Monday, May 31, 2010

Born Into Brothels (2004)

Born Into Brothels (2004)
Calcutta's Red Light Kids

Zana Briski, Ross Kauffman, USA, bengali/english, 2004, 85 min.
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(en) Admist the apparent growing prosperity of India, there is a dark underbelly of poverty of another side of the nation that is little known. This film is a chronicle of filmmakers Zana Briski and Ross Kauffman's efforts to show that world of Calcutta's red light district. To do that, they inspired a special group of children of the prostitutes of the area to photograph the most reluctant subjects of it. As the kids excel in their new found art, the filmmakers struggle to help them have a chance for a better life away from the miserable poverty that threatens to crush their dreams.

(cz) Ulice Červených světel v Kalkatě je jedním z nejhrůznějších míst na zemi. Dokumentaristka Zana Briski se rozhodla toto místo přiblížit světu skrze fotografie tamních dětí, které vyprávějí děsivé události jejich života. Zdejší děti nikdy nepoznají, co je slovo láska, dívky jsou odkázány k prostituci a chlapci zase cvičeni k zabíjení. Je to hrozný svět a právě Zana se rozhodla alespoň několika dětem pomoci k lepšímu životu. Aby se dostali na vysněné školy, dostali kalkatské děti fotoaparáty, kterými fotí svět kolem sebe. Učí se tím, že svět není tak zlý jak se zdá a pokud chtějí, mohou ho změnit. Jejich fotografie se nakonec dostali do světových galerií a slavily úspěch. S penězi vydělanými právě v této aukci, která mimochodem slavila obrovský úspěch, si děti mohli dovolit některou z kalkatských internátních škol.


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Brought to Light (1988)

Brought to Light (1988) (CD an Comic)
Thirty Years of Drug Smuggling, Arms Deals, and Covert Action


(en) Shadowplay: The Secret Team written by Alan Moore and drawn by Bill Sienkiewicz with an introduction by Daniel Sheehan (general counsel of TCI). It covers the history of the Central Intelligence Agency and its controversial involvement in the Vietnam War, the Iran-Contra affair, and its relationship with figures like Augusto Pinochet and Manuel Noriega. The narrator of Shadowplay is an aging anthropomorphic American Eagle, a bellicose retired CIA agent

Flashpoint: The LA Penca Bombing is written by Joyce Brabner, as told to her by Christic Institute clients Martha Honey and Tony Avirgan. It deals with the La Penca bombing which happened during the civil war in Nicaragua in 1984.

By Alan Moore and Gary Lloyd-In the ten years since Brought to Light was first published, we have become familiar with the idea of a secret government, popularised by Internet conspiracy buffs and, of course, The X-Files, where the obsession with alien cover-ups has been at the expense of the real horrors -- the Contras pulling the tongues of peasants through knife slits in their throats or the bombardment of Laos.This spoken word version of Moore's text is therefore essential listening. Dark electronic backing by Gary Lloyd accompanies Moore's reading of the sinister subject matter. It is only when Moore adopts the character of a grizzled veteran of these campaigns that the horrors begin to seep into your
evening. Voice thick with cancer, punctuated by cocaine snuffles and hacking coughs, the atrocities come thick and fast in the vet's monologue. Everyone has a gallon of blood in their body, a swimming pool holds 20,000 gallons -- the vet describes the casualities adding up to two, sometimes three swimming pools. Sometimes more. It is a typically macabre Moore image, and it works particularly well in this performance.Although the vet's confession covers familiar ground, it is erected on the intricate, sturdy scaffold of the Christic Institute's research. It is this wealth of historical detail that makes Brought to Light a success.
At the end of the performance, silence spools out of the stereo, a hiatus before the complex military industrial music that underpins the reading returns. You sit there gasping, your disbelief hanging out, as the half-forgotten abuses of covert America run through your mind like a herd of devils. Brought to Light is a primer for a revolution in your perception of post-war history, ripe with blood and ink and secrets. (Michael De Abaitua- The Idler magazine)

(cz) Komiks zobrazující svinstva, které dělal CIA. Psáno podle uniknutých dokumentů, které se neměli dostat na veřejnost. Jde o jakýsi druh dokumentárního komiksu. Psáno v angličtině.



Shadowplay (part of this comic) was made into an audio CD by Codex Books in 1998. The CD is spoken word with Moore narrating the story himself with music by composer Gary Lloyd.

L'asparago bianco

Comprensione orale: livello medio / avanzatoRispondi alle domande e controlla poi le soluzioni nel commento.Dove è stato girato il video?Come si chiama la persona intervistata?Perché l’asparago rimane bianco e non diventa verde?Di quale colore è il film plastico che copre l’asparago?Quando viene effettuata la raccolta dell’asparago?Bisogna fare attenzione a tenere lontano l’asparago bianco da

The Mindscape of Alan Moore (2003)

The Mindscape of Alan Moore (2003)

Dez Vylenz, UK, english, 2003, 80 min.
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(en) The Mindscape of Alan Moore is a 2003 feature documentary which chronicles the life and work of Alan Moore, author of several acclaimed graphic novels, including From Hell, Watchmen and V for Vendetta.[1]

The Mindscape of Alan Moore is Shadowsnake’s first completed feature project, part One of the Shamanautical / 5 Elements series. It is the directorial debut of DeZ Vylenz. It is the only feature film production on which Alan Moore has collaborated, with permission to use his work.

