Tuesday, May 31, 2011

All Power To The People! (1996)

All Power To The People! (1996)
The Black Panther Party and Beyond...

Lee Lew Lee, USA, english, 1996, 116 min.

(en) Opening with a montage of four hundred years of race conflict in America, this powerful documentary provides the historical context for the establishment of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense in the mid-1960s.

Organized by Bobby Seale and Huey P. Newton, the Party soon embodied every major element of the civil rights movement which preceded it and the Black, Brown and Red power movements which it helped pioneer.

The Party struck fear in the hearts of the white capitalist power structure, which feared it as a terrorist group. During the Nixon years, J. Edgar Hoover's FBI, with the cooperation of the CIA, used all means at their disposal to infiltrate and derail the Black Power movement. Methods of state repression included assassination, frame-ups, dirty tricks and black propaganda.

Witnesses include not only Party veterans and other Black Power pioneers and political prisoners such as Mumia Abu-Jamal, Dr. Mutulu Skakur and Dhoruba Bin Wahad, but also "establishment" figures like former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, CIA officer Philip Edward Agee, and retired FBI agents.

Yet, the documentary is not a paean to the Panthers, for it criticizes the megalomania, corruption, and narcissism of some Party leaders, while it praises their courage and idealism.

Whether or not one is sympathetic to the Black Panthers, the film is an important historic look at the political and racial turmoils of the 1960s and an up-close look at the leading players.

Watch online:



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Three Dolphins

Three dolphins, somewhere in Venice, on a wall, over a door. And I'm pretty sure that some of you know where this relief is located...

Monday, May 30, 2011

Glamour camouflage

Two lovers, two cups of cofee, an aqua alta... A glamour tarpaulin to cover up Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana while it's being renovated.

F. D. Roosevelt

Comprensione orale: livello medio-avanzato
Indicare le affermazioni vere

F. D. Roosevelt morì nel gennaio 1945
Fu eletto per la prima volta nel 1933
Al momento della sua elezione, gli Stati Uniti attraversavano un periodo di grande sviluppo economico

Roosevelt lancerà il "New Deal"
Fu rieletto nel 1936, non senza difficoltà
Prima di affrontare la crisi economica, Roosevelt aveva dovuto

Sunday, May 29, 2011

We will not let you sleep

We will not let you sleep

Here’s a beautiful short documentary that was shot in the protester camp at Plaça de Catalunya in Barcelona.


Pozrite si to online s českými titulkami:

English subtitles + české titulky:

Los Invencibles de la plaza Cataluña 27/05/2011

Los Invencibles de la plaza Cataluña 27/05/2011



Georgia Violence: Video of brutal police crackdown on Tbilisi protests

Georgia Violence: Video of brutal police crackdown on Tbilisi protests

At least two dead and dozens hospitalised - protesters in Georgia have found out the hard way why they shouldn't speak out against their leadership. Police showed little restraint in a crackdown on crowds who'd turned out for what's been called Georgia's 'Day Of Rage' - demanding that President Saakashvili resign.

May 26, 2011

Outside a café

A nice terrace, perfect for a little rest after having visited Venice on a hot spring day. I will let you guess where this place is...

Dolceacqua. Il ponte di Monet

Esercizio di comprensione orale - Livello intermedio/avanzato
Guarda il video e decidi se le seguenti affermazioni sono vere:

Dolceacqua è un piccolo borgo medioevale nella Toscana del nord.
Il paese è formato da un intreccio di vicoli molto stretti che avevano la funzione di difenderlo dai possibili invasori.
Oggi Dolceacqua è meta di un turismo di lusso.
Il vino tipico della zona si chiama

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Rapidshare HELP for the Anticopyright Library

Rapidshare HELP for the Anticopyright Library

My Public-ID: E35FEB714CD2936C6AD0516ABA0C1F84

(en) Hi folks. If you are a rapidshare premium user, you can help me donating some of your RAPIDS to this anticopyright blog. Use the feature in your account overview - send rapids to friends - use my public ID to send me some of those little bastards. Great thanx!

(sk) Ahojte. Pokiaľ ste používateľom/používateľkou služby rapidshare premium, môžete pomôcť anticopyrightovi nejakými RAPIDMI. Cez váš account overview funkciou - send rapids to friend - mi môžete poslať zopár tých malých bastardíkov. Využite k tomu moju public ID. Veľká vďaka!

Moshe Dayan

Comprensione orale: livello medio.
Indicare le affermazioni vere.
Moshe Dayan nacque in Israele nel 1911.
I suoi genitori fondarono una colonia agricola nei pressi di Natzaret
A 12 anni Dayan visse la sua prima esperienza di guerra.
Allo scoppio della seconda guerra mondiale, Dayan si arruolò con le truppe francesi del governo di Vichy.
Durante un attacco, Dayan perse l'occhio destro.

