Wednesday, December 31, 2008


To all the good friends I've met in blog land, and to everyone else who takes the time to visit here. Best wishes for a very healthy, happy, and delicious new year!!

I thought I'd leave you with a Spicy Bloody Mary in case you needed a little kick start in the morning!

***3 Shots of Thick and Spicy Bloody Mary Mix

***1 Shot of Vodka, or Gin

***Pour over Jalapeno Ice Cubes*** Stir and Garnish

Land and Freedom (1995)

Land and Freedom (1995)

Ken Loach, UK/Spain/Germany/Italy, english/spanish/catalan, 1995, 109 min.

(en) Spring 1936, a young unemployed communist, David, leaves his hometown Liverpool to join the fight against fascism in Spain. He joins an international group of Militia-men and women, the POUM (Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista). After being wounded he goes to Barcelona, where he decides to join another group of fighters. They remain in Barcelona and end up fighting other anti-fascist groups. David is disappointed and decides to go back to his old band.

(cz) Dnes už jsou to jen vzpomínky starého, umírajícího muže, ale jaro roku 1936 znamenalo pro mladého, nezaměstnaného idealistického komunistu Davida čas velkých životních změn. Už dlouho odmítal sedět se založenýma rukama a zavírat oči před děním ve světě, a proto se rozhodl opustit rodný Liverpool a vydat se do Španělska bojovat po boku republikánů proti Francovi a rozpínajícímu se fašismu. Vedle ostatních členů marxistických milicí a budoucích přátel se nakonec dostal až do první linie a poznal všechny hrůzy, které může přinést boj. Byl přímým svědkem mnoha důležitých událostí španělské občanské války a prožil také nejednu deziluzi a ztrátu naděje. A přesto nebyl jeho boj a život zbytečný. Tak zní poselství legendárního britského levicového režiséra Ken Loache, jež v roce 1995 obdrželo dvě ceny na festivalu ve francouzském Cannes. V hlavní úloze nepokojného mladého idealisty se představil tehdy jednatřicetiletý Ian Hart.


Watch online/Pozri si to online:



slovenské(upravil morbus):
---alebo české---

Subtitles (english, spanish):

Religulous (2008)

Religulous (2008)



I proudly present the long-waited Bill Maher's Religulous.
Maher travels all around the world and argues with people about God and religion.
He goes to Creationist Museum and Holy Land Theme Park, talks to truckers at a Truckers' Chapel and meets the man claiming that he is the second coming of Christ, Muslim rapper who hates the Jews, ex-gay pastor who married with a lesbian and more...

Very funny and sometimes very clever moments wait for you!

Merry Christmas! :)

(cz) Režisér Borata a slavný politický komentátor a komik Bill Maher, který se nikterak netají svým názorem, že náboženství je porucha myšlení a brání lidem používat selský rozum, spojili své síly a natočili dokument Religulous (spojení slov „religion“ a „ridiculous“), v kterém navštěvují slavné náboženské destinace, vedou rozhovory s věřícími z různých náboženských skupin a snaží se formou satiry dokázat, že organizované náboženství je zdraví a mozku především smrtelně škodlivé.


Fileserve 1-Click Download



Black Dutch news anchorwoman Noraly Beyer quits

Noraly Beyer, now 62, has put an end to her career as news anchor of the Dutch public broadcasting network NOS. Beyer started in 1985 as anchorwoman on the eight o'clock news. She was the second black news anchor in the Netherlands. Beyer is born on the Dutch Antilles, but has Surinam roots. She also presented the news in Surinam from 1973 until 1982.
Read: Beyer's writes fairwell letter

Greg Palast - Weapon of Mass Instruction (AudioBook)

Greg Palast - Weapon of Mass Instruction (AudioBook)


(en) Debut CD (and it's Enhanced!) release by best-selling author, investigative journalist and all-around good ol' muckraker, Greg Palast. This is a lecture in Boulder, Colorado from 2003 and it covers lots of subjects from his best-selling book: The Best Democracy Money Can Buy. Enhanced part provides first-hand looksies at Secret Documents and other things the public (that's you!) wasn't supposed to know about!! Artwork by Winston Smith!