(cz) Nesmírně zajímavé povídání Alana Moorea o třech dějstvích: Mooreovo dětství poznamenané sociální nepřizpůsobivostí, Mooreova stoupající kariéra komiksového scénáristy a Mooreův mystický náhled na chod kosmu. Zjevné je, že Moore dal k dokumentu souhlas a na oplátku si ho zorganizoval k obrazu svému. Jeho ikonická mluvící hlava se v průběhu zjevuje čím dál méně (snad to souvisí s jeho nenávistí vůči celebritám a nechutí být slavný), až se vytratí a zůstane jen Mooreův narátorský hlas, obeznamující nás s rezolucemi hnutí New Age. Děsivé náhledy do mysli Rozparovače v románu Z pekla byly náhledy do Moorea.



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Early promenade in the little streets of Dorsoduro.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

(wish) Blek Le Rat - Original Stencil Pioneer (2006)

(wish) Blek Le Rat - Original Stencil Pioneer (2006)

King Adz, UK, english, 2006, 30 min.
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(en) Blek Le Rat is one of the inventors of Street Art and modern Stencil Art, and has been developing his art since the beginning of the eighties. In a trip to NYC in 1971, Blek sees graffiti ‘writing’ on the streets for the first time leaving a lasting impression, which later inspired him to create his own style. It was only a decade later that Blek found the stencil and began his quest. He cut a stencil of silhouette of a rat and sprayed it everywhere in Paris for over a year, at a time when no one was making street art, apart from political graffiti. Blek revolutionized the meaning of the street stencil from Political to Art. He flipped it. This is a defining moment in the history of Street Art.

Street art has evolved and the year is now 2006 and every major stencil artist today, most famously Banksy, have been influenced by Blek’s unique style. Bansky claims, “every time I think I’ve painted something slightly original, I find out that Blek Le Rat has done it as well, only twenty years earlier…”

“Blek Le Rat - Original Stencil Pioneer”, highlights the work of the Parisian Stencil Art maverick. Kick back and relax, and accompany Blek on a road trip through France, as he talks about his life, his work and his influence on street art as well as a virtual lecture and slide show of his work over the last 25 years.


Boom - The Sound of Eviction (2001)

Boom - The Sound of Eviction (2001)

Francine Cavanaugh, A. Mark Liiv, USA, english, 2002, 96 min.
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(en) By turns humorous and scathing, Boom delves into the ironies and contradictions of the "New Economy" and delivers a potent social critique that is ambitious in its scope while remaining close to the human scale. The viewer moves easily between dot-com party crashing at one end of the economic spectrum and painful moments with evicted families at the other. Boom features interviews with dot-com workers, real estate developers, and San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, as well as those who challenged the new economic order through community organizing, electoral politics, and direct action.


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Il basilico

Comprensione orale: livello avanzato.Segna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni vere:Il servizio è stato girato a Grotte sul Mare.Il paese si trova in provincia di Savona.Il signore intervistato si chiama Paolo.Il basilico ha bisogno della vicinanza del mare.Nella serra la temperatura è di 8-10 ºC.Il basilico si coltiva al suolo.Per la coltivazione del basilico vengono utilizzati concimi

The Molly Maguires (1970)

The Molly Maguires (1970)

Martin Ritt, USA, english, 1970, 124 min.

(en) Life is rough in the coal mines of 1876 Pennsylvania. A secret group of Irish emigrant miners, known as the Molly Maguires, fights against the cruelty of the mining company with sabotage and murder. A detective, also an Irish emigrant, is hired to infiltrate the group and report on its members. But on which side do his sympathies lie?

(cz) Irští horníci toho mají už dost. Pracovat za žebráckou mzdu v nelidských podmínkách by se nelíbilo nikomu. Proto se bouří. Kapitalistická klika však nasazuje do jejich společenství policistu.



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Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War On Journalism (2004)

Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War On Journalism (2004)

Robert Greenwald, USA, english, 2004, 75 min.
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(en) Outfoxed examines how media empires, led by Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News, have been running a “race to the bottom” in television news. This film provides an in-depth look at Fox News and the dangers of ever-enlarging corporations taking control of the public’s right to know.

Documentary on reported Conservative bias of the Rupert Murdoch-owned Fox News Channel (FNC), which promotes itself as "Fair and Balanced". Material includes interviews with former FNC employees and the inter-office memos they provided.

(cz) Male nahlednuti do mechanismu, kterymi se v republikanske strane naklonenem Foxu ukazuje "pravda", a ktere se pouzivaji k manipulovani s verejnym minenim. Takhle se u divaku vytvari souhlas a nazory. Obzvlast pekne je tu vykreslen politicky komentator, moderator a foxovsky hlasny trouba Bill O´Reilly - jako agresivni fasoun, jehoz neoblibenejsi vetou smerem k hostum s jinym nez konzervativne republikanskym nazorem je "Shut Up!".


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CZ titulky jiz brzo!

Morning Delivery

In Venice's backstage, workers bustle about, early in the morning so that everything is ready when the curtain rises and the crowd overruns the city...

(upcoming) GIRL POWER (2011)

(upcoming) GIRL POWER (2011)
A documentary movie about women in graffiti world

premiere in summer 2011

(en) The idea behind the Girl Power project was born in Prague in 2008 during the filming of a short video with female graffiti artists. After its completion and success we thought, why not explore this topic a little deeper. Soon we realized that the central theme would be the subject of women in the world of graffiti.