Three bridges

We build too many walls and not enough bridges.
Isaac Newton

Friday, May 27, 2011

Pizza on the Grill

Want something fun to cook on your grill this Memorial Day weekend? If you haven't tried grilling pizza yet, forgive me, but what are you waiting for? The texture you get from the dough cooking on the grill is incredible! Light, crispy and crunchy!

Start with good quality dough, either homemade or storebought. Let it come to room temperature before you even attempt to roll it out. I like to cut my dough ball in half, it's much easier to manage on the grill.

Make sure your grill is super clean and all that former BBQ sauce has been burned off and scraped clean. Get the grill nice and hot, coasting on medium high. Your dough is going to cook up so fast, so don't walk away, it can burn!

Fresh, lighter ingredients work best for grilled pizza, have everything ready to go because things go really fast! For this pizza I used veggies that I grilled the day before, eggplant, zucchini, red and yellow peppers with fresh mozzarella for my cheese, all on top of a light tomato sauce base.

In the past I've made many margherita pizza's, you can't go wrong with that, or just melt your favorite cheese on the dough and when its done add some prosciutto and arugula, actually that's one of my absolute favorites!

Think caramelized onions, pancetta with blue cheese, feta or goat, cherry tomatoes tossed with fresh basil and olive oil spread all over creamy bubbly cheese. Another favorite of mine is shrimp with pesto, I could just ramble on and on for an hour about all the good combinations you can make! Chicken is good too, alright, alright I'll stop!

No matter how hard I try my pizza never comes out round, I roll it out round but when I plop it on the grill it morphs into another shape, who cares, it's all about the taste!

And believe me it tastes phenomenal! Pour yourself some wine or grab a beer, ice tea or lemonade and enjoy casual dining at it's finest!

Here's what you do:

Heat your clean grill up to a medium high heat, I like to oil my grill grates a little too.** While the grill is heating up, roll your room temperature dough out and brush the top with olive oil** Place dough, oiled side down on grill, don't move it, it will start to bubble up and cook, use tongs and check the bottom side it should look crispy with nice grill marks, once cooked it will be easy to flip** Pull it off, lower your heat and add all your toppings on the cooked side.** Place pizza back on the grill and when the cheese is all melted and bubbly and the underside is cooked it's done.

Happy Grilling!


It has been a long time since our last Spritz. Here are two. One Campari, one Aperol... Cheers!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

(Upcoming) How I Became An Elephant (2011)

(Upcoming) How I Became An Elephant (2011)

Tim Gorski, Synthian Sharp, USA, english, 2011, 78 min.

(en) One girl's journey to inspire a movement. Juliette is fourteen years old and she is on a mission to save elephants. After single-handedly raising funds Juliette embarks on a life-altering journey to South East Asia to meet and work with her hero The Elephant Lady. This is the story of two women, one from the East, one from the West, coming together on common ground, saving elephants. It's the coming of age of a passionate emerging woman joining forces with the wise eastern animal advocate on an enlightening journey of compassion, action, and hope that is sure to motivate audiences young and old. The message: no matter what your age, your ethnicity, or disposition, no matter what the cause, you can make a difference.

(sk) Dobrodružstvo jednej dievčiny, ktoré inšpirovalo celé hnutie.


(Upcoming) Eco-Pirate: The Story of Paul Watson (2011)

(Upcoming) Eco-Pirate: The Story of Paul Watson (2011)

Trish Dolman, Canada, english, 2011, 110 min.

(en) A documentary about a man on a mission to save the planet and its oceans. From the genesis of Greenpeace to the sinking of a pirate whaling ship off Portugal, and from clashes with fisherman in the Galapagos to Watson's recent headline-grabbing battles with the Japanese whaling fleet in Antarctica, ECO-PIRATE chronicles the extraordinary life of the most controversial figure in the environmental movement.

(sk) Dokumentárny film o mužovi, ktorý sa vybral zachrániť planétu a jej oceány. Od vzniku Greenpeace k potopeniu pirátskej veľrybárskej lode z Portugalska, a zo stretov s rybármi na Galapágoch až po nedávne strety Watsona s japonskou veľrybárskou flotilu v Antarktíde, ECO-PIRATE rozpráva o mimoriadnom živote jednej z najkontroverznejších osôb v environmentálnom hnutí.