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Le lenticchie

How did British Alexander Amosu became so rich?

It's possible that you have never heard of Alexander Amosu. But Omuso is a black Britton, now 33, who has made a fortune by making R&b ringtones in the UK. One day Amosu realised that he didn't want to be poor anymore, so he started several businesses. Finally he came up with the idea of making ringtones and made a fortune by doing it.

Read: Alexander Amosu: 'I made £6first day and grew from there'
Amosu's personal website

Letting Go of God - Julia Sweeney (AudioBook)

Letting Go of God - Julia Sweeney (AudioBook)

(en) Julia Sweeney says she was a "happy Catholic girl" when, one day, she walked into church and signed up for a Bible-study course. "What an eye opener that was!" she says. "Next thing you know, I was on a quest for something I could really believe in. I traveled to places like Bhutan, Ecuador, and my local Starbucks looking for answers. Would I embrace Buddhism? New Age pseudo-science? Was I a freak for feeling the way I did, or were there other people out there just like me? I was grappling with serious questions. But, somehow, a lot of the things that were happening to me seemed, well, funny." Equally comedic and insightful, Letting Go of God is Sweeney's brilliant one-woman show about her struggle with her faith. Grappling with the seeming contradictions in Adam and Eve, Noah, the Ten Commandments, and even the teachings of Jesus - and trying to understand the Bible's messages about morality, family values, and human suffering while faced with door-knocking Mormons and wise-cracking priests - Sweeney takes listeners on her very personal journey from God to "not-God". This performance was recorded on November 19, 2005, at the Ars Nova Theatre in New York City.


The War Game (1965)

The War Game (1965)
Documentary on possible nuclear war

Peter Watkins, UK, english, 1965, 48 min.

(en) The War Game is a fictional, worst-case-scenario docu-drama about nuclear war and its aftermath in and around a typical English city. Although it won an Oscar for Best Documentary, it is fiction. It was intended as an hour-long program to air on BBC 1, but it was deemed too intense and violent to broadcast. It went to theatrical distribution as a feature film instead. Low-budget and shot on location, it strives for and achieves convincing and unflinching realism.

(cz) Dokumentární drama popisující výbuch atomové bomby shozené Sovětským svazem na malé městečko v jižní Británii vyděsilo vedení televizní stanice BBC natolik, že ho odmítla vysílat. Film mohla britská veřejnost zhlédnout v televizi až v roce 1985. V roce 1967 byl uváděn pouze krátce v kinech. I tak však stačil získat cenu Akademie za nejlepší dokumentární počin roku. Základním znakem Watkinsonova polodokumentárního, autentického stylu se staly záběry napodobující formu černobílých týdeníků. Hra na válku je ukázkovým příkladem autorových schopností vytvořit komplexní, působivé dílo, jež se nijak nevyhýbá konfrontaci. Sám Watkins říká: „V tomto filmu jsem se zajímal o rozpor mezi skutečností a pseudorealitou, kterou vytvářejí média. Ptám se: Kde je pravda? V tvrzeních figurek, které se odvolávají na oficiálně podporované názory, nebo v uměle inscenovaných a fiktivních scénách, jež ilustrují následky jejich projevů a činů, jež tvoří druhou rovinu mého filmu? Právě kvůli možnosti srovnání jsem propojil natočený filmový materiál s ukázkami skutečných rozhovorů. Když jsem přemýšlel o vhodné formě, bylo mým cílem využít co nejlépe film, aby pomohl odhalit a prolomit mlčení médií o problémech nukleárního zbrojení."

Watch online / Pozri si to online:






"i" the film - UPDATE

"i" the film
Argentina, Indymedia and the questions of communication
85 min, 2006

(updadate: download links added / Pridané linky pre download + slovenské titulky)

Go to / Choďte sem:

Monday, December 29, 2008

Cooking for a Crowd?