In the film Girl Power its intention to capture the female perspective and its social implications in the context of the graffiti scene. Why do so few girls paint? What are their reasons? It's a very bold and dangerous lifestyle, which tends to be associated with men. Yet there are women who have dedicated their lives, who seek out danger on their own accord and most importantly have a completely distinct approach to graffiti. First and foremost, they consider it a form of entertainment and so they spice it up with various elements such as clothing, stylization, which is miniskirts, humorous masks, extravagant clothing or they will paint their nails and put a pink wig on. All these aspects give their form of graffiti a new dimension. It's more fun, varied and most of all, distinct from the male approach.

To film this subculture as objectively as possible and to see how the art has evolved around the World, we will travel to over ten cities in Europe (Berlin, Milan, Lisbon, Madrid, Paris, Dortmund, Prague, Budapest, Moscow...) and we'll be welcomed into the cradle of graffiti - New York city.

We'll visit these cities with a film crew in a "unique" van, which will be accompanying the girls throughout the film.

(cz) Projekt GIRL POWER vznikl v Praze v roce 2008 při tvorbě krátkého holčičího graffiti videa pro graffiti video Kick the Shit 2008. Po jeho dokončení a úspěchu nás napadlo, proč se o toto téma nezajímat více a neprohloubit ho. Hlavní náplní projektu je otázka dívek vs. graffiti.

Ve filmu GIRL POWER zachytíme svět z dívčího pohledu a jeho sociální tématiku spojenou se životy lidí co dělají graffiti. Proč maluje tak málo dívek a jaký k tomu mají důvod? Jedná se o velmi nebezpečný a odvážný životní styl, který je spojován jen s muži. Avšak existují dívky, které mu zasvětily svůj život, na vlastní pěst vyhledávají nebezpečí a hlavně mají ke graffiti absolutně odlišný přístup. Prvotně ho berou jako zábavu a proto ho okořeňují o různé prvky, kterými jsou oblečení, způsob malování i to, jak ho nakonec prezentují. Tyto všechny aspekty dávají graffiti zcela jiný rozměr. Zábavnější, pestřejší a hlavně rozdílnější oproti mužskému přístupu.

Abychom zachytili co nejobjektivněji tuto subkulturu, i to jak se vyvíjí v různých částech světa, objedeme více jak deset měst Evropy (Berlín, Miláno, Lisabon, Madrid, Paříž, Dortmund, Praha, Budapešť, Moskva…) a zavítáme i do kolébky graffiti - New York.

Tato města navštívíme s filmovým štábem v „unikátní“ dodávce, která bude provázet diváka po celou dobu filmu.



GIRL POWER movie 2011 (teaser vol.1) [Berlin 2009]

Skipping Waste (2009)

Skipping Waste (2009)

Lily Barlow, 2009, 40 min.

(en) "Skipping Waste" is a documentary about dumpster diving created in 2009 by Lily Barlow. It was shot in France and the Netherlands. The movie is distributed under the conditions of the Creative Commons Share Alike NonCommercial Attribution license.

Monopolizing chain supermarkets dominate food sales. Bananas from Colombia and avocados from Brazil are filling baskets throughout European winters. These unsustainable consumer habits lead to a well of waste, burning oil and overflowing landfills. Desperately seeking an alternative, dumpster divers are taking to the streets, feeding hundreds with the found food. "Skipping Waste" follows these communities through France and the Netherlands as they recoup and reuse what capitalist society has deemed as 'trash'.

(sk) Dokument o "dumpsterdivingu" čiže vyberaniu košov, loveniu spoločnosťou vyhodeného, ale ešte vždy použiteľného jedla (a iných zdrojov). Natáčaný bol vo Francúzsku a Holandsku.

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---or--- Waste (2009).part1.rar Waste (2009).part2.rar Waste (2009).part3.rar
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Subtitles (english, portuguese):

Transcript (english and french):

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La Sacra Sindone

Comprensione orale: livello medioIndicare le affermazioni vereI visitatori della Sindone sono stati 1.600.000 circaIl Papa è stato il primo visitatore della SindoneSulla Sindone possiamo ammirare l'impronta di un uomo crocifissoLa figura umana impressa sulla sindone è leggermente sproporzionataLo studioso intervistato dice che dai suoi studi risulta che all'origine del fenomeno vi sia una

Saturday, May 29, 2010

La prima Diva, Francesca Bertini

Guarda il video su Google VideoComprensione orale: livello medio/avanzato.Guarda il video e decidi se le seguenti affermazioni sono vere o false:Francesca Bertini era una attrice di teatro.Il suo primo lavoro da protagonista si chiamava "Sangue blu".Per Francesca Bertini è stato coniato il nuovo termine "diva".Un protagonista del cinema di questi anni era anche Gabriele D'Annunzio, il grande

Friday, May 28, 2010

Grill Up Some Eggplant This Weekend

When I have a cookout or when I'm invited to one, I like to make salads and side dishes that are free from any mayonnaise base, that way I don't have to worry about them sitting out and spoiling. Here's 2 recipes you might want to consider while you're grilling out this weekend. You still have time to run out and get some eggplants!

Both are great served at room temperature.

I love this grill pan I've had it for years, and it still works like a charm, it's like a wok and your able to toss and evenly brown your veggies very easy on your grill. I drizzled my eggplant with olive oil, salt and pepper before I put them in my hot grill pan.

This simple salad is made with chunks of eggplant, pitted green olives, fresh parsley, capers and lemon peel, all tossed together in a fresh lemon and olive oil dressing. It actually tastes better as it sits out!