(Upcoming) Confessions of an Eco-Terrorist (2010)

(Upcoming) Confessions of an Eco-Terrorist (2010)

Peter Jay Brown, USA, english, 2010,

(en) The hard-nosed cast of characters in the film exude bravery and wit, all while engaging in action-packed conflict including boarding ships, arrests, ramming of illegal fishing vessels as well as sinking of pirate whalers. These activists have dedicated their lives to decades of campaigns to halt the atrocities committed worldwide against sea mammals. After watching the film, one cannot help but be inspired to go out and create change, working to make a difference in the world.

(sk) Praktické obsadenie postáv vo filme vyžaruje statočnosť a
vtip, to všetko popri akciám plných konfliktov, vrátane vstupovania na palubu lode, zatýkaní, narážaniu nelegálnych rybárskych plavidiel, ako aj potápaniu pirátskych veľrybárskych lodí. Títo aktivisti zasvätili svoje životy desiatkam rokov kampaní k zastaveniu zverstiev páchaných po celom svete proti morské cicavcom. Po zhliadnutí filmu budete mať chuť výjsť von a požadovať zmenu, pracovať na vytváraní lepšieho sveta.


Hardcore is more than music (2011)

Hardcore is more than music (2011)

White label, Czech Republic, english/czech, 2011, 25 min.
Budeme jedině rádi, když si celé DVD koupíte a podpoříte tím festival MAYDAY!
Please BUY THE DVD and support the free antifascist music festival MAYDAY!
...write to eshop[at]antifa.cz

(en) In recent years we have been witnesses to new trends amongst neo-Nazis. Still more and more of them leave the skinhead image, and try to “catch onto” something else. One of the targets for them is the hardcore scene.

They find the aggressive music and uncompromising lyrics impressive. The leading figures of Czech neo-Nazi scene have been trying to infiltrate to hardcore shows and to take pictures with famous faces of the international hardcore scene. But they do not care about HC ethics, history or culture of hardcore. They only care about the “tough guy” image and macho poses. But that has never been what hardcore is about. People in hardcore scene differ from one another in many aspects, and that’s a good thing. But hardcore has never been connected to racism or Nazism. Hardcore community has always been a space for the people to meet without prejudice. And we want it to stay that way. That’s why we turned to some of the bands that have something to sa y. Among them were the bands whose shows attracted Nazis, who attempted to attend them. You can find the views and opinions of these bands on this DVD. Our questions remained the same, but the answers varied significantly. But they have something in common – there is no space for racism, prejudice and Nazism in the HC scene.

For us, HC scene is a family. For Nazis, it is just another scene they wish to abuse to gain support for their political goals.

The message is clear: Go to hell, assholes! There is no space for fuckers like you in the hardcore scene!

(cz) V posledních letech jsme si u neonacistů mohli všimnout nového trendu. Stále více a více jich upouští od skinheadské image a pokouší se profilovat jinak. Jedním z jejich vzorů se stala hadrcorová subkultura. Přední čeští neonacisté se snažili vetřít na koncerty hardcore kapel nebo se pokoušeli fotit se známými představiteli zahraniční scény.

Agresivní muzika a nekompromisní texty náckům imponují. Hardcore je pro nácky tvrdá muzika, „tough guy“ image, macho póza a další scéna, kterou chtějí zneužít pro šíření svých omezených názorů. Nepřemýšlí ale nad tím, jak tato kultura, a stejně ta její nepsaná etika, vznikla, nezajímají je texty, ani to, jaké je jejich poselství. Jinak by totiž sami pochopili, že hardcore byl vždy striktně protirasistický a antifašistický.

Hardcore je především rodina a komunita, HC koncerty místem, kde se mohou lidé potkávat bez jakýchkoliv předsudků, a my chceme, a uděláme všechno proto, aby takovým místem zůstalo i nadále. Proto jsme se obrátili na několik kapel, na jejichž akce se neonacisté v minulosti snažili dostat. Jejich názory najdete na tomto DVD. Naše otázky byly vždy stejné. Odpovědi rozhodně ne. Přesto se ale všichni shodují v jednom – pro rasismus, předsudky a nacismus není v HC scéně místo.

Poselství je jasné: Táhněte do hajzlu, zmrdi! Pro nuly jako jste vy není v hardcore scéně místo!


Watch online:




russian - http://gnwp.ru/films/34480-film-khardkor-bolshe-chem-muzykahardcore-is-more.html

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

PUBLIC ENEMY (1999) Reflections of the Black Panther Party

Reflections of the Black Panther Party

Jens Meurer, France | Germany | Belgium | Finland, english, 1999, 50 min.

(en) PUBLIC ENEMY presents four charismatic and influential Americans who have been leading wildly dissimilar lives, yet they have one thing in common: they are all former members of the Black Panther Party - the radical black liberation movement that confronted racial and economic inequality in 1960s mainstream America.

