accedere a un sito web.
Per accedere al suddetto sito bisogna avere

today it's my birthday...da da da da da da da da....

We're gonna have a good time... da da da da da da da da Haha, yes, I am here, doing laundry, and just finished washing the dishes. The life of luxury! :O)

Tomorrow we are going shopping, though! wooo I want to get something new to wear for tomorrow night. We are going out to dinner with our friends, Emanuela, Marco, Marco, Roberto and Claudia. Should be fun! I got some very cute e-cards today. Grazie family! :OD

If anyone would like to wish me happy birthday, I would LOVE a contribution to Hillary Clinton's campaign fund!

It's the gift that keeps on giving, one size fits all, and it does a country good!

Hillary will be spending the day in Memphis today, with John McCain, to mark the 40th anniversary of the death of Martin Luther King Jr. (Obama declined the invitation, due to a scheduling conflict.) There are some great photos here. MLK was only 39 when he was gunned down. It was my second birthday. Be sure to visit for a speech given by Hillary in honor of MLK jr.

An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity. ~MLK

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. ~MLK

He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it. ~MLK

I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear. ~MLK

Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend. ~MLK

Never succumb to the temptation of bitterness. ~MLK

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. ~MLK

Those are some powerful words, too bad Obama could not make it today....

In other news, Hillary made an appearance on Jay Leno last night, and she was really funny.

Here are some other videos her supporters have put together. So, sit back, take a listen, and enjoy the day! They are great songs!

If you are interested, I have a youtube page with lots of videos that I have added, as my favorites. :O)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

four weddings and a funeral

Last Friday I went to my first Italian funeral (actually my first funeral since 3rd grade). The father of Emanuela (Franco's office partner) passed away after a long illness. He was 84. It was sad.

I have now been to four wedding and a funeral in Italy. I must say, I prefer the weddings.

We also found out Friday that Franco's other office business partner's relative passed away that day. He was a professional Italian cyclist,
Valentino Fois. :O(

This was the last interview that he did, talking about his problems in the past with drugs, and his new opportunity working with Amore & Vita - McDonalds pro team. He is a former teammate of the late Marco Pantani.

On the Carlo front, he had to return to the hospital today. He is leaking CSF liquid. We haven't heard what is up yet. Will let you know. Here is a site that talks about acoustic neuroma. There is also this guy, who posted videos after his surgery. He has syptoms much more pronounced than Carlo's, but you get an idea of what Carlo is going through.

I will let you know when we find out about Carlo.

Boy this was a cheery post!

I will leave you with some politics. Lou Dobbs discusses the ridiculous media bias in favor of Obama, and against Hillary. Now, that is cheery! haha

Have a good one ya'll!

Vallo di Nera

Comprensione orale: livello avanzatoSegna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni VERE:Vallo di Nera si trova nell'Umbria occidentale.Vallo di Nera dista circa 50 km da Perugia e Terni.Vallo di Nera è circondato da fiumi e boschi.Vallo di Nera si trova a 800 m. di altezza.Vallo di Nera si trova nel comprensorio della Valnerina.Il Nera è un fiume.Vallo di Nera assomiglia a un presepe.Nel 1989 il

Pigeons raid

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Generally considered as an attraction on Piazza San Marco, pigeons can be particularly annoying when they rush on you without warning. These young students of a french school and their teacher are realizing it.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Roasting garlic is a ritual of mine that I do often. I love to have it on hand whenever I feel like using it to enhance a dish. Who doesn't like garlic, right? You take a few heads of garlic, cut about a third off the top, drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper,and if you want, you can throw a branch of fresh rosemary or thyme on top and wrap it up in some foil and roast for about 35 to 40 minutes, or until soft to the touch, at 400 degreesF. The end result is amazing! The texture is creamy, with a much more mellow flavor, and it makes everything taste better!! Oh, and don't forget, garlic has many health benefits!!

I have so many things I make with it, that I'll have to do another post on be continued.

But for now, a favorite quick, midweek meal I make often is this Roasted Garlic and Broccoli Pasta. By the time the water boils and you cook your pasta al'dente, everything else will be done!

Fresh broccoli is a must, cut into floret's,place in a saute pan with extra virgin olive oil, seasoned with salt and pepper. Squeeze as much roasted garlic in there as you want. I usually put quite a bit. Now add a couple tablespoons of water in the pan and put a lid on till the broccoli is al'dente, you want a little bite! you definitely don't want it mushy!!
When the pasta is done, strain it and put it directly in the saute pan, and mix it all up. You might want to save a little pasta water to even out your sauce, I always put a little in.