This is my new favorite eggplant salad, I've already made it twice. Chunks of grilled eggplant tossed with diced tomatoes, toasted baguette bread cubes, fresh torn basil and defrosted frozen corn all drizzled with a good olive oil. If your lucky enough to find frozen roasted or grilled corn, use that, it adds a nice smokey flavor, but it's not necessary. Great at room temperature, the juice of the tomatoes, olive oil and basil flavor the chunks of crunchy bread cubes. So good!
Enjoy your holiday weekend and day off of work!
Buon Appetito!

(Upcoming) Sea The Truth (2010)

(Upcoming) Sea The Truth (2010)


(en) If we continue to catch and eat fish at the current rate, in about 40 years there will be no fish left to catch. Scientists have proclaimed that message for years, and also fishermen are getting more and more aware of the fact that the sea is not an inexhaustible source. The first time the world was confronted with an empty sea, was in 1992 in Newfoundland. The centuries-old cod fishery came to an end when the Canadian government proclaimed a complete fishing ban. Cod in Newfoundland was gone and has not returned to this day. Is Newfoundland an example for what can happen in the rest of the world?

In Sea the Truth, we want to make up the balance: what is the fish stock at the moment?
Is it true what scientists teach, that in 2048 the oceans will be fished out? And if that message is true, who will do something about it? What is being done to change the tide? Do politicians listen to these alarming words? And what can you do as an individual? We are looking for answers to these questions.

In the film we have two story lines which are edited through each other. There is underwater photographer Dos Winkel as a champion of the sea. He is very concerned because, after thirty years of diving, he witnessed with his own eyes that it’s becoming uglier and more and more empty under water. The film follows Dos in his activities.

In addition, there is a marine biologist who is doing her own research. Everything Dos is saying raises questions, which we want to have answered by scientists, professionals, experienced experts, politicians and other stakeholders. Her tour along various places and people will be edited through Dos Winkel’s personal story. Topics which are being dealt with in the film are: fishing quotas, subsidies, illegal fishing, farmed fish, health and sustainability.

At the end we hope to have a balanced answer to our question: can what happened in Newfoundland repeat itself? Or is the world warned enough and can the next generation, with all its attempts to deal with the ocean in a sustainable way, continue to enjoy the beautiful underwater world and sustainably caught fish?

From the makers of the award winning documentary MEAT THE TRUTH (zobraziť menej)
If we continue to catch and eat fish at the current rate, in about 40 years there will be no fish left to catch. Scientists have proclaimed that message for years, and also fishermen are getting more and more aware of the fact that the sea is not an inexhaustible source. The first time the world was confronted with an empty sea, was in 1992 in Newfoundland. The centuries-old cod fishery came to an end when the Canadian government proclaimed a complete fishing ban. Cod in Newfoundland was gone... (čítať ďalej)


Night Stroll in Dorsoduro

A night and quiet stroll, as I like them, along a canal in Dorsoduro.

Découvrez les "Ponts du Dimanche" chez Louis La Vache

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Peregrine - Reduced to Ashes

Peregrine - Reduced to Ashes

Preklad videoklipu anarcho-metalovej kapely Peregrine. Song "Reduced to Ashes".
Subtitles by WAFPRESS


..slovenské titulky

..english subtitles

Water Entrance

Most of the "water entrances" in Venice connect to a wharehouse, the "ground level" of a palace. This water entrance, just opens on a garden, old, solitary and deserted garden, like a small piece of jungle in the heart of the city.



(en) Finaly, english subtitles are available for ANTIFA : CHASSEURS DE SKINS. Funny story thou. Two people offered to translate just a week ago. And yesterday, I´ve got the subs from another person:) So thank you to all! And just a reminder. I have a lot of docus that need a transcription, or translation, so don´t hesitate to contact me on that.

(sk) Konečne mi došli anglické titulky na tento film. Kto nevie, sú k dispozícii aj poľské. Komu by sa chcelo nejakú recenziu napísať, sem s ňou. Titulky sa prekladajú...mali by byť dúfajme ešte do leta.

Go to the download page:

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Scott West Interview on Democracy Now!

Democracy Now! Interviews Sea Shepherd’s Scott West

Scott WestOne month after the BP oil spill, Democracy Now! speaks to Scott West of Sea Shepherd, a former top investigator at the Environmental Protection Agency who led an investigation of BP following a major oil pipeline leak in Alaska’s North Slope that spilled 250,000 gallons of oil on the Alaskan tundra. Before West finished his investigation, the Bush Justice Department reached a settlement with BP, and the oil company agreed to pay $20 million. At the same time, BP managed to avoid prosecution for the Texas City refinery explosion that killed fifteen workers by paying a $50 million settlement.

For the rush transcript from May 20, 2010, click here

Scott West Interview on Democracy Now!

May 20, 2010


Democracy Now! Interviews Sea Shepherd's Scott West about the BP oil spill

Another murder committed by neo-Nazis in Moscow

Another murder committed by neo-Nazis in Moscow/Erneuter Mord durch Neonazis in Moskau

On the 24th of May a group of young people were celebrating their friend’s birthday on the Moscow river embankment in the north-western part of the city. With the party coming to an end, the company started to dissolve while the rest, around 15 people and mostly girls remained to collect the rubbish. At this juncture they were attacked by a group of neo-Nazis (about 40 people) coming from the bridge, shooting their non-lethal guns and screaming «It’s them, get them!" According to the witness neo-Nazis sought to beat each and everyone. One of the girls got her back injured hit by a cobble. When the guys returned to the place most of them managed to get away from, they found their friend Dmitry Kashitsyn lying in blood. He got severely wounded. Dmitry died on the spot even before the police and the ambulance arrived. He was 27.

