Sunday, September 27, 2009

No More Deaths Will Be Accepted, All Will Be Avenged!

No More Deaths Will Be Accepted, All Will Be Avenged!

Santiago, Chile - Black September - 2009

An early start to "Black September" in Chile...
A group of 'encapuchados' attack the precinct of the plainclothes investigative police (PDI) outside of the Unversidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano (UAHC) campus in Santiago. Reports are coming in that at least two people have been arrested in connection with the attack.

From corporate media

Chilean police authorities continue to track down the estimated 50 hooded protesters who mobbed a Providencia police building Wednesday afternoon, leaving one detective injured and prompting a major university to close its doors. As of early Thursday morning, police had captured two suspects. The attack on the Homicidal Brigade of the Investigations Police (PDI) - Chile’s plainclothes detective force – was apparently launched in protest of the upcoming Sept. 11, 1973 coup anniversary that ousted President Salvador Allende. During the 10-minute attack, college-aged protestors tossed Molotov bombs, rocks and cans through the building’s windows and at police officers who tried to stop them.

Chilean police authorities continue to track down the estimated 50 hooded protesters who mobbed a Providencia police building Wednesday afternoon, leaving one detective injured and prompting a major university to close its doors. As of early Thursday morning, police had captured two suspects.

The attack on the Homicidal Brigade of the Investigations Police (PDI) - Chile’s plainclothes detective force – was apparently launched in protest of the upcoming Sept. 11, 1973 coup anniversary that ousted President Salvador Allende.

During the 10-minute attack, college-aged protestors tossed Molotov bombs, rocks and cans through the building’s windows and at police officers who tried to stop them.

Violent public outbreaks are commonplace around Sept. 11 in Chile, but protestors struck days earlier than expected this year, angered by recent clashes between police and Chile’s Mapuche population, the nation’s largest indigenous group, in Region IX.

"No more deaths will be accepted, all will be avenged," read a banner that mobbers waved, alluding to the controversial police shooting of 24-year-old Mapuche activist Jaime Mendoza Collío, who died Aug. 12 from a bullet would to the back (ST, Aug. 25 ).

Signs bore the names of Collío and anarchist Mauricio Morales Duarte, who was killed in May when a bomb he carried in his backpack exploded.

From a communique written by participants in the action:

“At the beginning of our demonstration a detective from the Homicide Brigade proceeded to attack one of our comrades, we beat him back. Because of this the rest of the detectives came out to defend him using their arms against ours. With automatic rifles, pistols, revolvers, sub machine guns and shields they tried to disperse us, but our revolutionary conviction and our rage, which make us realize that we are fighting for our people and in memory of those who have fallen in the struggle, was stronger than their weapons.
… The PDI has characterized itself by its oppressive character as we have seen in Wall Mapu, where together with Carabineros and the army they have militarized the zone and developed a counterinsurgency to destroy the Mapuche struggle…

With rocks, Molotov cocktails, and paint bombs we confronted the bullets of the PDI, and forced them to stay locked up inside of their station…”


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