Sunday, October 31, 2010

Atenei telematici

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Comprensione orale: livello avanzato.Segna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni vere:
La Sapienza è un ateneo telematico.
Negli ultimi tre anni le iscrizioni negli atenei telematici sono aumentate del 900%.
In questi atenei si possono sostenere più di 60 crediti all'anno.
I vigili urbani hanno dei crediti abbonati.
I vigili urbani convalidano dei crediti grazie al

The Dark Side Of Chocolate (2010)

The Dark Side Of Chocolate (2010)

Miki Mistrati, U Roberto Romano, Denmark, english, 2010, 43 min.
-Buy the DVD-

(en) The Dark Side of Chocolate is a documentary about the continued allegations of trafficking of children and child labor in the international chocolate industry.

While we enjoy the sweet taste of chocolate, the reality is strikingly different for African children.

Miki Mistrati and U Roberto Romano launch a behind-the-scenes investigation and verify if these allegations of child labor in the chocolate industry are present today.

(sk) Dokumentárny film o obchodovaní s deťmi a detskej práci v medzinárodnom čokoládovom priemysle. Zatiaľ čo my si vychutnávame sladkú chuť čokolády, realita pre africké deti je zásadne iná. Miki Mistrati a U Roberto Romano sa vybrali utajene natočiť reportáž a potvrdiť či obvinenia o detskej práci v čokoládovom priemysle sú aj dnes na mieste.
- krátka ukážka so slovenskými titulkami:


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Not found. Help transcribe/translate this documentary!


Dinner time! (2)

Well you have seen I Sportivi from the street. Now it would be unfair if I wouldn't let you enjoy the view from inside...

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Coming Up Next

Il Vino Italiano: An Overview of Vineyards and Wine Through its Appellations (volume 2A)
Il Vino Italiano: Grape Varieties, Wine Descriptors, and Regional Gastronomy (volume 2B)

I have waited some time for these two books. My husband bought them for me for my birthday and I squealed like a 'tween when I opened the box from Italy.

These are the texts that accompany the 2nd level of the AIS (Associazione Italiana Sommelier) certification course. I took the first level in Naples in October and November of 2006, which were to be immediately followed by the 2nd course in December. In true Italian fashion, however, it was delayed. They started it up just as I was going home to Texas for my yearly extended visit in March, so I never got to finish.

I made a friend in the class, Lucia, who owned a "prodotti tipici" (local products) shop on the main street in Ischia Porto. She continued on with the course and upon my return, let me borrow the two books for a couple of months. What I discovered was a valuable reference source of all(-ish**) of the DOCGs, DOCs, and IGTs of Italy. Within each region's section was a complete list its appellations with all of the rules governing them (production zone, max yield, varieties, etc) along with a blurb about the wine. This was volume 2B.

2A had a list of all of the common grape varieties, their production zones, synonyms, historical notes and characteristics.

Fascinating, right...?

I surrendered the books to their proper owner, finished the Summer and Fall in Ischia, and returned home to Texas for good. (This is the part where I eventually met the DoBianchi of my dreams. He is practically an encyclopedia himself, wrapped in a casing of handsome, but I am determined to find something between these bindings that he doesn't know.)

I searched for the books in Italy, America, and the great wide Internets. The AIS site did not even have them for sale! Nor did anyone else for that matter.

Then one day this September, I decided I wouldn't let my grapeless search discourage me. I sat down and finally found them!! Jeremy P ordered them from an online Italian bookstore and here we are. (Jeremy is the brave one here, as I fear for the safe arrival of anything shipped from an Italian website.)

Did I mention that the entire course is in Italiano? Why wouldn't it be? But that's not a problem. I am going to translate it (mostly) for you because I NEED A PROJECT! And it will help me scour the rust off of my Italian.

So here starts my series. This is not for the easily bored, nor overly-critical. I just hope to spread the cheer that I experience by having access to this kind of information.

Buona lettura!

**So, calling any list of Italian DOCs and DOCGs "complete" can be a dubious declaration. The fact that different sources site different appellations and new ones come out all of the time lend to the confusion. To save the day, our friend, the Italian Wine Guy, has taken it as his duty to research and publish the most up-to-date and comprehensive list out there. Thanks Alfonso! That being said, the book that I am translating is in its fourth edition and was published this year (2010). Please see IWG's site for the latest news.