Having spoken with the witnesses of the tragedy we can try and represent the incident. Young people were peacefully celebrating their friend’s birthday. Many of them were musicians or just heavy/ hardcore/punk music fans with typical for this subculture looks. It is very likely that it came to be this feature and, especially, the guys’ tattoos that caught attention of the neo-Nazis who decided to attack them because they thought them to be anti-fascist activists. The assault was well-planned and deliberate, which is evidenced by the following facts. The first point is that it happened at the end of the celebration, which means that some of the Nazis might have noticed a group of young people, spread the word about that and started preparing an attack. The second is that at the very moment of the attack the Nazis were shouting Nazi slogans and were having non-lethal guns and knives on them. The third point is that they were all wearing masks.

Dmitry’s friends told us that all of the young people present at the birthday party had no relation to the anti-fascist movement and took no interest in politics. Dmitry Kashitsyn had no relation to antifascists either, he just loved heavy music and rarely visited his favorite bands’ concerts. None of the victims had self-defense weapon and they got baffled by such an impudent attack.

As a result neo-Nazis attacked young people who were peacefully resting, beat them up and killed a young Russian guy just because they suspected him of having the opposite views.

Once again this tragedy shows us that the threat of getting beaten up or killed by neo-Nazis is real and concerns each of us, regardless of age, sex and nationality.

Antifascists from Moscow express their condolences to Dmitry’s family. We will do anything to ensure that those who did it will not get away unpunished. This tragedy has proven that there is an urgent need to confront the neo-Nazis and all those who sympathize with them. It is everyone’s duty to do their best to ensure that such tragic event never happens again.

Dmitry’s friends started a fundraising campaign to support his family.

Am Samstag, den 23.05.2010 ereignete sich in Moskau erneut ein Mord an einem Angehörigen einer Subḱultur. Eine Gruppe von Neonazis tötete den 27-jährigen Dmitrij Kashizyn einzig aus dem Grund, weil sie ihn für einen Antifa-Aktivisten hielten.
Übersetzung des Berichts von

Gestern abend feierte eine Gruppe junger Leute den Geburtstag eines ihrer Musiker-Freunde bei einem Grill-Abend in der Nähe der Stroginskij-Brücke im Nord-Westen Moskaus. Nach dem Ende der Feier gingen die meisten Gäste, nur etwa 15 Leute, der größte Teil junge Frauen, blieben, um aufzuräumen. Alle von ihnen besaßen ein "slavisches" Äußeres. Plötzlich wurden sie von einer ca. 40-köpfigen Gruppe Neonazis angegriffen, die sich von der Brücke her näherte. Mit dem Ruf "Das sind sie, holt sie euch!" begannen die Neonazis, aus Gaspistolen zu feuern und sich auf die Gruppe zu stürzen. Einem Augenzeugen zufolge machten es sich die Angreifer zum Ziel, alle Anwesenden zu attackieren. Eine der Frauen trafen sie mit einem Pflasterstein, wobei ihre und Wirbelsäule verletzt wurde. Als diejenigen, die fliehen konnten, wieder an den Tatort zurückkehrten, fanden sie den 27jährigen Dmitrij Kashizyn in einer Blutlage liegend vor. Ihm waren an die 15 Messerstiche zugefügt worden, durch die er an Ort und Stelle verblutete.
Die Miliz traf 10 Minuten nach den Geschehnissen ein, ein Krankenwagen erst 40 Minuten später.

Anhand der Aussage eines Augenzeugen dieser Tragödie kann der Ablauf des Mordes rekonstruiert werden:
Die Gruppe junger Leute feierte friedlich den Geburtstag ihres Freundes. Viele von ihnen waren selbst Musiker_innen oder Anhänger_innen der Hardcore-Szene, was ihnen äußerlich an ihrem Kleidungsstil auch anzusehen war. Es ist anzunehmen, dass es gerade das subkulturelle Äußere sowie die Tattoos der Anwesenden waren, welche die Aufmerksamkeit der Neonazis erregten. Mit der Annahme, es handle sich bei der Gruppe um Antifa-Aktivist_innen, beschlossen sie vermutlich, diese anzugreifen. Dass es sich hierbei um einen geplanten und zielgerichteten Angriff handelte, lässt sich anhand einiger Faktoren aufzeigen.
1.) Der Angriff geschah zum Ende der Feier. Ein Neonazi muss die Feiernden zufällig entdeckt und seinen Kameraden von ihnen berichtet haben, woraufhin sie den Angriff vorbereiteten.
2.) Bei ihrer Attacke schrien die Angreifer typische und eindeutig neonazistische Losungen und trugen sowohl nicht-letale Schusswaffen als auch Messer bei sich.
3.) Alle Neonazis waren vermummt.

Von den Freunden des Ermordeten haben wir erfahren, dass keine der anwesenden Personen der Antifa angehörte bzw. sich überhaupt für Politik interessierte. Auch Dmitrij Kashizyn selbst besaß keinerlei Verbindungen zur antifaschistischen Bewegung, er war lediglich ein Hardcore-Fan, der ab und zu Konzerte seiner Lieblingsbands besuchte. Keine_r der Angegriffenen trug Selbstverteidigungswaffen bei sich, der äußerst brutale Überfall kam für alle überraschend.

Die Neonazis griffen also eine harmlose Gruppe feiernder junger Menschen an, schlugen sie zusammen und ermordeten einen jungen Mann einzig aus der Annahme heraus, er könne ein politischer Gegner sein.