A film about the revolutionaries after the revolution, PUBLIC ENEMY focuses on the personal lives, past and present, of four Panther Party members - prisoner-turned-playwright Jamal Joseph; musician and record producer, Nile Rodgers (Chic, Sister Sledge); law professor and lecturer Kathleen Cleaver; and the last surviving founding member, Bobby Seale.

Through candid conversations, the promise and limitations of attempting revolutionary change are expressed: What were the Party's long-term effects on African Americans and their status in society? How did the Black Panther Party impact popular culture? How did these leaders' involvement personally affect them - their hopes, their dreams? And after tumultuous years of being viewed by the FBI as "the greatest internal threat to the nation," how does America perceive them today?

Interlacing archival protest footage with recent interviews, the film examines black America today, 25 years after the demise of its most radical advocates. At a time when black culture - and the social gap between whites and blacks - is more prominent than ever before, PUBLIC ENEMY is a provocative interpretation of the dark side of the American Dream.

(sk) Dokument prezentuje históriu boja za rovnoprávnosť čiernych ľudí v USA a pohľad na organizáciu Black Panther Party.


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Quietness, at the edge of town...

(Upcoming) If a Tree Falls (2011)

(Upcoming) If a Tree Falls (2011)

A Story of the Earth Liberation Front

Marshall Curry, Sam Cullman, USA, english, 2011, 85 min.
-Next Screenings-

Download here:

(en) If a Tree Falls is a feature-length documentary that offers a behind-the-curtain look at the Earth Liberation Front, the radical environmental group that the FBI calls America’s “number one domestic terrorist threat.” The film tells the story of Daniel McGowan, an ELF member who participated in two multi-million dollar arsons against Oregon timber companies. If a Tree Falls explores how a working class kid from Queens (the son of a New York cop and a business major in college) found himself facing life in prison for “eco-terrorism.”

(sk) If a Tre Falls je dokumentárny film, ktorý ponúka pohľad na Earth Liberation Front spoza opony. ELF je radikálna environmentálna skupina, ktorú FBI nazýva "najväčšou teroristickou domácou hrozbou" v Amerike. Film rozpráva príbeh Daniela McGowana, člena ELF, ktorý sa zúčastnil dvojmiliónového podpaľačstva proti drevárskym ťažobným korporáciám v Oregone. If a Tree Falls skúma ako sa chlapec z obyčajnej pracujúcej triedy z Queens (New York) ocitol čeliaci doživotnému trestu za "eko-terorizmus".



Cesenatico Beach - Where the Italians Go

I would definitely recommend Cesenatico Beach to anyone who wants to enjoy a very quaint little Italian town on the seaside. Cesenatico is in the region of Emilia Romagna and province of Forli' Cesena.

Why Cesenatico? Because it has two very different parts to it. One is the beachside which is modern and very accomodating to visitors. They have gone to great lengths to make sure visitors have

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Donne molestate sul posto di lavoro

Comprensione orale: livello avanzatoSegna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni vere:
1. Più di un milione di donne ha subito molestie sul lavoro.2. Dal 2002 questo trend è in continuo aumento.3. Molte donne venivano seguite dai molestatori.4. La metà vivono in grandi città.5. Il collettivo più numeroso di donne molestate sono le giovani sotto i 34 anni.6. Le impiegate pubbliche rappresentano

Old Friends

Old friends, memory brushes the same years, silently sharing the same fears...
Paul Simon

Monday, May 23, 2011

My Idea of Fast Food

Whenever I need to make a quick dinner, my go to meal is always something made with pasta. Having my pantry stocked with a variety of pasta shapes, we never ever get bored! There's always fresh vegetables handy here and using just a few other basic Italian staples you can get something fresh, fabulous and fast on the table in less than 30 minutes!

My pasta of choice for this meal was Tripoline which looks like the long curly edges of lasagne. Put a pot of water on for the pasta and while that's heating up, take a saute pan and drizzle the bottom with olive oil then add in 4 or 5 cloves of chopped garlic. When the garlic gets golden brown toss in a pint or more of cherry or grape tomatoes cut in half and seasoned with salt and pepper, cook gently until softened.

Drain the pasta ( I used a 1/2 lb.) and stir it into the skillet. Add a handful of arugula or two, and 1/2 cup of cubed and drained fresh mozzarella, asiago is good too! Toss until the leaves wilt and the cheese melts slightly. Add some reserved pasta water if needed, more olive oil and a generous handful of grated romano or parmesan cheese.

The combination of flavors blend so well together it might not make it to the table!

Just saying!