Antifascist Blockade - Warsaw - 11. october 2010

Antifascist Blockade - Warsaw - 11. october 2010


(pl) Porozumienie 11 Listopada

Jak co roku, 11 listopada nacjonaliści i neofaszyści z różnych organizacji planują przemarsz ulicami Warszawy. Nie chcemy, by zwolennicy ksenofobicznych i rasistowskich ideologii, którzy z dumą odwołują się do przedwojennych organizacji o jawnie faszystowskich sympatiach, znowu przeszli przez stolicę. Pomni wcześniejszych doświadczeń uważamy, że rosnącemu w siłę ruchowi narodowemu trzeba się przeciwstawić. Od dwóch lat próbujemy ich marsz zablokować. Zatrzymamy go tylko wtedy, gdy będzie nas dużo.

Jesteśmy grupą różnych ludzi i środowisk. Łączy nas sprzeciw wobec faszyzmu. Planujemy demonstrację na trasie faszystowskiego pochodu. Chcemy fizycznie go zablokować. Wykorzystamy przysługujące nam prawa obywatelskie. Zapraszamy wszystkich mieszkańców Warszawy i wszystkich, którzy zechcą przyjechać do Warszawy, do czynnego sprzeciwu wobec faszystów. Liczymy na Wasz udział w przygotowaniach, na przyjazd w zaproponowanym przez nas miejscu i czasie, na przygotowanie transparentów, na poinformowanie znajomych o naszych działaniach. Liczymy na Waszą obecność.

Informacja o miejscu blokady pojawi się rano 11 listopada na tej stronie oraz zostanie rozesłana via email i sms

(en) (statement of Antifascist Coalition "Agreement of November 11")

Blocking of fascist march in Warsaw 11 November 2010.

As every year on November 11, nationalists and neo-fascists from various organizations are planning a march through the streets of Warsaw. We do not want the supporters of xenophobic and racist ideology, who proudly refer to the pre-war organizations of openly fascist sympathies, to again pass through the capital. Remembering the past, we believe that the growing national movement must be opposed. For two years now, we have been trying to block this march. We will stop it only if there will be many of us.

We are a group of different people and organizations. We share an idea of resistance against fascism. We are planning a demonstration on the route of the fascist march. We want to physically block it. We will use our civil rights. We invite all residents of Warsaw and all who want to come to Warsaw, to take part in active opposition to the fascists. We look forward to your participation in the preparations, to your arrival to Warsaw on time and at the place proposed by us. We hope you to prepare banners and inform friends about our activities. We count on your presence.

For more information about the preparations check out our website


Colazione da Tiffany

Comprensione orale: livello medio
Indicare le affermazioni vere
Nella scena del film, A. Hepburn dice che niente di brutto può accadere da Tiffany
Il personaggio di A. Hepburn ama tutti i gioielli
Non ha però una particolare predilezione per i brillanti
La regia di "Colazione da Tiffany" è di B. Edwards
Il film è del 1965
Il film fu tratto da un romanzo molto più vecchio di T. Capote

Friday, October 29, 2010

Dinner time!

Starving after a whole day walking in Venice? This is one of our favorite places for a nice and hearty pizza, let's say gorgonzola spinachi (or a pasta al pesto o al nero di seppia...). It's "I Sportivi", in the south part of Campo Santa Margherita.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Sestiere Castello. Eight in the morning.

Pumpkin Bread Pudding

I made this on the spur of the moment the other day after gazing upon a day old half of baguette that was sitting on my counter totally intended for breadcrumbs. The winds were 60mph here in the Chicago area so this was the perfect dessert for a cool crisp day!

I've been stocking up on canned pumpkin because I'm always hearing there's a shortage of it so I had plenty of that along with all the other ingredients.

This was so quick to put together, the longest part was waiting for my raisins to soak up the bourbon, but oh it was so worth the wait!
Of course the bourbon is optional if you want to omit it just double the amount of hot water.
Add all your ingredients into one bowl, whisk it up and pour the mixture into individual ramekins, perfectly portioned for one.

The aroma is amazing, the warm spiced custard along with the bourbon soaked raisins will put a happy smile on your face! Feel free to put a dollop of vanilla ice cream on top if you wish.