Taste it, you might want to squeeze more garlic in, more black pepper, a little cheese, I always adjust as I cook.

Buon Appetito Everyone!!

sounds like hillary's memories of bosnia were not far off...

Yes, I cringe when I see the video of Hillary talking about the welcome ceremony being cancelled in Bosnia, and then clips of the actual ceremony. However, if you watch the news story from that trip, and read the articles that were written about her trip at the time, they pretty much support her story.

Thanks to again, for their wonderful work, I got this info from their site, who got the info from

News reports from 1996 support Hillary Clinton's experiences in Bosnia. Escorted by gunships in an armored helicopter, Hillary Clinton toured two fortified bases in what was a dangerous fighting area at the time.

Hillary's trip to Bosnia marked the first time since Eleanor Roosevelt that a first lady traveled to a potential combat zone. Accompanied by singer-songwriter Sheryl Crow and comedian Sinbad, Mrs. Clinton traveled to this northwestern Bosnian town on a morale-boosting tour for the 18,500 U.S. troops participating in the NATO-led peacemaking operation. She heard a poem of peace from a Bosnian girl and praised U.S. troops for 'showing what American leadership is.'...This trip to Bosnia marks the first time since Roosevelt that a first lady has voyaged to a potential combat zone. During World War II, Roosevelt toured the devastated streets of London and the southwestern Pacific, bringing cheer to U.S. troops. [Washington Post, 3/26/96]

Hillary was 'protected by sharpshooters' in a 'military zone' when she visited troops in Bosnia. "Protected by sharpshooters, Hillary Rodham Clinton swooped into a military zone by Black Hawk helicopter Monday to deliver a personal 'thank you, thank you, thank you' to U.S. troops. 'They're making a difference,' the first lady said of the 18,500 Americans working as peacekeepers in Bosnia. Mrs. Clinton became the first presidential spouse since Eleanor Roosevelt to make such an extensive trip into what can be considered a hostile area, though others have visited hot spots..." [Charleston Gazette, 3/26/96]

THE First Lady of the United States, Hillary Clinton, visited her country's troops at their fortified outposts in north-eastern Bosnia today and said their peacekeeping work was "extraordinary to behold". Mrs Clinton's helicopter flight to Camp Alicia, home of a mechanised infantry outfit and a combat engineer batallion 15 miles east of Tuzla, took her over burned out villages and farm houses whose roofs had been blown off in the fierce fighting before last December's Paris peace agreement ended the 43 -month-old war in Bosnia. A machine gun emplacement guarded the entrance of the outposts and marked Bosnian minefields were visible outside its perimeter....After lunch with the troops in a makeshift dining hall surrounded by sandbags, she flew on to Camp Bedrock south of Tuzla to visit an army field hospital. Mrs Clinton, who later returned to Tuzla for a show starring singer Sheryl Crow and comedian Sinbad, said she was "amazed at how much has been accomplished in such a short period of time" by US troops in Bosnia. Source - Lexis - The Herald (Glasgow), March 26, 1996

Protected by sharpshooters, Hillary Rodham Clinton swooped into a military zone by Black Hawk helicopter Monday to deliver a personal "thank you, thank you, thank you" to U.S. troops....But this was a day of celebration and celebrities - a day for the U.S. troops helping to uphold the Bosnian peace accord. Mrs. Clinton hosted a USO show with comedian Sinbad and singer Sheryl Crow and briefly addressed the gathering....But the highlight of her trip were visits to two fortified posts outside the U.S. base in Tuzla. Even President Clinton, restricted to the base by bad weather in January, did not see as much of this war-wracked region as Mrs. Clinton did Monday....Riflemen rushed to the brush line as the helicopter landed and surrounded her as she walked into the post. Located in a "separation zone," the U.S. outpost nestles between two tree lines. Just months ago, one was Serbian territory, the other Bosnian. Security was tight - fighter jets accompanied her C-17 cargo plane to Tuzla...Lexis - By RON FOURNIER, Associated Press, March 25, 1996

So, perhaps she was exaggerating her landing in Bosnia, or perhaps she had a *senior moment* (haha), or perhaps she just confused the arrival ceremony landing with the helicopter trip to the military zone, where she was in fact protected by sharpshooters.

I think it is laughable how much coverage this got, but the media all but ignored Obama and ALL of his mistatements and exaggerations - the Selma marches, his being a law professor, the nuclear leak bill, many other bills he took credit for, the senate forms, his community organizing efforts, his knowledge of Wright's comments, and when he knew them...

Well, with the media bias in favor of Obama, him receiving 83% positive news coverage to her 53% it is obvious why this got more coverage. The media is clearly pushing for Obama and pushing out Clinton.