Growing up, Meatball Lasagna was always reserved for special occasions, holiday times, and parties. Often it was served as a side dish along with a roast of some sort, a turkey, or a ham, but just as many times, all on it's own.
Homemade mini meatballs are key, a little time consuming, but worth it! You can roll, and cook them ahead of time, stick them in a Ziploc bag in the frig, or freezer till ready to assemble. My meatballs will always have garlic, breadcrumbs, fresh parsley, egg, salt, pepper, and lots of grated Romano cheese.
I find that results are best if you use the dried or fresh noodles, not the no-boil type, layering as you go with a light homemade marinara sauce, ricotta cheese mixture, shredded, or fresh mozzarella, the mini meatballs, and more Romano cheese. Who can resist oozing cheese and dripping sauce and a bite of a tiny meatball? A definite crowd pleaser!!

Stuffed Shells are great for a party also, they're individual and self contained, and easy to serve.
Here I made two different kinds, a meat mixture of ground round, chopped spinach, and grated Romano cheese, and your standard ricotta cheese mixture.

This was served as a side dish to our meal on Christmas day. Packed up and ready to go to my BIL, and SIL's for dinner! Two huge pans! You think I went a little overboard??? I know, I have issues!!
We also had New York strip steaks on the grill, beer battered shrimp, shrimp scampi, assorted veggies, and way to much other stuff. Needless to say, everyone went home with a huge care package.

Next time you have a party you might want to try these!

Buon Appetito!!!

Punishment Park (1971)

Punishment Park (1971)

Peter Watkins, UK / USA, 1971, 88 min.
-Buy the DVD-

(en) "Punishment Park" is a pseudo-documentary purporting to be a film crews's news coverage of the team of soldiers escorting a group of hippies, draft dodgers, and anti-establishment types across the desert in a type of capture the flag game. The soldiers vow not to interfere with the rebels' progress and merely shepherd them along to their destination. At that point, having obtained their goal, they will be released. The film crew's coverage is meant to insure that the military's intentions are honorable. As the representatives of the 60's counter-culture get nearer to passing this arbitrary test, the soldiers become increasingly hostile, attempting to force the hippies out of their pacifist behavior. A lot of this film appears improvised and in several scene real tempers seem to flare as some of the "acting" got overaggressive. This is a interesting exercise in situational ethics. The cinema-veritie style, hand-held camera, and ambiguous demands of the director - would the actors be able to maintain their roles given the hazing they were taking - pushed some to the brink. The cast's emotions are clearly on the surface. Unfortunately this film has gone completely underground and is next to impossible to find. It would offer a captivating document of the distrust that existed between soldiers willfully serving in the military and those persons who opposed the war peacefully.

(cz) Pseudodokument Petera Watkinse sleduje osud skupinky zatčených pacifistů a protiválečných aktivistů, která je odvezena do pouště, kde jsou všichni ve vykonstruovaném procesu odsouzeni. Mohou si ovšem vybrat, zdali upřednostní dlouhý pobyt ve vězení nebo třídenní absolvování tzv. Punishment Parku... Bravurní ukázka toho, jak mocný a krutý může být státní aparát.


Fileserve 1-Click Download



Preloží niekto?

Healing The Earth Radio

Healing The Earth Radio

"Healing the Earth Radio explores the connections between many social and ecological issues. Motivated by a desire to foster more understanding, alliances, and effective action, the show interviews Native people defending their land and culture, environmental, local food, and peak oil activists, writers, lawyers, supporters of political prisoners, scientists, whistle-blowers, tree sitters, and many others who devote their lives to making things better.

Healing the Earth Radio is on the air on CFRU 93.3fm in Guelph, every Wednesday from 12-2 Eastern time. You can listen live at The website for the show is

If you have any questions, ideas, or know someone you think would like to be included in future updates, or you would like to unsubscribe, please email me at healingtheearth(at)resist(dot)ca."

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Ozymandias' Sabotage & Direct Action Handbook

Ozymandias' Sabotage & Direct Action Handbook

The following is a sabotage manual put out by some folks at the Underground Cafe in Britain. Feel free to download this info as who knows when they may try to shut down this site.

Download or Read here:
---or here---

pics from christmas

We had a nice long day filled with eating. Lots and lots of eating. And movie watching. And of course, napping.