No doubt you'll have some arugula leftover, don't waste it, toss it into a bowl and make this incredible salad of arugula, shaved fennel, toasted walnuts with a simple dressing of olive oil and balsamic vinegar, all topped off with thin shavings of Grana Padano.

This is so good, I promise you'll want to make it over and over again!

Buon Appetito!

Cabernet at Rialto

A nice place to buy some excellent Cabernet. Friendly shopkeeper, Daniele will advise you and will let you sample his wines. You'll find the shop under the arcades, at the Rialto market (San Polo, 62).


Even after all these years of living in Italy, I still am awestruck when I think of the relationship Italians have with food. We spent the weekend at the beach in Cesenatico, a lovely place that I highly recommend to anyone who wants to spend some time at the beach in the Romagna area. Italians love to eat. It is their birthright to not only eat, but to eat well.

I am always amazed how

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Terremoto a Roma

Comprensione orale: livello medioSegna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni vere:
1. La notizia del possibile terremoto di Roma si è diffusa via web.2. Il terremoto è stato previsto per il 12 maggio.3. Roma non si è fermata dalla paura.4. In città, di mattina, c'era molto traffico.5. In un quartiere di Roma i negozi erano quasi tutti chiusi.6. Questi negozi sono gestiti dai cinesi.7. Il giorno

Though some have changed ...

This is what it used to look like - I can't give you a date, I'm afraid.

Fondamenta Quintavale

This is where Pierre was standing when he took the previous image. There are places here, some have gone and some remain.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Interview with Greg Graffin on Scepticality

Interview with Greg Graffin on Scepticality

Was Darwin a Punk? A Q&A with Punker-Paleontologist Greg Graffin

Gregs new book Anarchy Evolution: Faith, Science, and Bad Religion in a World Without God

(en) An interview with Greg Graffin, evolutionary biologist and punk-rocker, founder of the band Bad Religion, on the Scepticality podcast.

(sk) Rozhovor s Gregom Graffinom, evolučným biológom a punk-rockerom, zakladateľom skupiny Bad Religion, v podcaste Scepticality.

11/01/2010 - Skepticality #142 - Anarchy Evolution - Guest: Dr. Greg Graffin

( More scepticality episodes here http://www.skepticality.com/p_listentopast.php )

Ernest Hemingway ed "Addio alle armi"

Comprensione orale: livello medio
Indicare le affermazioni vere

"Addio alle armi" fu pubblicato a New York nel 1921
Fu il primo romanzo di Hemingway
E' il frutto dell'esperienza di guerra dell'autore, arruolatosi sul fronte francese nella Prima Guerra Mondiale
Altro romanzo di Hemingway è "Morte nel pomeriggio" ambientato anch'esso in Francia
Hemingway fu poi impegnato in Spagna come inviato

Il tesoro di San Gennaro

Comprensione orale: livello medio
Indicare le affermazioni vere

Il tesoro di San Gennaro è il frutto di due secoli di donazioni
E' quasi pari a quello della corona inglese
Il busto di San Gennaro fu realizzato per ordine di Carlo d'Angiò
La mitra del Santo, gemmata, è il capolavoro del museo
Risale al XVIII secolo
Fu realizzata in pochi anni
I busti dei patroni napoletani vengono spesso

In Prison My Whole Life (2007)

In Prison My Whole Life (2007)

Marc Evans, USA, english, 2007, 94 min.
-Buy the DVD- http://www.inprisonmywholelife.com/dvd

(en) A look at the life of imprisoned political activist and former Black Panther member, Mumia Abu-Jamal, who's death sentence for killing a police officer was overturned in 2001 due to errors made during his original 1982 sentencing hearing.

(sk) Pohľad na život uväzneného politického aktivistu a bývalého člena Čiernych panterov, Mumiu Abu-Jamala, ktorého rozsudok smrti za zabitie policajta bol prevrátený v roku 2001 kvôli chybám pri pôvodnom súdnom procese v roku 1982.


files deleted by host... The copyrightholders do not want this docu to be shared freely - so I can only advise you to support the filmmaker and buy the DVD.

(contact me with any questions)

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Friday, May 20, 2011


Isola San Pietro, Sestiere Castello... A traditional fishermen, sailors and shipyards district.

UPDATED - Ancient Futures

UPDATED - Ancient Futures: Learning from Ladakh (1993)

New download links for Ancient Futures

Thursday, May 19, 2011

General strike in Greece - 11. May 2011

General strike in Greece - 11. May 2011


(en) Athens, Greece
Cops beat savagely young demonstrator during yesterday's general strike. A 31 year old demonstrator is in coma and many more hospitalized.

As Greece struggles to address its huge economic deficit, thousands of people marched on the Parliament in Athens in what became a nationwide strike against austerity measures.