Pumpkin Bread Pudding
Adapted from Martha

Unsalted butter, room temperature, for ramekins
6 tablespoons brown sugar
1 cup golden raisins
1/3 cup bourbon
1/3 cup hot water
One 15-ounce can pumpkin puree
4 large eggs
1 cup sugar
1 1/2 cups milk
2 teaspoons vanilla
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/2 teaspoon ground allspice
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
Pinch of salt
One 12-ounce day-old loaf brioche, challah or rustic baguette cut into 3/4-inch cubes
Confectioners' sugar, for dusting

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Butter six 10-ounce ramekins or custard cups, and sprinkle each with 1 tablespoon brown sugar, set aside on a baking sheet. Place raisins in a small bowl, and cover with bourbon, if using, and the hot water; let soak until plump, about 20 minutes. Drain; set aside.

2. In a large bowl, whisk together pumpkin, eggs, sugar, milk, vanilla, spices, and salt. Toss in the bread cubes, and stir gently to evenly coat; let stand a few minutes. Fold in the raisins. Divide among ramekins, pressing down slightly to make level.

3. Bake until custard is set in the center and top is golden, about 40 minutes. If bread browns too quickly, cover loosely with aluminum foil. Remove from oven; let cool slightly. To serve, un-mold onto plates; dust with powdered sugar.
Enjoy and Buon Appetito!


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Comprensione orale: livello medio.
Indicare le affermazioni vere.

Pelé è nato nel 1940.
Prima dei 25 anni aveva già segnato più di 1000 goal.

È nato in una favela di Rio.
Nella finale dei Mondiali del 1958 segnò i 5 goal del Brasile.
Il re di Svezia si complimentò personalmente con il giocatore.
Nella finale dei Mondiali del '70 contro l'Italia Pelé segnò il primo

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


The Zattere embankmant starts at the Dogana di Mare and ends at the Stazione Marittima. It's a long promenade where people like to take a walk in the evening to enjoy the last rays of sunshine.

D'Annunzio e il Vittoriale

Comprensione orale: livello medioIndicare le affermazioni vereNell'ottobre del 1930 D'Annunzio acquistò il VittorialeNella villa ogni elemento intendeva celebrare il sommo poetaIl Vittoriale ospitava anche un ampio auditorium che conteneva l'aereo con cui il poeta volò su FiumeEra possibile ammirare anche il sommergibile della beffa di BuccariNel 1930 D'Annunzio aveva 54 anniNella casa trovano

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Monday, October 25, 2010

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Cucina britannica

Comprensione orale: livello medio.
Segna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni VERE. Controlla nel commento poi le soluzioni.

Il "fish and chips" è un piatto del diciannovesimo secolo.
Il narratore si chiama Giovanni.
La bevanda classica per il breakfast inglese è il cappuccino.
Il breakfast classico inglese è fatto di uova, bacon e fagioli.
La cucina storica britannica era una cucina leggera.

San Erasmo

As we were in Vignola, let's carry on this little stroll on the laguna islands, with the neighbour San Erasmo, the "market garden" of Venice. In this season, mainly swiss chard, spinach, zucchini, potatoes...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

La pallapugno

Comprensione orale: livello avanzato.
Segna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni vere:
La pallapugno si gioca in Piemonte e in Liguria.
La pallapugno viene chiamato anche "pallone elastico".
Si gioca, in campionato, la domenica pomeriggio.
I risultati delle partite vengono pubblicati sulla Gazzetta dello Sport.
Il campo di Alba venne inaugurato nel 1957.
I giocatori piemontesi giocarono una

Storm from the mountain (2000)

Storm from the mountain (2000)
Zapatista uprising in Mexico

BigNoiseFilms, 2000, 55 min.

(en) Storm is a beautiful and empowering video documenting the historic three weeks in Mexico from Feb 24 to March 11. Originally satellitecast nationally on Free Speech TV March 14, the video follows the Zapatista caravan as it journeyed through 12 Mexican states visiting indigenous communities, eventually arriving in Mexico City to be greeted by over 300,000 people.

(sk) Tento film je krásnym a posilňujúcim videom, ktoré dokumentuje historické tri týždne v Mexiku od 24. februára do 11. marca. Pôvodne vysielané celonárodne cez Free Speech TV 14. marca, nasleduje toto video zapatistickú karavánu na jej ceste cez 12 mexických štátov navštevujúcu domorodé komunity, a nakoniec prichádzajúc do hlavného mesta Mexico City, kde ich vítalo viac než 300 000 ľudí.


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Transcript - English - incomplete

Transcript/preklad - slovensky - nekompletné
(kto by mal záujem dokončit preklad a titulky pre tento film?)