The day started with a little romantical breakfast for two, toast with a heart in the middle, filled with an egg. Delicious, and oh so simple.
We then went to Franco's parents house, and I got lots of photos of the little ones wearing their Christmas hats. Greta was hilarious, switching them out, all day long. She even put Giuliano's reindeer hat on and pretended to be a reindeer. It was hilarious.
And the day ended with pecan pie.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Papua Merdeka (2003 - 43min)

Papua Merdeka (2003 - 43min)


(en) The film describes the struggle for independence of the West Papuans from Indonesia, the history of colonialisation and the exploitation of natural resources. The film is made by fPcN UK.

This film shows the extremely brutal history the native population of West Papua have endured for many decades under the oppressive Indonesian Military. And shows how to this day, the West Papuans continue their struggle for independence from Indonesia, including historical footage of events showing the UN "shame" vote - Act of 'NO' Choice which lead to their colonisation and the continuing plunder, of the West Papuan's natural resources. Filmed undercover in West Papua in 1999 - 2001 and combined with historical footage obtained from various sources. A film made by fPcN interCultural:

(cz) Tento film popisuje boj ľudí zo Severnej Papui za nezávislosť od Indonézie, históriu kolonializmu a vykorisťovania prírodných zdrojov.

Watch online/Pozri si to online:

Direct Download:

Nie sú - bolo by pekné keby niekto urobil.

Pannetone French Toast

This time of year Pannetone is everywhere! This sweet, almost brioche type dough, tastes like a fluffy bread/fruitcake that is laced with candied fruits and raisins.
The minute you open the box and unwrap it, you're hit by the most intoxicating smell! I rarely buy these because my hubby could literally eat the whole thing within a day. He tears off piece by piece, and before you know it, it's all gone!

This time I hid the box from him because I knew I was going to make french toast with it for our breakfast yesterday. If you haven't tried it this way, I highly suggest that you do, it's way beyond good!!!! and it's perfect for a special occasion.
I usually whisk up 1 egg per slice, you'll find that it really soaks up the egg mixture. Add in some milk and half and half, or cream, pour in some pure vanilla, and maybe a touch of cinnamon. Melt your butter in a large pan, and cook till nice and dark golden brown. Serve with warmed real maple syrup.

Needless to say, the hubby was very happy, and so was I!

Buon Appetito!!!

Sicko (2007)

Sicko (2007)  


Michael Moore, USA, english, 2007, 113 min.

(en) Sicko is a 2007 documentary film by American filmmaker Michael Moore. The film investigates the American health care system, focusing on its health insurance and pharmaceutical industry. The film compares the for-profit, non-universal U.S. system with the non-profit universal health care systems of Canada, the United Kingdom, France and Cuba.

(sk) Obávaný dokumentarista si so svojím cynickým humorom berie na mušku americký zdravotnícky systém, ktorý je podľa medzinárodných porovnaní na úrovni rozvojových krajín. Moore ukazuje drastické osudy ľudí, ktorým bola odmietnutá pomoc napriek tomu, že si platili zdravotné poistenie. Potom sa vydáva za hranice, aby zistil, ako zdravotná starostlivosť funguje v Kanade, Francúzsku a nakoniec i na Kube.


Fileserve 1-Click Download[2007]DvDrip[Eng]-aXXo.avi




Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Il panettone

Black Panthers (1968) aka Free Huey

Black Panthers (1968) aka Free Huey


(en) The 45-minute film looks at a rally to free the party's leader, Huey P. Newton. There's no pretense of objectivity -- the Black Panther Party shared in the copyright. Speakers at the rally included Bobby Seale, Stokely Carmichael, and H. Rap Brown, and there's also a short interview with Newton, in prison. Other segments include white people at a firing rage (some of which are children), and members of the police department explaining the gear they carry in the trunks of their cars.

This film documents some of the most important and controverial black leaders of the late 60s, and is a must see for anyone interested in sixties radicalism ot the Panthers.