Watch online:
GREECE: Protesters Beaten and Tear-Gassed in Athens

GREECE: Riot Police Kick and Beat Isolated Protester in Athens

Greeks stage anti-austerity strike

11Mάη2011 Γενική Απεργία

Greeks strike as fresh austerity plan sparks fury





Stand up against Apartheid in the EU! Join the Week Against Deportations. 15-23 May, Warsaw (Poland)

Join the debates, watch the films, take the streets!

  1. Debates (19.05-21.05)
  • Discourses and practices of migration management, „selective inclusion”, “illegal workers”, practices of modern slavery
  • Fortress Europe in light of revolutions in the Arab World
  • Resistance strategies and alternatives to the policy of European Apartheid
  • Calais, Rosarno, Patras, Lampedusa, Ceuta, Mellila – cities of exclusion, cities of resistance
  • Frontex: executing European Apartheid. Practices and competences of the institution
  • Parallel regimes: USA and the Great Mexican Wall
(Want to give a presentation in any of the panels? Write us: anti_frontex@riseup.net)
  1. Films (16.05-21.05)
From internationally acclaimed titles:
- Welcome (France 2009)
- Hotel Sahara (Germany 2008)
- Welcome to Tijuana (Mexico, Germany 2009)
- Calais, the Last Border (UK 2003), etc. 
to fresh, local activist documentaries analyzing grassroots resistance 
  1. Take the streets: shut down FRONTEX! (22.05-23.05)
  • Concert: Irie Revoltes, plus local immigrant bands
    (details of other street projects will be provided in Warsaw
The Warsaw noborder collective RAS and the union of syndicalists of Poland ZSP invites you to a week of actions against Frontex, the headquarters of which are located in Warsaw. Throughout the week starting on May 16th there will take place amongst others: screenings of films concerning immigrant issues, street games, workshops and meetings with European noborder groups. We will conclude the Anti-Frontex Days on May 23rd with a demonstration in front of the Frontex offices aimed against „Fortress Europe”. We will stand together against discriminatory immigration policy and apartheid in Europe and in concern for the dire situation of thousands of migrants as a result of official practices of dehumanization. This event and your support are especially important, as Frontex functions here in Warsaw rather inconspicuously and to the general ignorance of Polish society. While Polish authorities hail the presence of an EU headquarters in our capital city, few are actually aware of what this institution does, not only in the Mediterranean, but also along the Polish border with Ukraine and Belarus, since 2004 a heavily fortified external border of Fortress Europe. More particularly, on May 23rd we will commemorate Maxwell Itoya, a migrant of Nigerian origin who a year ago on this day was brutally shot dead in the center of Warsaw by the police. His case remains „unsolved” while the police murderer has returned to service without any punishment.

We invite all groups that would like to join us in the action days. Please inform us about your arrival up to the end of April.
Feel free to ask questions: anti_frontex@riseup.net

If your initiative wants to support the action days and the demonstration with
its name, please write to: anti_frontex@riseup.net

Please send this invitation to all your friends and groups that might be interested in comming to support our action!

RAS is a noborder collective who's aim is the freedom of mobility, the end of borders, exclusive citizenship regimes and the exploitation of workers. We are a group of people who oppose the current world system under which the universal rights of movement, settlement and participation in human societies are dictated by market value and underpinned by racism. In this system, free movement is delimited to commodities and the privileged citizens of countries with wideranging economic influence or impressive imperialist and colonialist agendas. Effectively, only a select portion of the Earth’s humans have the right to move and live where they choose, while for the majority the same freedom is either entirely nonexistant or subject to the labor demands of affluent countries. As the upkeep of capitalism in countries like those of the EU depends heavily on cheap labor, the right of movement is at times extended to migrant workers. But for those migrant workers allowed entry- including those who manage to transgress the border regime on their own- work in the EU comes at the cost of their welfare and dignity as they are often denied access to basic rights. Furthermore, legal recognition and social inclusion in European countries are frequently governed by nationalistic imaginings rooted in racism. In effect, those migrants who manage to set up their lives and gain access to legal status or citizenship are often nonetheless subject to discrimination and are precluded from full, rights-bearing membership in the communities they settle.

