Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Call in campaign for the MOVE 9!

Call in campaign for the MOVE 9!

(en) This email action alert has just been sent out by MOVE supporters to help the remaining eight of the MOVE 9 prisoners, who are now having parole hearings. This website was started last year when they were eligible for the first time since their August 8, 1978 arrests and subsequent convictions. An online petition and letter campaign was initiated, but despite this, the parole board denied parole to everyone(remember that the women never even faced weapons charges!) for many unfair reasons including a "lack of remorse" for a crime for which they have always maintained their innocence.

The MOVE 9 are courageous revolutionaries who deserve our support. Please read this email alert, and check out the other postings below from last years campaign for background.



It is best for individuals to personally send a letter to Chairman McVey, and if folks have the resources, to also send a copy to each of the other eight board members, at the same address.

[name of Board member]
Board of Probation and Parole

Attn: Inmate Inquiry

1101 South Front Street, Suite 5300

Harrisburg, PA 17104

However, if individuals lack the resources, the letter can be sent to:

The MOVE Organization
PO Box 19709
Philadelphia, PA, 19143


We will then send a copy of your letter to all Board Members and also each of the eight MOVE prisoners (so they can present the support letters to their interviewers).

These next few weeks are crucial. Please spread the word and help in any way you can!

For the latest news about the MOVE 9 Parole campaign, please visit:

You will find the "MOVE" documentary -- here, in the Documentrary-Prisoners section.

Kampaň za oslobodenie politických väzňov MOVE 9!

(sk) Táto emailová výzva k akcii bola nedávno rozposlaná podporovateľmi MOVE kvôli solidarite a pomoci zostávajúcich ôsmych väzňov MOVE 9, ktorých momentálne čakajú pohovory o podmienečnom prepustení z väzby. O tejto akcii sme písali už minulý rok, kedy sa tiež mohli takto dostať na slobodu, lenže podmienečné prepustenie im zamietli. Minulý rok mali prvú možnosť dostať sa na slobodu od 8. augusta 1978 od ich zatknutia a odsúdenia. Rozbehla sa internetová petícia a listová kampaň, lenže napriek tomu, komisia zamietla podmienečné prepustenie každému (pamätajte, že ženy z MOVE 9 ani nikdy neboli obvinené z držania zbrane!) z mnohých nespravodlivých dôvodov vrátane "neprejavenia ľútosti" za zločin, o ktorom vždy tvrdili, že sú nevinní.

MOVE 9 sú odvážny revolucionári a odvážne revolucionárky, ktorí a ktoré si zaslúžia našu solidaritu. Prosíme vás, prečítajte si túto výzvu k solidarite a prejdite si nižšie informácie a články z minulých kampaní kvôli pozadiu a informáciách o tomto prípade.

Zostaňte v pohybe! ON A MOVE!


O MOVE bol natočený dokumentárny film. Nájdete ho tu v sekcii Documentary- Prisoners.

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