Oratorio in Vignole

A little chapel in a quiet place. The Oratorio di Santa Maria Assunta e Santa Eurosia, in Vignole island.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Homemade Ricotta Cavatelli Made Easy!

A few weeks ago my girlfriend let me borrow her BeeBo Cavatelli Pasta Maker it was the first time I ever used a machine, all I can say is wow, what a great invention!

If you're crazy about cavatelli, those shell-like ridged noodles that capture and hold the flavor of a sauce so well, then have no fear you can have these made, cooked and on your table in no time at all. I was amazed at just how easy this process was, you simply feed a strip of pasta dough into the machine and turn the handle; the machine does the rest. The rollers send the dough past a drum set with two tiny blades which cut the dough into small pieces and presses them against the drum’s ridged lining. As quick as you can turn the handle is as fast as they come popping out, you'll have trays of them done before you know it!

If you want to freeze some, leave them individually on the tray as shown above placing the whole tray in the freezer, when completely frozen you can then bag them up, mine took about a half hour to 40 minutes to freeze.

The ricotta dough is my favorite they turn out so light tasting, you won't get that heavy doughy feeling at all I promise! They also cook up really fast, just place them into salted boiling water and when they rise to the top, which only takes a few seconds, they're pretty much done and you can start scooping them out.
Whatever sauce you choose you can be sure that those deep ridges will catch it all!

A simple sauce made of olive oil, garlic, red pepper flakes and some of the pasta water was the perfect combination for the fresh cavatelli with shrimp and broccoli.

Tossing them into a light marinara sauce is my personal favorite, even my 14 month old granddaughter loved them, I cut them into thirds for her and she gobbled them up!

Here's the food processor method for making the dough
Serves 4
4 cups of flour
1 egg
1 lb. ricotta cheese
1 t. salt
1/4 cup milk
Using the metal blade process the flour, egg, ricotta and salt together, pour the milk through the tube and process again until dough ball forms. That's it!
At this point if you get the machine you'll have instructions as to how thick the dough should be when you roll it out and cut it into strips.

If you want to make the cavatelli by hand without the machine (why would you?) you can still enjoy this recipe.
You might consider putting this on your Christmas list, I highly recommend it!
Buon Appetito!

Kubrick Photographer

Until November 14th, 200 photographs of young Stanley Kubrick are to be seen at the Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Parolacce in tv

Comprensione orale: livello avanzato
Segna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni vere:
Negli Usa la giustizia ha sdoganato le parolacce in tv.
Negli anni '70 le tv americane vietarono uno show in cui si dicevano due ore di fila di parolacce.
Madonna, in uno spettacolo, ha detto 49 parolacce in 2 minuti.
Jane Fonda, in un'intervista ha insultato il giornalista, con gravi parolacce.
La giustizia

Right is Wrong

Right is Wrong

Download Video
This Week:
1. Boneheads in Belgrade
2. Squatting is not a crime
3. Brussels Brutality
4. French lessons for Americans
5. No freedom of speech in KKKanada
6. FBI’s new collegiate dictionary
7. The RNC 3
8. Holy! Holy! Holy!
9. Anarchists Against the Wall


Si supieras, que aún dentro de mi alma,
conservo aquel cariño que tuve para ti...
Quién sabe si supieras que nunca te he
olvidado, volviendo a tu pasado te
acordarás de mí...

Los amigos ya no vienen ni siquiera a visitarme,
nadie quiere consolarme en mi aflicción...
Desde el día que te fuiste siento angustias
en mi pecho, decí, percanta,
¿qué has hecho de mi pobre corazón?

Carlos Gardel
(Música: Gerardo Matos Rodríguez -
Letra: Pascual Contursi y Enrique Maroni)

Monday, October 18, 2010

Nobel Medicina per la fecondazione in vitro

Guarda il video su Youtube

Comprensione orale: livello medio.
Segna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni VERE. Controlla nel commento poi le soluzioni.
L’americano Edwards riceve il Premio Nobel per la Medicina 2010.
La Chiesa dice che la scelta è fuori luogo perché a causa di Edwards:
a. c’è il mercato degli ovociti
b. ci sono molti embrioni congelati
c. ci sono 4 milioni di persone in più

Blood Dolphins - S01E03

Blood Dolphins - S01E03

BayRock Media, USA, english, 2010, 42 min.