Watch online/Pozri si to online:



nie sú:(

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Berkeley in the Sixties (1990)

Berkeley in the Sixties (1990)

Mark Kitchell, USA, english, 1990, 117 min.

(en) The 1960's alumni of the Berkeley campus tell their stories about how the quiet school became the site of massive political activism on the part of students fighting for their right of political expression on campus and then against the Vietnam War.




Nie sú - nenájdené...

Die Welle – Náš učitel (2007)

Die Welle – Náš učitel (2007)


(en) A high school teacher's unusual experiment to demonstrate to his students what life is like under a dictatorship spins horribly out of control when he forms a social unit with a life of its own.
(sk) Dráma inšpirovaná skutočnou udalosťou - stredoškolským experimentom v podobe "hry na nacizmus". Obľúbený učiteľ Wenger presvedčí triedu, aby si v rámci týždenného projektu vyskúšala autokratický režim. Vznikne skupina Vlna, ktorá dovtedy rozhádaných jedincov zjednotí, ale čoskoro sa vymkne učiteľovej kontrole. Všetci, ktorí s ňou nesympatizujú, sa stanú terčom diskriminácie... Inteligentné dielo, vďaka dynamickému štýlu atraktívne najmä pre mladú generáciu, bez vnucovania a moralizovania varuje pred extrémizmom.


Die.Welle.German.DVDRiP.XviD-EMPiRe + CZ Titulky

Download DVD (you will find the links here):
(audio: german; subtitles: german and czech)

Die Welle DVDRip (2008)


Torrent: (audio: german)


Natale al bosco

Christmastime In This Small Town- Italy

I am often asked what it is like during the Christmas season in my small town called Chiusi. I have spent now a number of holidays here to know what the lineup of festivities are. During the whole month of December, the stores are open on Sundays as well as the other days of the week. The first Sunday in December is devoted to the town fair or "Fiera." The streets are closed to traffic and there

How and Why Do Italian Women Pamper Themselves?

After living in Italy for several years, I have discovered some interesting facts about Italian women. I can speak only of the smaller towns where I have resided. Women here have a fast paced lifestyle but not because they have to rush to get to work but because they have to rush to get home! Since the whole family returns home for lunch, it is the responsiblity of the woman usually (mother,

Monday, December 22, 2008

Return of the Weekly Wino

Sometimes you have a wine that's good, and sometimes you have a wine that really grabs your attention. But when that wine costs less than twenty bucks, it gets in your face and squeezes your cheeks like an obnoxious aunt.

That recent one for me is a Pecorino from Le Marche that my partner in wine crime, Do Bianchi (a.k.a. Jeremy Parzen) brought to me from a store in California. The producer is Clara Marcelli, and it's called Irata from the Offida D.O.C. Pecorino is a white varietal which is indigenous to Le Marche. It is, however, found all over central Italy.

The origin of the name comes from pecora, which means sheep, and the -ino at the end is a diminutive. Pecorino, apparently, was the preferred snack of some very lucky sheep indeed.

I love a good story about a forgotten varietal (Italy is full of them!), abandoned to be found growing wild in someone's backyard. Pecorino has such a history, rediscovered as it was almost 10 years ago.

As for the wine, its color is a very golden yellow (only a 2007, must be characteristic of this varietal), and the nose is rich with gingered mustard, beeswax, Meyer lemon, spice, and totally savory minerality. It is this last trait, in fact, that makes this wine so incredibly addictive. It functions very much like the burst of pineapple acidity on an Al Pastor taco, or the squeeze of lime on a fish taco...oh, now you know what I mean!

Italy has a uniquely fascinating wealth of indigenous varietals. There is always more to discover if we can get away from the Cabernet-ed, Merlot-ed "Supers." Often, wines made from autocthonous grapes represent some of the best values around, and if you're game for an adventure, this is a great place to start.

Threads (1984)

Threads (1984)

Mick Jackson, UK/Australia/USA, english, 1984, 110 min.

