Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sunday Morning

Potatoes and Eggs with Onions, We grew up on this stuff, my husband still craves it and once and a while I'll make it for him. Great for a lazy Sunday morning or a lunch with a salad.
I guess you could call it a frittata, but we just call it potatoes and eggs. Four simple ingredients blended together make a wondrous combination!
Thick sliced red onion
Pre-cooked red potatoes
Romano cheese

Saute your potatoes and onions in olive oil, add a very generous amount of romano cheese to your beaten eggs then pour over all and cook til set. Sprinkle with fresh flat leaf parsley.
Or you might want something like this! Toasted Italian bread, ( I love that smell) slathered with fresh basil pesto, now go ahead and add a thick slice of a nice juicy summer tomato and then top it with an egg.

Whatever you decide, it's all good.
Happy Sunday morning!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Gunshot Wound First Aid

Gunshot Wound First Aid

John Klatt, USA, english

(en) This DVD presented by John Klatt, provides information on triage techniques, safety, accessing and treating a wide varity of gunshot wounds.

(sk) Toto inštruktážne video vám poskytne informácie ako poskytnúť prvú pomoc pri zraneniach strelnou zbraňou.

(tr) silahla yaralanma durumlarında uygulanması gereken ilkyardım teknikleri..


0x10000002(ffmpeg2) 7500 kbps 720 x 480 | 8192(ffac3) 192 kbps 48000 Hz Stereo | 2.77 GB
This is DVD format in ISO file.
Play directly with VLC player or burn it on a disk.
All files are set 5% recovery record. So you can repair them if they are corrupted.

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Knife Wound First Aid

Knife Wound First Aid

John Klatt, USA, english, 2007, 43 min.

(en) This DVD presented by John Klatt, reviews how to access and evaluate knife wounds, prepare the wound, minimize bleeding, and how to handle shock and patient duress.

(sk) Toto video vám predvedie ako pristupovať a vyhodnotiť zranenia nožom, ako ošetriť rany, minimalizovať krvácanie a ako zaobchádzať s pacientom v šoku.

(tr) bıçakla yaralanmalara yönelik ilk yardım teknikleri. unutulmaması gereken nokta bu bilgilerin adı üzerinde, ilk yardıma yönelik olduğu.


Download ( 370 mb ) :
Knife Wound First Aid | ISO | 2.61 GB

All files are set 5% recovery record. So you can repair them if they are corrupted.

Not found.

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(Upcoming) Green Fire: The Life and Legacy of Aldo Leopold

(Upcoming) Green Fire: The Life and Legacy of Aldo Leopold

INFO: (documentary in the making)
Produced by: Steve Dunsky, Ann Dunsky & Dave Steinke

(en) The film Green Fire will introduce the viewer to famed conservationist and writer Aldo Leopold. It will frame his life in the historical context of the American environmental movement, while tracing his legacy in conservation projects today. The film will encourage audiences to think about Leopold’s land ethic idea and how it may apply to the environmental problems we face today.

Leopold's legacy lives on today in the work of people and organizations across the nation and around the world. Additional film segments, teaching tools, and the Land Ethic Leaders program will build on the Green Fire movie, encouraging you to help your community discuss Leopold's thinking and the critical environmental issues of today, becoming a leader in your hometown.
(sk) Green Fire je biografický film o jednom z prvých ochranárov v USA menom Aldo Leopold.
(Jeho kniha Sand County Almanac - Obrázky z chatrče - bola preložená do češtiny - môžte si ju zakúpiť od vydavateľstva Abies - )

(Preview of new documentary film on the great conservationist Aldo Leopold.)

Green Fire: The Life and Legacy of Aldo Leopold from Jeannine Richards on Vimeo.

The Story of Bottled Water (2010)

The Story of Bottled Water (2010)

Annie Leonard, USA, english, 2010, 8 min.

(en) The Story of Bottled Water, releasing March 22, 2010 on, employs the Story of Stuff style to tell the story of manufactured demand—how you get Americans to buy more than half a billion bottles of water every week when it already flows from the tap. Over seven minutes, the film explores the bottled water industry’s attacks on tap water and its use of seductive, environmental-themed advertising to cover up the mountains of plastic waste it produces. The film concludes with a call to ‘take back the tap,’ not only by making a personal commitment to avoid bottled water, but by supporting investments in clean, available tap water for all.

(cz) Že je balená voda lepší než kohoutková? Unikátní animovaný osmiminutový film se vás pokusí přesvědčit o opaku. "Příběh balené vody", který vznikl ve spolupráci se skupinami propagujicími trvale udržitelný rozvoj, je dalším krátkým filmem z cyklu "Příběh věcí".