(en) THE SOLOMON ISLANDS, PART 2 - Ric and Lincoln O'Barry's mission to the Solomon Islands continues and is fully launched on two fronts. First, they must confirm the true intentions of dolphin dealer-turned apparent reformer, Chris Porter. Secondly, they make inroads with the indigenous people still involved in dolphin hunting. The summit meeting between Ric and Porter is a tense affair complete with accusations and recriminations, but there are no conclusive results. In the end, Porter breaks down during a confrontation with one of the team members. He has dolphins to free, and he wants Ric to help him. On the other front, Ric's delicate negotiations with the dolphin hunting villages are nearly derailed when a letter signed by several chiefs and parliament members is made public. The letter contains a clear warning that Ric, Lincoln and their entire team should stay away from the island of Malaita. Soon, however, Ric and Lincoln are told the letter is a hoax. They proceed to the island and finally enter into an agreement with one of the villages to stop hunting dolphins. It is a rare, tangible victory in the fight to save dolphins.

(sk) Ric O'Barry je späť! Animal Planet nadväzuje týmto novým mini seriálom na oskarový dokumentárny film "The Cove", kde Ric a jeho syn Lincoln odhaľujú lov na delfíny v Japonsku a po celom svete.

Watch online:

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Not found. Help transcribe/translate this documentary!

Nenašiel som. Pomôžte preložiť tento film!

[BOOK] Encyclopedia of Ecology

[BOOK] Encyclopedia of Ecology

Elsevier Science | 2008 | ISBN: 0444520333 | 3834 pages | PDF | 119 MB

(en) The groundbreaking Encyclopedia of Ecology provides an authoritative and comprehensive coverage of the complete field of ecology, from general to applied. It includes over 500 detailed entries, structured to provide the user with complete coverage of the core knowledge, accessed as intuitively as possible, and heavily cross-referenced. Written by an international team of leading experts, this revolutionary encyclopedia will serve as a one-stop-shop to concise, stand-alone articles to be used as a point of entry for undergraduate students, or as a tool for active researchers looking for the latest information in the field.


Riva degli Schiavoni

Large bank at the south of the Castello, la Riva degli Schiavoni stretches from the Palazzo Ducale to the Arsenal. It's a nice and sunny promenade along St Mark's Basin, often packed with tourists...

Burning The Future - Coal In America (2008)

Burning The Future - Coal In America (2008)

David Novack, USA, english, 2008, 89 min.
-Buy the DVD-

(en) Burning the Future: Coal in America examines the explosive forces that have set in motion a groundswell of conflict between the Coal Industry and residents of West Virginia. Confronted by an emerging coal-based US energy policy, local activists watch the nation praise coal without regard to the devastation caused by its extraction. Faced with toxic ground water, the obliteration of 1.4 million acres of mountains, and a government that appeases industry, our heroes demonstrate a strength of purpose and character in their improbable fight to arouse the nation's help in protecting their mountains, saving their families, and preserving their way of life.

(sk) Tento film sa zaoberá konfliktom medzi ťažobným priemyslom zameraným na ťažbu uhlia a obyvateľmi západnej Virgínie v USA.


Burning The Future: Coal in America - Trailer from Odessa Films on Vimeo.
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French available in the download links.
Not found. Help transcribe/translate this documentary!

Nenašiel som. Pomôžte preložiť tento film!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Guinea Pig Kids (2004)

Guinea Pig Kids (2004)

BBC, This World, Jamie Doran, UK, english, 2004
ANTI: I am not a scientist or know much about hiv/aids. I am posting this docu because it raises the issue of power and authority over children.

(en) HIV positive children and their loved ones have few rights if they choose to battle with social work authorities in New York City.

(sk) HIV pozitívne deti a ich rodina majú málo práv ak sa rozhodnú bojovať so sociálnymi pracovníkmi a úradmi v New Yorku.

Watch online:

Pozrite si to online (slovenské titulky):




False identità

Comprensione orale: livello avanzato
Segna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni vere:
Il tg5 emetterà un servizio sulle falsificazioni online.
Le falsificazioni si possono effettuare con apparecchiature a buon mercato.
Ad un'avvocatessa di Milano, hanno rubato la carta di credito.
Il suo nome era nell'Albo degli Avvocati, pubblicato online.
Un colonnello della Guardia di Finanza le ha

Isola Madonna del Monte

On the way to Burano, a small island occupied by the ruins of what used to be back in time a powder magazine : Isola Madonna del Monte.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Butternut Squash Tart with Caramelized Onions and Kale

Butternut squash has become a favorite in our house, it's so versatile and can be used in so many different dishes. I usually buy one every week, cut it into chunks, roast it and tuck it away in my fridge to use up during the week.

