Sunday, January 16, 2011

Let me introduce you...

Dear Friends,
Some changes and good news in Venice Daily Photo: my friend Bert, whom most of you have known for years for his witty and learned comments on the blog, has agreed to stand in for me for a while.

Bert, as you have noticed, has a huge knowledge of Venice and is keen on sharing it. I'm sure that you'll love to follow him in the calli or campi of la Serenissima.

I'm glad to let him be your guide for a while.

The reason for my momentary absence is, as some of you know, that I have to dedicate more and more of my time to my main website and my passion, which is more and more demanding.

So let us follow Bert and let's resume our wanderings in Venice

A Presto.

PS : And, by the way, if some of you have sites or blogs, I'll feel extremely gratified if you honour me with a link towards USA-Decouverte in your pages.
And did you know? In USA-Decouverte, everyone can post their own pictures about the USA. Don't hesitate if you feel like doing it.

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