(en) It is the mid-1980's, during the Cold War. Ruth Beckett & Jimmy Kemp, residents of the British city of Sheffield are planning for their upcoming marriage and birth of their first child. Sheffield is home to a major R.A.F. base and has a major industrial base of steel production. But the Soviet Union marches troops into Iran, in a plan to convert it to a Soviet satellite state. The United States, the United Kingdom, and other members of NATO angrily condemn the Soviet aggression and military activity in the United Kingdom starts to mount, especially at the nearby R.A.F. base. The families of Ruth & Jimmy go about their daily business, paying little attention to what is going on in Iran. One spring day, without warning, the Soviet Union attacks the United Kingdom with ICBMs - two of which hit Sheffield, annihilating most of the city and its inhabitants. But what is even more horrifying is the aftermath that follows - a world without public order, clean food, water, electricity, or the ability to produce any of them. Ruth struggles for more than 10 years just to stay alive in this horrible, barren, radioactive homeland...

(cz) Děsivý, nesmírně působivý a strhující film. Zachycuje pravděpodobné následky celosvětové jaderné války na Velkou Británii. Film zabírá časový děj od několika týdnů před útokem, až po 12 let po útoku. Má děj a hlavní postavy, ale je zpracován dokumentární formou - provází nás komentátor a občas ve filmu vidíme statistiky. Naturalistickým způsobem zachycuje všechny aspekty jaderné katastrofy- od demostrací před válkou, přes útok, destrukci, umírání, hladomor, nemoci, jadernou zimu až třeba po nevzdělanost dětí, které vyrostli po válce.

Syrový, mrazivý a totálně depresivní "dokument" o tom jak by to vypadalo, kdyby vypukla nukleární válka. Točeno je to odtažitě. Hodně se používá shrnutí textem, který vidíme na obrazovce a poté následuje nějaká výmluvná scéna. Bezútěšná atmosféra upadající civilizace je zachycena opravdu věrohodně a nám nezbývá, nic než doufat, že představitelé současných i všech budoucích supervelmocí si tenhle film preventivně pustí a vyvarují se jakýchkoliv nukleárních konfliktů.

Watch online/Pozri si to online:

Fileserve 1-Click Download




Sunday, December 21, 2008

christmas favorites

There is Black British Music. But what about the rest of black Europe?

Music of the black community in the UK is called 'Black British Music'. But what about music of the other black communities in Europe?

According to UK African-American singer Carleen Anderson British black music has a distinct flavour. "The thing that I like about British music that is different from American music. You have this element of West African and Island (Caribbean) music, reggae music and so forth, that you wouldn’t have in American music. That is not part of their primary culture as such, and that extra bit in here is the thing that makes it British."

Anderson’s remarks about black British music can also be also be made about the music of other black communities in Europe. The music of the black community in France, the Netherlands and to some extend Germany is also influenced by West Africa and the Caribbean. But the big difference is that their music is not labelled as Black French, Black Dutch or Black German music.

The French are showing their colours. Music from the black French Community is mainly 'Zouk'. Zouk music began in the French Caribbean but it has unleashed itself to French speaking Africa, Brazil and Cape Verde. But maybe because France doesn't acknowledge the ethnic differences, French music can't be 'black'. But things are changing in France. With the annual award ceremony 'Les Trophées des Arts Afro-Caribéens' the French black community is pushing for change.

Dutch black music is isolated. Black music in the Netherlands is Surinam 'Kaseko' and Dutch Antillean music. But Kaseko and Dutch Antillean music are mainly confined to the Surinam and Dutch Antillean community. Kaseko has a West-African beat and Antillean music has a more Salsa rhythm. Although there was something as Neder-R&B, Dutch black music is cornered as 'World Music'. And it's bound to die there if no one screams.

Black German music hasn't made a footprint. Black German music has a no distinct music style. Although the black German community is rooted in Africa and Germany, the music connects more with Reggae, R&B and Hip Hop. Maybe it's because the black German community is relatively small and too divers, that it has not yet been able to elevate it's music to 'Black German Music'. The two million Turkish community haven't also been able to make a musical footprint in Germany. So who's to blame

But although black music will always rule the planet, black people in Europe aren’t getting any shine nowadays. Not only in music, but also in fashion and in politics. White artists are dominating the black soul charts, Eastern European models are pushing black models off the catwalks, and black European politicians have to compete with the more relevant muslin politicians.