It's so readily available this time of year and with prices like this how can I refuse!

I'm always looking for new ways to use it so while researching the Internet I kept seeing Smitten Kitchen's galette version, those caramelized onions she used were calling my name so I decided to make a tart but changing it up a bit using puff pastry instead and adding kale for color and added flavor. I've already made this twice we loved it that much!
There's something about the sweetness of the caramelized onions paired with the sweet and buttery squash, it's such a perfect match, add to that fontina and parmesan cheese and a touch of sauteed kale, this dish screams fall!
I promise you you won't be disapointed, you can even substitute spinach if you want or omit it all together. The puff pastry was a dream to work with, so easy to put together once all the components were ready.
Butternut Squash Tart

Prepare Squash, you can do this ahead of time
Peel squash cut into chunks toss in a bit of olive oil salt and pepper then and roast in a 375F- 400F oven til tender and golden.

One sheet of puff pastry, defrosted
Unfold the pastry sheet onto a Silpat or parchment paper and place on a baking sheet. Using a sharp knife, score a 1/2-inch border around the edge of the pastry sheet. Prick the center of the pastry sheet thoroughly with a fork.

Caramelized Onions
For this I sliced three onions into half moons and then sauteed them in a dab of butter and olive oil, added a pinch of sugar and a couple of sprigs of fresh thyme slowly cooking them for almost 40 minutes until a rich golden brown color appears. Don't hurry this process even though you might want to, it really makes a difference!
For the kale I just took a about 6 leaves and cut them chiffonade style, saute in olive oil until wilted.
When all those components are finished sprinkle parmesan on the base of the puff pastry sheet, then add your caramelized onions all around then touches of kale here and there, maybe a cup or so of cubed fontina spread about, more parmesan and a drizzle of olive oil on top and along the border of the puff pastry, place in a 400F oven for 25- 30 minutes or until nicely browned on the bottom.
Each year during the fall local Girl Scouts create nature themed scarecrows near my home, very creative don't you think?
Have a wonderful weekend and Buon Appetito!

Santa Maria del Rosario

In front of the busy Canale della Giudecca, Santa Maria del Rosario, commonly known as "I Gesuati".

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Le aventure di Pinocchio

Comprensione orale: livello medio.
Guarda i primi 5 minuti del filmato e segna le affermazioni vere.
La brocca di Geppetto è piena d’acqua.
Geppetto crede che la visione di Pinocchio in carne ed ossa sia un effetto del freddo.
In cambio di una riparazione, a Geppetto viene offerto del latte.
Siccome non ha bisogno del latte, Geppetto si rifiuta di fare la riparazione.
Geppetto teme che Pinocchio

Basquiat by Fiore

Exibition Enzo Fiore at the Galleria d'Arte Contini. Born in Milano in 1968 Fiore uses a very personnal technique, realizing portraits with surprising and unusual materials such as moss, roots, leaves, earth, gravel and resin. Some works are even exclusively made with all king of insects... Spectacular!

Le Cinque Terre 1

Esercizio di comprensione orale (livello medio/avanzato)
Guarda il video e poi decidi quali delle seguenti affermazioni sono vere:

Le Cinque Terre si chiamano così perchè "Terra" era il nome antico per "Borgo".
La prima delle Cinque Terre venendo da sud è La Spezia.
La caratteristica dominante del paesaggio delle Cinque Terre sono i terrazzamenti delle montagne.
Le case nelle Cinque Terre sono

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Landscape Painters

In many places of Venice you'll encounter artists working together on a same landscape, as here, near La Salute, painting the façade of a house covered with Virginia creeper.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Yves Montand

Comprensione orale: livello medio
Indicare le affermazioni vere
Y. Montand fu chiamato a cantare all'Opera di Parigi nel gennaio 1952
Il suo vero nome era Ivo Livi
Era nato nel 1931 in Toscana
Il padre socialista, lavorava in fabbrica
Il padre lasciò l'Italia con la famiglia a causa delle violenze fasciste, trasferendosi a Marsiglia
Ivo fece diversi lavori, tra cui il parrucchiere per signore e

Blood Dolphins - S01E02

Blood Dolphins - S01E02

BayRock Media, USA, english, 2010, 42 min.