Dieses schreckliche Ereignis beweist zum wiederholten Male, dass die Gefahr, von Neonazis attackiert oder ermordet zu werden, jede_n von uns treffen kann, unabhängig von Alter, Geschlecht oder Nationalität.

Die Antifaschist_innen Moskaus bekunden der Familie des Ermordeten ihr Beileid. Wir werden unser Möglichstes dafür tun, dass die Schuldigen nicht unbestraft bleiben. Das Geschehene bestärkt uns einmal mehr in dem Wissen, dass die neonazistische Bedrohung real ist und das es eine existentielle Notwendigkeit ist, gegen Neonazist_innen und ihre Symphathisant_innen Widerstand zu leisten. Es ist die Pflicht eines jeden vernünftigen Menschen, das Möglichste zu tun, damit sich so etwas nicht noch einmal wiederholt.

Dmitrijs Freunde haben einen Spendenaufruf zur Unterstützung der Familie gestartet.


weitere Artikel (russisch):


В Москве неонацисты совершили очередное убийство

24 мая 2010, 14:40

В Москве неонацисты совершили очередное убийство

Вчера группа молодых людей праздновала день рождения одного из своих друзей-музыкантов, жаря шашлыки в районе Cтрогинского моста в Cеверо-западном округе Москвы. Отметив день рождения, ребята стали расходиться, а оставшиеся 15 человек, большинство из которых были девушки, решили собрать мусор. Все молодые люди были славянской внешности. В этот момент на них напала группа неонацистов в количестве 40 человек, появившаяся со стороны моста. С криками “Это они, вали их!” они начали стрелять из травматического оружия и набросились на ребят. Со слов очевидца, неонацисты стремились избить всех подряд. В одну из девушек они попали булыжником, повредив спину. Вернувшись на место, подвергшиеся нападению ребята обнаружили лежащего в крови Дмитрия Кашицына, 1982 года рождения. Ему было нанесено около 15 ножевых ранений. Дмитрий скончался на месте. Он был другом именинника. Милиция прибыла через 10 минут после случившегося, скорая лишь через 40.

Со слов очевидцев трагедии, можно попробовать восстановить картину происшедшего. Молодые люди мирно праздновали день рождения своего друга. Многие из них были музыкантами или просто любителями тяжелой музыки, в том числе хардкор направленности, и выглядели в соответствии с модой в данной субкультуре. Возможно, именно характерный внешний вид и, в особенности, татуировки на теле ребят привлекли внимание неонацистов. Последние, решив, что ребята являются активистами антифашистского движения, решили напасть на них. Нападение было спланированным и целенаправленным, о чем свидетельствуют несколько фактов. Первый — это то, что нападение было совершено под конец празднования, т.е., случайно узнав о том, что на набережной находится группа людей, кто-то из нацистов сообщил своим подельникам об этом, и они стали готовиться к нападению. Второе — это то, что при нападении нацисты выкрикивали характерные нацистские лозунги и имели при себе травматическое и холодное оружие. Третье — то, что все они были одеты в маски.

Дмитрий Кашицын

Дмитрий Кашицын

Друзья погибшего рассказали нам о том, что все молодые люди, праздновавшие день рождения, не имели никакого отношения к антифашистскому движению и не интересовались политикой. Дмитрий Кашицын также не имел никакого отношения к антифашистам, он просто слушал тяжелую музыку и изредка ходил на концерты любимых групп. Ни у кого из пострадавших не было средств самообороны, и столь дерзкое нападение стало для них неожиданностью.

Таким образом, неонацисты напали на мирно отдыхавших молодых людей, избили их и совершили убийство молодого русского парня лишь из подозрения в противоположенных взглядах.

Эта трагедия в очередной раз свидетельствует о том, что угроза быть избитым или убитым неонацистами касается каждого из нас независимо от его возраста, пола и национальности.

Антифашисты Москвы выражают соболезнования родственникам погибшего. Мы сделаем все возможное для того, чтобы те, кто это сотворил, не остались безнаказанными. Подобные события еще раз убеждают всех нас в том, что неонацистская угроза реальна, и что существует острая необходимость в противостоянии неонацистам и всем тем, кто им симпатизирует. Долг каждого здравомыслящего человека — делать все для того, чтобы подобное больше никогда не повторилось.

Друзья Димы организовали сбор денежных средств для поддержки его семьи:

Филиал АК СБ РФ (ОАО) Ивановское отделение №8639 СБ России Сбербанка России
УДО № 8639/0003
ИНН 7707083893
БИК (МФО) 042406608
Кор.счет 3010180000000000608
Лицевой счет 40817810617000945636/53

Получатель Александр Евгеньевич Кашицын.

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L'unità d'Italia

Comprensione orale: livello elementare/intermedio
Seleziona le risposte corrette fra quelle disponibili. Se risponderai bene, vedrai lo sfondo diventare di colore verde.
Il 22 aprile 1911 si celebrò il cinquantenario dell'unità d'Italia.

Nel 1861 le truppe del re Vittorio Emmanuele II occuparono l'Umbria e le Marche.

Garibaldi incontrò il sovrano a Torino.

Al Parlamento di Torino

Poland: Riots in Warsaw

Poland: Riots in Warsaw

(en) 32 people were arrested during riots following the police murder of a 36-year-old Nigerian man, Max, in Warsaw on Saturday. 25 of these people are being charged with assaulting a police officer.

Below is a description of events. Some photos are here:

Check back in the next days on this blog or the CIA website ( for videos of speeches made by the colleagues of Max at the protest and new information.

