Monday, February 23, 2009

i loved the oscars!

OK, Once again, I stayed up all night to watch the Oscars, and I am so tired. But, it was so worth it. I just loved it.

Not since Billy Crystal has an opening number been so good. Hugh Jackman was just great.

The set was beautiful, I loved everything about it, including the Swaravski curtain, the raised orchestra, and the different set backgrounds.

I thought the five past winners introducing and personalizing the nominees was so touching, and MUCH more interesting and meaningful than how they are normally done. I loved it.

The musical number Hugh did, with Beyonce, and the High School Musical kids was great. The nominated songs performance was great.

No boring speeches by accountants or presidents. And the acceptance speeches were less annoying this year.

There were some really funny presenters and skits, including Natalie Portman and Ben Stiller. Ben was funny, and could Natalie Portman BE any more beautiful?

There were many beautiful dresses, but I think Natalie and Anne Hathaway and Taraji Hensen were my favorite. Jessica Biel is beautiful but I did not like her dress. At all.

Sorry, I am too tired to go into any detail. I just wanted to say, Bravo!

I loved it. (can you tell?)

Update: I have been reading reviews of the show, and can not believe that people are saying it was boring or not suprising, or that the introductions were bad. These people are not fans. They don't know what they are talking about. I thought it was spectacular! The winners weren't surprising, but when you have 10 award shows leading up to the Oscars, you can't blame the Oscars.

Don't believe the miserable media, Hugh Jackman did fabulous, and the whole show was great.

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