(en) THE SOLOMON ISLANDS, PART 1 - In recent years, the Solomon Islands — a tiny nation in the South Pacific — has emerged as a major crossroads in the blood trade in wild dolphins. Dolphin dealing is legal here and has sparked a gold rush among poverty stricken indigenous tribes who have hunted dolphins for centuries and who use dolphin teeth as a form of currency. For Ric and Lincoln O'Barry, a mission to The Solomons brings intrigue and danger, as well as high hopes. The most prominent dealer in the islands — a man named Chris Porter — has made
overtures to Ric, claiming he is ready to quit the business. It could be the opening Ric needs to shut down the captive trade. But to make it pay off, the team must face down a rival dealer and broker a deal with the native dolphin hunters to stop killing dolphins.

(sk) Ric O'Barry je späť! Animal Planet nadväzuje týmto novým mini seriálom na oskarový dokumentárny film "The Cove", kde Ric a jeho syn Lincoln odhaľujú lov na delfíny v Japonsku a po celom svete.

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Ponte dell'Accademia

Il Ponte dell'Accademia links San Marco and Dorsoduro. On this wooden structure, tourists enjoy taking a little break to admire the surrounding view, to watch the boats sailing on the Canal, and to have their photo taken...

Monday, October 11, 2010

Jane Goodall: My Life With The Chimpanzees (1990)

Jane Goodall: My Life With The Chimpanzees (1990)

National Geographic, USA, english, 1990, 50 min.
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(en) In the summer of 1960, 26-year-old Jane Goodall set out for Africa. Her mission was to find and observe an elusive tribe of chimpanzees. Today, almost three decades later, Jane has grown from a stranger to the chimp's loyal friend and strongest ally. Her lifelong dedication to the study of chimpanzees has helped to identify them as man's closest relative. In JANE GOODALL: MY LIFE WITH THE CHIMPANZEES, this extraordinary woman shares her personal story of the triumphs and trials that come with leading a life in the wild.

(sk) V lete roku 1960 sa 26 ročná Jane Goodallová vybrala do Afriky. Jej misiou bolo nájsť a pozorovať stále unikajúci kmeň šimpanzov. Dnes, skoro tri desaťročia neskôr, prestala byť Jane neznámou a stala sa vernou kamarátkou šimpanzov a ich najsilnejšou zástankiňou. Jej celoživotné odhodlanie pre štúdium šimpanzov napomohlo v ich rozpoznaní ako najbližších príbuzných človeka. V tomto filme sa s vami táto výnimočná žena podelí so svojím osobným príbehom víťazstiev a pokusov, ktoré prichádzajú s životom v divočine.

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Bacino di San Marco

The sprawling St Mark's Basin, part of the Venetian lagoon, used to be, in bygone centuries, the center of the maritime, trading and conquering Venice. I love to dream of these times, watching the basin from the Dogana di mare.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

L'uccisione di Che Guevara

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Ernesto Che Guevara fu ucciso in Bolivia nell'ottobre 1967
Fu catturato dalle forze armate boliviane ed ucciso per ordine del Capo di Stato Maggiore
Fu ucciso da un ufficiale che sparò una raffica di mitra
Il Che morì lentamente
Che Guevara fu fotografato cadavere da un giornalista italiano del

The Wobblies (1979)

The Wobblies (1979)

Stewart Bird & Deborah Shaffer, USA, english, 1979, 90 min.
-Buy the DVD-

(en) "Solidarity all for one and one for all!". With that slogan the Industrial Workers of the World aka the Wobblies took to organizing unskilled workers into one big union and winning and eight-hour workday and fair wages. Along the way the Wobblies met with imprisonment violence and the privation of prolonged strikes. This award-winning film airs a provocative look at the forgotten American history of this most radical of unions paying tribute to workers who took the ideals of equality and free speech seriously enough to die for them. Stewart Bird and Deborah Shaffer directed the film. Filmmaker interview with Stewart Bird and Deborah Shaffer; Interview with historian and author Paul Buhle; Original recordings of IWW songs; Exclusive photo gallery; Filmmaker biographies; Interactive menus; Scene selection Director: Stewart Bird & Deborah Shaffer

(sk) "Solidarita všetci za jedného a jeden za všetkých!". S týmto sloganom Industrial Workers of the World aka the Wobblies podujali organizovať nevzdelaných robotníkov do jednej veľkej únie a vyhrali osemhodinový pracovný deň a férové mzdy.
Počas toho sa Wobblies stretávali s uväzňovaním, násilím a nedostatkom vlečúcich sa štrajkov. Tento výherný film vysiela provokatívny pohľad na zabudnutú americkú históriu najradikálnejšej únie a vzdáva hold robotníkom, ktorí brali ideály rovnosti a slobody slova vážne natoľko, aby tomu obetovali svoje životy.