There is also an address for sending a fax to the police and a sample letter below.

On Sunday May 23, police started a raid on some Nigerian traders who were selling shoes at the bazaar at the Stadium in the Praga district of Warsaw. One guy was apparently handcuffed and push to the ground.

A 36-year-old colleague from Nigeria, Max, tried to intervene and get the police to stop brutalizing the other. Max was shot in the stomach and killed.

There immediately started to be problems with police, who tried then to chase and round up the rest of the panicked African traders, mostly from Nigeria. When more police arrived, some riot started. People were throwing stones and bricks at the police and 4 police vans were destroyed. 32 people were arrested.

The police immediately sent their spokesperson to invent a good story for the media: that police were "surrounded and attacked" by a gang of agressive Africans, so they had to shoot Max. As we later established from eye witnesses, the story was completely different.

ZSP released a statement and called for an emergency action the next day. During the day, the TV interviewed the Max's wife, Monika, and Akai from ZSP, finally letting another version of events into the media.

Max had been in Poland legally for many years. He was married to Monika, a Polish woman, with whom he has three children, aged 10, 4 and 2. He was selling goods at the stadium as a second job to supplement his poor income and help support his family.

In the evening, people gathered at the site of the murder. Some speeches were made and then there was a spontaneous demonstration to the police station were the Africans are being held. The protestors took over the main street in Praga and marched to the station. At the station, a group of African friends of Max came and told people about what happened.

People would like to press this issue. We have learned that 25 of the 32 arrested will be charged with assaulting a police office, which faces up to 10 years in prison. We are receiving new video evidence from the site of the murder and eyewitnesses are coming forward. There will be some follow-up tomorrow.


Komenda Rejonowa Policji Warszawa VII
04-007 Warszawa, ul. Grenadierów 73/75
tel.: 022 603 76 55, fax.: 022 603 75 44

We demand the immediate release of the people detained on May 23 at the Stadium during the police riot. They are guilty of nothing - the police are the agressors and murderers. We also demand that the constant harrassments of immigrants trying to make a living stop.

This is the video from the action yesterday at the police station. Friends of Max, who was murdered by police, speak out. It is in English.,94898,7930579.html If you click on the photo of Zaczek there will be more photos - you have to click "następne" on the top right of the photos.

(cz) Polsko: Policejní vražda při zátahu na africké prodavače (+VIDEO)

MaxV neděli 23. května 2010 provedla polská policie zátah na nigerijské prodejce bot v tržnici poblíž stadionu ve varšavské čtvrti Praga. Jeden muž měl spoutané ruce a policisté ho srazili na zem. Jeho 36letý kamarád z Nigérie, Max, se snažil zasáhnout a zabránit policii v podobně brutálním zacházení s dalšími lidmi. Byl zabit střelou do břicha.

Policie se poté pokoušela pochytat i zbytek panikařících afrických prodejců, většinou původem z Nigérie. Zatímco přijížděli další a další policejní jednotky, vypukly nepokoje. Lidé házeli kameny a cihly na policisty a byly zničeny čtyři policejní dodávky. 32 lidí bylo zadrženo.

Policie ihned poslala svého mluvčího, aby dal dohromady povídačku pro média: policisté byli „obklopeni a napadeni“ gangem agresivních afričanů a museli proto na Maxe vystřelit. Jak bylo později potvrzeno od očitých svědků, realita byla úplně jiná.


ZSP (Svaz syndikalistů Polska) vydal prohlášení a svolal protest na další den. Během dne pak televize udělala rozhovor s Maxovou manželkou a Akaiem ze ZSP – a tak se do médií dostala i jiná verze události.

Max pracoval v Polsku legálně již několik let. Oženil se s Polkou Monikou, se kterou měl tři děti ve věku 2, 4 a 10 let. Svou druhou prací, prodejem v tržnici u stadionu, se snažil vylepšit si svůj mizerný příjem a uživit tak svoji rodinu.


Večer se na místě vraždy sešlo mnoho různých lidí. Bylo přečteno několik projevů a poté proběhla spontánní demonstrace a pochod před sídlo policie, kde byli drženi zbylí zatčení afričané. Protestující zabrali hlavní ulici ve čtvrti Praga a pochodovali k policejní stanici. Zde někteří z Maxových afrických přátel popsali lidem, co se vlastně stalo. Solidární protesty přiměly policii, aby propustila všechny zadržené, ti jsou stále obviněni z napadení veřejného činitele.

Foresteria Valdese

Have you ever seen a guest house with such frescoes on the ceilings and walls? Palazzo Cavagnis, hosting the Foresteria and the Waldensian Church in Venice is now under a thorough restoration as you can see on this ceiling. The working are interesting both rooms and common areas, but during the works the Foresteria is open and offers accommodation as usually. A great place to stay in Venice on a budget but in a palace!

Foresteria Valdese

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

La Hitler-Jugend

Comprensione orale. Livello medio.Seleziona le risposte corrette fra quelle disponibili. Se risponderai bene, vedrai lo sfondo diventare di colore verde. Nell'aprile 1945, i nazisti mandarono i ragazzi della Hitler-Jugend a combattere contro i carri armati nemici. I russi catturarono prigionieri che avevano solo 14 anni. Il generale Guderian fu il comandante della Gioventù Hitleriana. Un ragazzo

Morning Paper

A moment of peace and quiet, early in the morning. Just the time to glance through the news before the first tourists arrive.