We oppose the European apartheid system based simultaneously on exclusionary integration and „migration management”. While EU states collectively hail an age of collaboration and globalization marked by the disappearance of internal borders, they contrive ever-more repressive measures of exclusion by means of a heavily militarized external border zone and a complex system of control, euphamistially deemed „management” (ex. Dublin II Regulation, Stockholm Program, EURODAC, SIS, European Return Directive, FRONTEX, refugee and deportation camps). These doctrines have in reality come to replace dogmas that are falsely declared constitutional of the European community: The 1948 Universal Decalaration of Human Rights, in accordance with which the member states of the EU purport to recognize the “inherent dignity, equality and inalienable rights of all members of the human family” (Preamble). In accordance with Article 6, these states allege to hold that “everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.” Although the 1948 Declaration contends that human beings possess rights by virtue of their humanness as such, contemporary practices in the EU reveal that “humanness” is in fact a category only reserved for some, while others are categorized as “illegal” and are thereby consequently dehumanized. These measures of control and dehumanization are not only used against migrants and their communities, but are also extended to other disadvantaged humans such as those living in poverty, the Roma, or those who do not conform to hegemonic norms by race, gender or political conviction amongst others. We oppose this system of categorization according to which certain people entering or residing on European soil are deemed inferior in rights and dignity and are subject to violent measures of control.
Ending oppression in Europe requires radical solidarity; this entails realizing that our liberation is co-dependent. Migrants and non-alike, our freedom is bound together, and thus so must be our struggle.

To learn more about RAS visit:

Frontex is the European border agency, founded in 2004 and operational since 2005. The agency has their seat in Warsaw, Poland, from where it directs its activities. It is a common misconception that Frontex is an actual border police, with a staff in uniform tasked to physically police the borders of the EU. Rather, Frontex is a coordinating mechanism of the European Union organizing the cooperation of the border police bodies of the member states of the EU. In this respect, Frontex is like a meta border police: it is both above and behind the everyday practices of border guards.
To this end, Frontex combines a lot of tasks and activities in one body that in the traditional nation state have been kept separate. There is an intelligence service component: Frontex actively monitors and pools data about all that is going on at the external borders of the EU, so that predictions to movements of migration can be made. Frontex refers to this as risk analysis, a whole department at the headquarters in Warsaw is busy with this and well connected to its national counterparts in Europe. There is also a research division, which – in cooperation with military industries and universities – pushes for the high-tech-sci-fi border of the 21st century. Current plans include real-time surveillance of the border on all levels, including live satellite imagery, the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV aka drones, usually deployed in war zones like Afghanistan and Iraq) for close-ups, and all other tools at the disposal of a border guard: radar, cameras, etc. Another project is the introduction of biometric identity checks at all border crossings.
The main focus of Frontex, however, is the coordination of cooperation at the actual border, as they refer to it. Since the agency became operational, Frontex has organized so called “joint operations”, in which EU member states invite other EU member states to send border guard personal and equipment for a joint policing of the borders.
Recently, Frontex has also been more involved in the organization and financing of mass deportations, where a whole plane is chartered and refugees from all over Europe are collectively deported to their assumed countries of origin. In 2009, Frontex did more than 30 such flights, removing more than 1.500 people from European territory.

Debtocracy (2011)

Debtocracy (2011)

Katerina Kitidi, Aris Hadjistefanou, Greece, greek, 2011, 75 min.

(en) A documentary that tracks the evolution of global capitalism from the ’70s until today, considering the position of Greece in the global economy but also the traps of the so called “free market system”, such like… debt! It also explains “the concepts of pernicious and illegitimate debts of the Greek economy”, after talking to economists, journalists, intellectuals, politicians and other specialists from around the world such as David Harvey, Samir Amin, Kostas Lapavitsas, Gerald Ntimenil, Alain Badiou, The President of CADTM Eric Toussaint, the Argentine director Fernando Solanas, journalists as Avi Lewis (writer / director of the documentary The Take – The seizure), Jean Katrmer (Liberation), the Second World War Greek Veteran Manolis Glezos and the vice president of the German left party “Die Linke” Zara Vagkenknecht.
Aris Hadjistefanou and Katerina Kitidi, inform us of similar situations prevailed in some Latin American countries, such as Argentina and Ecuador, countries that also faced unbearable debt. Through shining descriptions and interesting analysis, we see the disastrous effects of the International Monetary Fund dominance in the living standards of those countries. The imposed austerity measures had as a result that  whole populations confronted the nightmare of mass unemployment and poverty.
In Ecuador, however, the Socialist government of Rafael Correa, set up a Commission of Public Debt, as an alternative solution. A similar effort could begin in Greece, with dozens of international known intellectuals, such like the American linguist Noam Chomsky, signing in favour. Nevertheless, the Greek ruling party (PASOK) refuses to implement such a plan, while its leadership constantly has threatened with expulsion members who are against the IMF memorandum.
gr Για πρώτη φορά στην Ελλάδα, ένα ντοκιμαντέρ με παραγωγό το θεατή. Το Debtocracy αναζητά τα αίτια της κρίσης χρέους και προτείνει λύσεις που αποκρύπτονται από την κυβέρνηση και τα κυρίαρχα μέσα ενημέρωσης.