Maybe the issue of black European music is not important at all. Black people in Europe are making Reggae, Hip Hop, Jazz, R&B and even Folk music. And that’s black enough.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Whale Wars Episode 07 (2008) Finale

A new episode ( 07) of Whale Wars just came out. It is the final episode from the first series. The second series is being filmed now in Antarctica.

Information and Download:

elmo is in the hiz-ouse

I finished my Elmo hat last night. I think these are so darn cute. haha I can't wait to see them on the little ones. Now, I am going to make a third one in purple. Is there a purple Sesame character? Do you like?

Friday, December 19, 2008

Political party promotes 'White history month' in the UK

A far right party has had its plans to promote a ‘white history month’, in schools and colleges accross the UK, condemned.

Community organisations and a leading teachers union have voiced their opposition to the programme of racist views and negated facts.

A spokesperson for the youth branch of the far right party claimed that white history month was organised with a view to counter black history month, and further added “This is our month where we can be proud to be white and express it openly”

Read: Anger over BNP's 'white history month'
'White history month' rubbished by NUT

Greece Uprising Videos

Greece Uprising Videos
(will be updating it shortly)

Alexandros_istanbul solidarity action

Uploaded by goruntufaaliyeti. - Up-to-the minute news videos.

Please send me sources and videos (youtube, websites, files...) from the Greek Uprising and from Solidarity Actions around the World!!!


Merry Christmas from ATHENS

Bilingual Children At Home - In Italy

Raising bilingual children at home is a learning process for both the parents and the children. My native language is English and I am almost completely fluent in Italian while my husband's native language is Italian and he is not fluent in English. Since we live in Italy and since our common language (between my husband and I) has always been Italian, we have continued to speak Italian to

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Cucidati! (Italian Fig Cookies)

Whether you call them Cucidati, Sicilian X Cookies, or just plain Italian Fig Cookies, the end result is the same. Tender sweet dough, that's wrapped around a very flavorful spiced fig filling.

This is a favorite in many Italian households, and hands down, this is my hubby and his brothers

favorite cookie! I think it's mostly nostalgic, because it reminds them so much of their mom, in fact they call them "Moms cookies". Weeks before, my BIL will call me and plead " Are you gonna make mom's cookies this year? Let's make mom's cookies! What do you need? What should I buy? We'll help you! Normally their idea of helping is spending 5 minutes in the kitchen then popping a DVD in, and every so often I would hear one of them say, "How's it going up there? "Got any done yet?" Well this year I decided to call their bluff and said I would make them if they help. I think they now have total appreciation for all the work that goes into it!

To make these, you need to set aside the whole day, it's very time consuming especially if you triple the recipe, which we did. You can however, make the dough and the filling a day ahead of time which I will do next year.

I decided to use Nick Malgieri's recipe ( link below) which is so similar to my MIL's. The only thing I omitted was the chocolate in the filling, my MIL never put chocolate in hers. The dough is tender, and easy to work with, and a breeze to make in the food processor!

For the filling, some of the ingredient's are, golden raisin's, candied orange peel, toasted and chopped almonds.

Apricot preserves, dark rum or brandy, instant espresso, cinnamon and cloves.

I made my BIL chop up the figs. Nice job UJ!

All the ingredients get whirled together in the food processor and the end result is a thick and flavorful fig paste!

The dough and fig paste gets divided up equally.

One at a time on a floured surface, you flatten each piece of dough and roll it out into a rectangle 3" x 12" long. Next, roll your fig paste into a log, lay the log on top of the dough, seal the edges and roll it out into a cylinder. Cut them as big as you want.

Heres our finished project. just waiting for the frosting to dry. You don't have to frost them, but we like them that way. Needless to say, the 2 brothers were very happy!!

Of course I have to send a bunch of these over to Susan from Food Blogga! She's got her famous cookie baking event going on again.

Check out the roundup she has already! They all look delicious! Hurry, you still have a little time to submit something.

Happy Baking!!!