Monday, May 24, 2010

I giardini di Hanbury

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Hanbury nel_1_______, a 35 anni, di ritorno dalla Cina dove aveva accumulato notevoli quantitativi di__2________, acquistò questo terreno e si dedicò a costruire il sogno della sua gioventù che era quello di realizzare un _

Berry Good Desserts

Here's a few desserts that I enjoy making once the weather starts warming up. Nothing complicated here just simple and easy, quick to put together so you can enjoy the great weather.
This is equally as good with sliced strawberries so use whatever berries you like, just remember once it's assembled it should be eaten right away.

Easy to put together with just a few store bought ingredients. I wanted to lighten mine up a bit so instead of using heavy whipped cream ( which would be amazing) I used Greek yogurt. Even the no fat version is so thick and creamy, I just love the stuff!
Take a store bought pie crust, roll it out, and with a 3 inch cookie cutter make as many rounds as you can. Place them on a baking sheet, prick them with a fork, and bake about 8-10 minutes at 400 degrees, times may vary, you just need them to be golden brown. This step could be done ahead of time and kept in the freezer until ready to use.
Next take your yogurt (or whipped cream) and fold in a dollop of good quality lemon curd, that's really all there is to it, now just layer your stacks with the berries and lemon "cream". Garnish with lemon zest and nuts if you like. How easy is that?

Light and refreshing, this little treat is made in minutes by warming up some orange marmalade, tossing in your berries, placing them in a pretty glass topped off with a dollup of yogurt and some toasted slivered almonds. You'll love the combination of flavors!

BLUEBERRY TART, I've made this several times. I got this recipe 2 years ago from my friend Pat's blog who got it right out of Women's Day magazine. Pat also made this substituting the blueberries with strawberries, which I've yet to try, but soon will.
Don't you think this would be a perfect ending to your Memorial Day barbecue?

1 cup plus 2 Tbl. flour
2/3 cup plus 2 Tbl. granulated sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1 stick (1/2 cup) unsalted butter, cut up
1 Tbl. white vinegar
5 cups blueberries
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp almond extract
Powdered sugar

1. Heat oven to 375°F. Spray a 9-in. square or round tart pan with a removable bottom with nonstick spray.
2. Pulse 1 cup flour, 2 Tbl. sugar and the salt in food processor until blended. Add butter; pulse until coarse crumbs form. Sprinkle with vinegar; pulse until blended. Turn out dough and bring together with fingers.
3. Press dough into bottom of tart pan. Top with 3 cups berries. Mix remaining 2 Tbl. flour, 2/3 cup sugar and cinnamon in medium bowl. Evenly sprinkle over berries; drizzle with almond extract.
4. Bake tart 50 to 60 minutes until bubbly. Remove from oven and top with remaining 2 cups blueberries. Let cool in pan on wire rack. Sprinkle with confectioners' sugar. Serve warm or at room temperature.
From Woman's Day July 8, 2008

Note: I'm not plugging store bought pie crusts, but if you're in a hurry or you don't feel like making your own, it's a great substitution and a nice convenience every now and then, and guess what, it still tastes every bit of delicious!

Buon Appetito!

Garibaldi a Montevideo

Comprensione orale: livello medio
Indicare le affermazioni vere
Giuseppe Garibaldi e Anita Ribeiro si sposarono in Brasile nel 1842
Garibaldi era arrivato in Brasile nel 1835
Aveva combattuto per l'indipendenza del Rio Grande do Sul

Incontrò Anita nel 1839 su una nave
La pronipote di Garibaldi racconta il momento dell'incontro con Anita
Anita era vedova
Anita fu fatta prigioniera durante la

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Bombin (1987)

Bombin (1987)

Dick Fontaine, UK, english, 1987, 60 min.

(en) This documentary was created sometime around 1987 and aired on channel 4. It is a follow up of sorts to the 1984 BBC documentary 'Beat This' which served as an outsiders view of Hip Hop as a new New York sub-cultural phenomenon. Here Director Dick Fontaine returns to focus on the UK adoption of this Hip Hop culture and some of the conflicts created therein. To achieve this, the production chose to focus on Graffiti Art, no doubt because this element had the biggest conflict and issues to explore with its high presence, intrusion and illegality. In those days Break dancing took centre stage in the UK but wouldn't have provided nearly as interesting debates to explore. After providing such a strong argumentative presence in 'Beat This', Brim Fuentes (TAT) is brought over to the UK as a sort of cultural ambassador of New York graffiti in a string of workshops and informal seminars. He is also put squarely in front of international main stream media's scrutiny. To which they responded in a manner of ways that at best was condescending and at worst was a down right personal attack for being a catalyst to the vandalising of Britain's culture and heritage. From here the documentary alludes to the social implications of ethnicity and poverty, and their relationship with the Hip Hop subculture. This is where Goldie (of later Drum n Bass fame) as one of the UK premier graffiti artists makes a strong presence in his most notable early television appearance. It's his relationship and 'parallels' with Brim that really play out the rest of the documentary as the two exchange visits to each others home environments in Wolverhampton and the Bronx respectively. The film incidentally captures some of the earliest footage of significant UK protagonists such as Goldie and a pre Massive Attack 3D (not his finest hour here), as well as a noticeably limited Mode 2 and the Chrome Angels appearance at the Birmingham wall commission. However it is debatable that the producers pushed their own inclinations towards ethnicity and Graffiti here, with their focus on Goldie and Brim. It makes for interesting viewing but considering the well documented fact that the culture transcended ethnic barriers in New York and beyond, it can be held up as a particular flaw. You decide.

(sk) Starší dokumentárny film o graffiti z Anglicka.

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