Monday, December 8, 2008

Police Athens (Greece) shoot dead 16 yr. old anarchist

Police Athens (Greece) shoot dead 15 yr. old anarchist

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Saturday night in Athens, cop shoots 15 yr. old kid in the street, riots erupting everywhere now

A police car patroling in Exarchia, central Athens, passing through Mesologgiou cobbled street (considered an alternative place with music, bars etc and lots of youth in the streets, so we can easily assume the police car was sent there to provoke and harass the youth), was confronted by a few young people, shouting to the policemen to get lost. There are a few reports that an empty bottle or a brick was thrown to the police car. The cops went out of the car provoking the youth and one of the pigs shot against one 15 year old boy, right on the heart, murdering him in cold blood. The name of the boy that stood up to the cops is Alexandros Grigoropoulos. Anarchists and residents gathered, but riot police forces circled the area. There are hundreds of policemen in the streets around central Athens.
Anarchists gather in squats, universities, and central squares at Greece's largets cities to protest and fight back the police...

The murder:
The police says that a police car at Exarchia was attacked by anarchists with rocks and bats and one of the cops shoot in the air (or ground) to scare them off and the bullet hit somewhere, changed course and hit the boy on the chest. However there are eye witnesses that state that there was no attack, only shouts against the cops and that the cop took a straight shot on the boy. The media also mentioned that there are leaks from inside the police verifying the eye witnesses but the official police statement denies that.
The aftermath:
After the murder of the 15 year old boy thousands of people filled with rage gathered and demonstrated in various places in Athens and other greek cities and started rioting and clashing with the police. There are reports about thousands anarchists, leftists and others that took the streets, also about tens of police departments attacked and hundreds of banks, cars, governmental buildings and shops smashed and set on fire. The clashes kept on until the early hours of Sunday morning.
Tomorrow, Sunday, demonstrations are taking place in tenths of greek cities and in some other European cities.

The history:
In 1985 also at Exarchia in central Athens, a 16 year old boy, Michalis Kaltezas, was shot dead by a cop, this time with a bullet in the back of his head. Again back then the reaction was very strong by the anarchists, the leftists and plain people disgusted but the police brutality. The classes with the police lasted for days.
The first pictures:
some articles (in english):
and it also in all the major corporate news sites.

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(cz) Atény – Po několika řeckých městech se v noci na dnešek rozšířily nepokoje, jež začaly poté, co policista v sobotu v Aténách zastřelil patnáctiletého mladíka. Dnes o tom informovala agentura Reuters. Na dnešní odpoledne se podle agentury DPA chystají další protestní akce.

Od Belzebub Media:

Podľa oficiálneho prehlásenia gréckej polície zaútočila skupina mladíkov na policajné auto, pričom jeden policajt vraj trikrát vystrelil varovne do vzduchu (!), pričom náhodne(!) zasiahol Andreasa Grigoropulousa do hrudníka.

Podľa očitých svedkov však k streľbe došlo bez predchádzajúceho upozornenia po slovnej potýčke medzi chlapcom a policajtom. Ten vraj vytiahol zbraň a trikrát vystrelil priamo na chlapca, ktorý na následky poranení zomrel.

Hneď nato vypukli násilné protesty po celom Grécku a na Kréte, demonštranti podpálili množstvo policajných áut, obchodné centrum a zaútočili molotov - koktejlmi na policajnú stanicu. Podobný prípad sa stal v roku 1985 keď policajt zastrelil ranou do hlavy odzadu 16 - ročného Michalisa Kaltezasa.

Andreas R.I.P.

video venované Andreasovi:
Grécko deň pred vyhlásením výnimočneho stavu a pietna akcia v Bratislave
Grécko 4. decembra 2008 - začína sa 48-hodinový štrajk sestričiek,
ktoré obsadili ministerstvo zdravotníctva. Zároveň sa koná protest
študentov proti zavedeniu nového školského zákona. 6. december 2008 – v
Aténach je policajtom zavraždený 16-ročný anarchista Alexandros Andreas
Grigoropoulos. Grécko začína horieť rozhorčením nad touto brutalitou a
nespokojnosťou s dlhodobou zlou sociálnou a ekonomickou situáciou. 9.
december 2008 – Alexandrosov pohreb a pietna akcia aj v Bratislave. 10.
december 2008 – generálny štrajk v Grécku. Povedzme si viac o


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