Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Ledge (2011)

The Ledge (2011)

Matthew Chapman, USA, english, 2011, 101 min.
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(en) The Ledge has been called the Brokeback Mountain for atheists, but that's not exactly true. Although there is a conflict between faith and reason, the film is a human drama revolving around tragic stories. Sure, it should be appreciated to offer an intelligent, and arguably likable (and talkative) atheist main character (and it doesn't cheat the viewer on this one) but the film never goes to deep, only presents the common arguments. So some arguments from the atheist side are a bit cliche and their only purpose is to serve the schematic writing. Not only dialogues, such as tender gay housemate of the main character is a stereotypical, and it's there for the homophobic neighbour. Luckily, some humor and small touches do the job well. A fundamentalist as an antagonist makes both main characters too much black and white and makes the plot unrealistic. However the film tells that atheist or not, we all are the victims of our miserable lives and even a non-believer can save the day!

So if you watched it, what do you think?

(cz) Stojíte-li na římse, může jeden krok navždy změnit váš život. Ateista Gavin (Charlie Hunnam) se ocitne v boji mezi vlastní vůlí a svědomím. Aféra s manželkou (Liv Tyler) jeho věřícího souseda (Patrick Wilson) má pro něj zničující následky. Podvedený manžel Gavina vyláká na střechu výškové budovy a sdělí mu že má hodinu na to, aby si vybral mezi životem svým a životem jeho lásky. Bude schopen se rozhodnout bez víry v posmrtný život? Je na policejním důstojníkovi Hollisovi (Terrence Howard), aby zachránil životy obou, ale hodina se zdá být tak krátká ..


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