(sk) Debtocracy hľadá príčiny dlhovej krízy a navrhuje riešenia, skryté vládou a dominantnými médiami.

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For the Greek version and review in Greek πατήστε εδώ

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Into The Fire (2011)

Into The Fire (2011)
The whole world is watching

Dan Dicks, Canada, english, 2011, 123 min.
-Buy the DVD-
Into The Fire on DVD has over 3 hours of extras including never before seen footage of Charlie Veitch in Toronto, deleted scenes, extended interviews, a making of the soundtrack special feature and much more! Burn copies and hand them out to your friends, family members and total strangers! Please support the film makers by getting your copy on DVD.

(en) Press For Truth Presents Into The Fire
World leaders and activists from around the world gathered for the G20 Summit. With over 19,000 police officers and security personnel on hand, the results lead to over 1100 arrests, martial law in downtown Toronto, and the most massive violation of civil liberties in Canadian history.

(sk) Dokumentárny film o protestoch proti sumite G20 v Toronte.


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Ducal Palace

The Ducal palace of Venice contains the three elements in exactly equal proportions-the Roman, Lombard, and Arab. It is the central building of the world.
John Ruskin

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Geppetto: Now close your eyes and go to sleep.
Pinocchio: Why?
Geppetto: Everybody has to sleep. Figaro goes to sleep - and Cleo - and besides, tomorrow, you've got to go to school.
Pinocchio: Why?
Geppetto: Oh, to learn things and get smart.
Pinocchio: Why?
Geppetto: [starts to fall asleep] Because.
Pinocchio: Oh.

Il maggio francese (1968)

Comprensione orale: livello medio
Indicare le affermazioni vere

Il 3 maggio 1968 la polizia francese assalì gli studenti che protestavano contro la chiusura della facoltà di scienze di Nantes
Gli scontri durarono tutto il mese di maggio provocando più di 400 morti
Anche J. P. Sartre e S. de Bouvoir scesero in piazza per sostenere gli agenti di polizia
I due scrittori però non furono arrestati

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Roundabout way

In Venice, the shortest way is not necessarily the most interesting. A roundabout way may lead to some charming scenery.

Monday, May 16, 2011


"You linger to see his back, and the back of his neck and shoulder-side...
The Bending forward and backward of the rowers..."
Walt Whitman

Small Plates, Long Conversations at Quartino, Chicago

May is a great time to visit Chicago
usually the weather is perfect, the flowers are in bloom and spring is in the air!
A wonderful time to go sightseeing or just meet up with friends for lunch.

Last week I had the opportunity to meet a blogger friend of mine from Brooklyn, Pat from the blog, Millie Fiori Favoriti. We've been communicating for years but never actually met in person, of course lunch was on the agenda! My dear friend Mary-Alice and I met up with Pat at her hotel and we began our walk to Quartino for lunch.

Located on the corner of State and Ontario
Quartino is known for their Italian tapas, featuring modest sized plates of handmade pastas, seasonal prepared specialties, house cured salumi, artisinal cheese and an array of Neopolitan pizzas.

From the minute you walk in you're warmly welcomed by the waitstaff.

They also have nice outdoor seating a great place to people watch, but on the day we were there it was close to 90 degrees so we opted for inside air conditioning.

I just love the casual atmosphere there, never did we feel rushed through our lunch, we lingered for a good couple of hours and talked and talked.

It was a pleasure to meet Pat, shes just as genuine in person as she is on her blog!

I have to give a big shout out to our friendly waiter Josh, he was extremely attentive to us
and when he heard I had a food blog he quickly told the manager who came out to meet us.

I've eaten here before with family and we have never been disappointed, the menu is fantastic the drinks divine and the prices are unbelievable!

For Pat's visit we decided to order the Salumeria Tasting where you get to pick and choose from your favorite salumi, cheese, and a few different appetizers. We choose prosciutto, spicy sopressata, asiago and gorgonzola cheese, roasted peppers, marinated artichokes, eggplant caponata and an assortment of olives and bread. The perfect platter to munch on!

Our pizza of choice was Funghi, portobello with fresh tomato.

There's always room for dessert! How about some hot chocolate cake with vanilla gelato?

Our waiter Josh highly recommended we also try the apple fritters with gelato, all were so good!

As a bonus we got to meet the talented chef who oversees the kitchen at Quartino, Executive Chef John Coletta, not only does he have an impresive bio, but he's also a cookbook author.

If you're in Chicago and you're looking for great food, friendly service and a relaxing atmosphere to hang out with good friends consider dining at Quartino!