Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Affogato in Italian means "drowned", and in this case it's cold vanilla gelato being drowned by pouring freshly brewed espresso all over it. Add a splash of Amaretto, and you have a wonderful ending to a great summer BBQ.

It's like having your coffee and dessert all at the same time!

Simply brew up some of your favorite espresso, I happen to like these two, and would normally use either one.

But I just so happen to have one last bag of this coffee that I have been holding on to since our trip to Italy, I decided to finally open it up and use it, I just loved the look of the bag, and the fact that I bought it in Florence.

My espresso pot is a cherished gift that I got from a very special Aunt, a family heirloom that she gave to me because she knows how much I love coffee. I love it, and I thought it would be perfect to feature it in this post.
I don't know how old it is, but I do know it makes a perfect espresso. When I first received it from her I kept it all packed up and stored away, then I thought, why? I want to enjoy it and use it, so I pulled it out and have been using it ever since!

The recipe calls for gelato, but unfortunately once you try the real thing nothing compares.
I saw this and thought I'd give it a try, sorry Ciao Bella you're not worth the $$$$!

A good quality vanilla ice cream would work just as well.

This is definitely an "Adult" version of an ice cream float, just scoop some good ice cream in a coffee cup, splash a liqueur of your choice, "drown" it with your hot espresso, and garnish with some whip cream. (optional)
I promise that once you try this, you'll soon be craving an Affogato!


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