Friday, June 4, 2010

Dairy Farm Brutality - Cruelty at Conklin Dairy Farms

(en) The Dark Side of Dairy

Ohio Dairy Farm Brutality

English subtitles:

Chilling undercover footage recorded during a new Mercy For Animals investigation exposes dairy farm workers sadistically abusing cows and young calves.

Captured on hidden camera, the shocking scenes of abuse reveal a culture of cruelty at Conklin Dairy Farms in Plain City, Ohio.

During a four-week investigation between April and May, MFA's investigator documented farm workers:

  • Violently punching young calves in the face, body slamming them to the ground, and pulling and throwing them by their ears
  • Routinely using pitchforks to stab cows in the face, legs and stomach
  • Kicking "downed" cows (those too injured to stand) in the face and neck – abuse carried out and encouraged by the farm's owner
  • Maliciously beating restrained cows in the face with crowbars – some attacks involving over 40 blows to the head
  • Twisting cows' tails until the bones snapped
  • Punching cows' udders
  • Bragging about stabbing, dragging, shooting, breaking bones, and beating cows and calves to death

After viewing the footage, Dr. Bernard Rollin, distinguished professor of animal science at Colorado State University, stated: "This is probably the most gratuitous, sustained, sadistic animal abuse I have ever seen. The video depicts calculated, deliberate cruelty, based not on momentary rage but on taking pleasure through causing pain to cows and calves who are defenseless."

Immediately upon completion of the investigation, Mercy For Animals contacted the City Prosecutor's Office of Marysville regarding the ongoing pattern of abuse at Conklin Dairy Farms. MFA is pushing for employees of the facility to be criminally prosecuted for violating Ohio's animal cruelty laws.

The deplorable conditions uncovered at Conklin Dairy Farms highlight the reality that animal agriculture is incapable of self-regulation and that meaningful federal and state laws must be implemented and strengthened to prevent egregious cruelty to farmed animals.

Although many of the abuses documented at Conklin Dairy Farms are sadistic in nature, numerous MFA undercover investigations at dairy farms, pig farms, egg farms, hatcheries and slaughterhouses have revealed that violence and abuse to farmed animals – whether malicious or institutionalized – runs rampant nationwide.

Compassionate consumers can end their direct financial support of farmed animal abuse by rejecting dairy, and other animal products, and adopting a vegan diet.

Cruelty at New York's Largest Dairy Farm

English subtitles:

A new Mercy For Animals investigation is pulling back the curtains on the largest dairy factory farm in New York State Willet Dairy in Locke.

In early 2009 an MFA undercover investigator worked at the mega-dairy, secretly documenting egregious acts of animal cruelty, including neglect, with a hidden camera.

Thankfully, compassionate consumers can choose to withdraw their support of these abusive industries by adopting a vegan diet.

Each time we eat we can choose kindness over cruelty. Visit for dairy-free recipes.

Evidence gathered during the investigation reveals:

* Cows with bloody open wounds, prolapsed uteruses, pus-filled infections, and swollen joints, apparently left to suffer without veterinary care

* "Downed" cows those too sick or injured to even stand left to suffer for weeks before dying or being killed

* Workers hitting, kicking, punching, and electric-shocking cows and calves

* Calves having their horns burned off without painkillers, as a worker shoved his fingers into the calves' eyes to restrain them

* Calves having their tails cut off a painful practice condemned by the American Veterinary Medical Association as cruel and unnecessary

* Newborn calves forcibly dragged away from their mothers by their legs, causing emotional distress to both mother and calf

* Cows living in overcrowded sheds on manure-coated concrete flooring

* Workers injecting cows with a controversial bovine growth hormone, used to increase milk production

(sk) Rešerše z mliekarenských fariem v USA

...Nové titulky od WAFPRESS

Brutalita na mliekarenskej farme v Ohiu (USA)

Desivé tajné videozáznamy natočené počas nového prieskumu organizácie Mercy For Animals odhaľujú pracovníkov mliekarenských chovov ako sadisticky týrajú kravy a malé teliatka.

Zachytené na skrytej kamere, tieto šokujúce scény týrania odkrývajú kultúru krutosti v chovoch mliekarenskej firmy Conklin Dairy v meste Plain City, Ohio, USA.

Počas štvortýždňového prieskumu medzi aprílom a májom (2010), investigatívny pracovník organizácie Mercy For Animals zdokumentoval pracovníkov farmy ako:
- násilne udierajú malé teliatka do tváre, celé ich hádžu o zem a ťahajú ich a hádžu za uši
- pravidelne používajú vidly, ktorými bodajú kravy do tváre, nôh a žalúdka
- kopú "neduživé" kravy (tie, ktoré sa už nevládzu viac postaviť) do tváre a krku - týranie, ktoré vykonával a podporoval aj vlastník farmy
- zákerne bijú obmedzené kravy do tváre páčidlami - niektoré útoky počítajú až 40 rán do hlavy
- vytáčanie chvosta kravám kým sa nezlomia kosti
- udierani do kravských vemien
- chvastanie sa s činmi ako bodanie, ťahanie, zastrelenie, lámanie kostí a bitie kráv a teliatok až na smrť

Potom čo tieto zábery videl Dr. Bernard Rollin, uznávaný profesor živočíšnych vied na štátnej univerzite v Colorade, vyhlásil: "Toto je pravdepodobne najbezdôvodnejšie, najvytrvalejšie, najsadistickejšie týranie zvierat, ktoré som kedy videl. Toto video znázorňuje úmyselné, premyslené týranie, ktoré nie je založené na chvíľkovom hneve, ale na uspokojení zo spôsobovania bolesti kravám a teliatkam, ktoré sú bezbranné."
Okamžite po dokončení prieskumu, organizácia Mercy For Animals kontaktovala kanceláriu mestského prokurátora v Marysville ohľadom prebiehajúceho týrania v chovoch firmy Conklin Dairy Farms. MFA nalieha, aby boli zamestnanci tejto farmy kriminálne stíhaní za porušovanie ohájskych zákonov o týraní zvierat.

Aj keď je týranie zdokumentované v Conklin Dairy Farms vo svojej podstate sadistické, početné tajné prieskumy MFA v mliekarenských farmách, prasacích farmách, slepačích farmách, liahniach a bitúnkoch odhalili, že násilie a týranie hospodárskych zvierat - či už zákerné alebo inštitucionalizované - sa vymyká kontrole v celej krajine.

Súcitní konzumenti dokážu zastaviť svoju priamu finančnú podporu týrania hospodárskych zvierat tak, že odmietnu mliečne výrobky a iné živočíšne výrobky, a osvoja si vegánske stravovanie.

Krutosť v najväčšej mliekarenskej farme v New Yorku (USA)
Temná stránka produkcie mlieka

Nový prieskum organizácie Mercy for Animals vás zavedie za zatvorené brány najväčšieho priemyselného mliekarenského chovu v New Yorku. Odhaľuje kravy príliš choré alebo zranené, aby vôbec stáli, teľatá, ktorým vypaľujú rohy a odsekávajú chvosty bez použitia anestetík, kravy trpiace od neošetrených infekcií a otvorených rán, novorodené teliatka odvlečené od svojich matiek a kravy vystavené preplneným a špinavým životným podmienkam.

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