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Cows with guns - Dana Lyons

Cows with guns - Dana Lyons

Cows With Guns music by Dana Lyons

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The Cows With Guns Animation (Animation by Bjorn-Magne Stuestol, music by Dana Lyons)
The Cows With Guns Claymation was created by Australians Cameron Edser and Michael Richards.

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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Gone Fishing, sounds crazy I know...

I’m going fishing
I got me a line
Nothin'I do's gonna' make the difference
So I’m taking the time

And you ain’t never gonna be happy
Anyhow, anyway
So I’m going fishing
And I’m going today

I’m going fishing
Sounds crazy I know
I know nothing about fishing
But just watch me go

And when my time has come
I will look back and see
Peace on the shoreline
That could have been me

You can waste a whole lifetime
Trying to be
What you think is expected of you
But you’ll never be free

May as well go fishing
Chris Rea

Translate END:CIV

Translate END:CIV
Looking for transcribers/translators for "END:CIV - Resist or Die" documentary

(en) You can help translate the newly finished crowd funded documentary END:CIV from the director Franklin Lopez. We need translators to any language or/and people who can transcribe the film (you will get one part, so it´s diveded and quicker). If you are interested, please write directly to Frank on submedia (AT) gmail (dot) com
We need this ASAP...have only a few weeks time for the DVD release.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Dirty Oil (2009)

Dirty Oil (2009)

Leslie Iwerks, USA/Canada, english, 2009, 73 min.

(en) Deep behind-the-scenes into the strip-mined world of Alberta, Canada, where the vast and toxic Tar Sands deposit supplies the U.S. with the majority of its oil. Through the eyes of scientists, ‘big oil’ officials, politicians, doctors, environmentalists, and aboriginal citizens directly impacted by ‘the largest industrial project on the planet today,’ the filmmakers journey to both sides of the border to see the emotional and irreversible toll this ‘black gold rush’ fueled by America’s addiction to oil is taking on our planet


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The Anarchists Library (2010)

The Anarchists Library
(as seen October 1st, 2010)

(en) The full mirror of as seen October 1st, 2010 in 2 CD-ROM images (one for A4 paper, one for letter paper), featuring over 1100 anarchist texts (from articles to full books), in PDF, HTML and EPUB forma

(sk) Úplná kópia stránky aká bola 1. októbra 2010 v dvoch CD-ROM obrazoch, obsahujúca viac než 1100 anarchistických textov.

Torrent (1,02 GB):

Vegetable Egg in a Hole

Traditional Egg in the Hole is made by cutting a hole in the middle of some bread then cracking an egg inside the hole and then simply frying it all together. Do you remember the famous breakfast scene in Moonstruck between Olivia Dukakis and Cher? I once did a post on the famous "Moonstruck Eggs".
Well this is the low carb veggie version. I love how acorn squash looks when you slice it into rings a perfect ready made hole for your egg! Don't bother to peel it, just carefully slice the squash into rings, take out the seeds, toss in olive oil, salt and pepper and roast in an oven at 400F for about 20 minutes, you can do this all the day before.

When you're ready to cook it drizzle some olive oil in the bottom of your pan, place the squash rings inside then gently crack your egg in the middle. Cook on low heat partially covered then snip fresh rosemary on top along with freshly grated parmesan cheese, it's a perfect flavor combination with the squash and a beautiful presentation for a special breakfast, and it's so easy to do! Don't worry about the peel it slips right off.

Another great vegetable that works well is peppers of all different colors, here I used red peppers which I sliced into rings then sauteed in olive oil until tender right in the pan it only takes a few minutes, then finish cooking the egg as I did above, this was garnished with a dry Tuscan style herb mix that I have.

Everything stays contained in it's own neat little package, and again such great flavor combinations going on here, sweet red pepper, creamy egg, olive oil and herbs!

Here's more of a free form method I do when I have leftover veggies, put them in a pan, make a hole in the center and crack an egg right in the middle,just be careful when you slide it on to your plate you might want to add some cheese to the veggies so they stay together or better yet use individual casserole dishes so everything is contained.
Acorn squash and red peppers are everywhere right now so pick some up and give this a try I think you're going to love it!
Have a great weekend, and Buon Appetito!