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Obituary: DIEGO GIMÉNEZ MORENO (1911-2010)

Obituary: DIEGO GIMÉNEZ MORENO (1911-2010)


(en) On june 6 2010, Diego Giménez Moreno, veteran of the Spanish Civil War, has passed away in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. He was 99 years old and had Parkinson's syndrome. Diego Giménez was born in april 10 1911 in Jumilla, Murcia, and entered the Spanish anarchist movement after the death of his father, when he was 17. Through the Federación Ibérica de Juventudes Libertárias he got in touch with the ideas of libertarian naturism, adopting vegetarianism and drug-free living. In 1931, Diego joined the CNT and became the secretary of the local Syndicate of Graphical Arts. Five years later, he would participate in the most successful event in anarchist history, the Spanish Revolution, joining the legendary Columna Durruti in the fight against fascism. After the defeat of the popular front to the Fracoist forces, Diego was arrested and sent to the concentration camp of Mauthausen, Austria, from which he managed to escape to France. He moved to São Paulo in 1942 and became a militant of the local anarchist groups Sociedade Naturista Amigos de Nossa Chácara (Friends of Our Farm Naturist Society) and Centro de Cultura Social (Center of Social Culture).

Diego was very dear to the Brazilian anarchist movement. His speeches on the civil war and his defense of minimal consumption and sobriety had a huge influence on younger and older anarchists and anarcho-syndicalists. Some of his thoughts can be found in the books Mauthausen: Campo de Concentração e de Extermínio, Três Depoimentos Libertários, and Anarquistas: Ética e Antologia de Existências. Diego also wrote articles to the French anarchist journal Le Combat Syndicaliste. The history of his struggle remains an inspiration to the entire movement. His experience, moral strength, and character will be missed.

We must give up today's unhealthy behaviors. We are not defending our interests, but those of the capital. We must be like the snake who gets rid of her old skin in order to have a new one.

- Diego Giménez Moreno

(cz) Nekrolog: Diego Giménez Moreno (1911 – 2010)

Diego Giménez Moreno6. června 2010 zemřel v brazilském Sao Paolo veterán Španělské občanské války Diego Giménez Moreno. Bylo mu 99 let a trpěl příznaky Parkinsonovy choroby.

Diego se narodil 10. dubna 1911 v Jumille v provincii Murcia na jihovýchodě Španělska. Po smrti svého otce, když mu bylo 17 let, se zapojil do španělského anarchistického hnutí. Skrze Federación Ibérica de Juventudes Libertárias se dostal k myšlenkám svobodného naturismu ve spojení s vegetariánstvím a abstinencí. V roce 1931 vstoupil Diego do anarchosyndikalistické organizace CNT a stal se sekretářem místního Syndikátu grafických umění. O pět let později se účastnil nejvýznamnější události v dějinách anarchismu – Španělské revoluce, když se připojil k legendární Durrutiho koloně v boji proti fašismu.

Po porážce lidové fronty frankistickými jednotkami byl Diego zatčen a poslán do koncentračního tábora Mauthausen v Rakousku, z kterého se mu podařilo uprchnout do Francie. V roce 1942 přesídlil do Sao Paolo a stal se členem místní anarchistické skupiny Sociedade Naturista Amigos de Nossa Chácara a Centra sociální kultury.

Diego byl v brazilském anarchistickém hnutí velmi respektován. Jeho přednášky o občanské válce a jeho obhajoba minimální spotřeby a střízlivosti měly velký vliv na mladší i starší anarchisty a anarchosyndikalisty. Některé z jeho myšlenek můžete najít v knihách Mauthausen: Campo de Concentração e de Extermínio, Três Depoimentos Libertários a Anarquistas: Ética e Antologia de Exit. Diego psal také články do francouzského anarchistického časopisu Le Combat Syndicaliste. Historie jeho životního boje zůstává inspirací celému hnutí. Jeho zkušenost, morální síla a charakter budou chybět.

„Musíme se vzdát svých nezdravých návyků. Jinak nehájíme naše zájmy, ale zájmy kapitálu. Musíme být jako had, který se zbaví své staré kůže, aby mohl mít novou.“ – Diego Giménez Moreno

(de) Am 06. Juni 2010 verstarb Diego Giménez Moreno, ein Veteran des Spanischen Bürgerkriegs, in der brasilianischen Stadt São Paulo. Er war 99 Jahre alt und hatte die Parkinson-Krankheit. Diego Giménez wurde am 10. April 1911 im spanischen Jumilla / Murcia geboren und schloss sich nach dem Tod seines Vaters im Alter von 17 Jahren der anarchistischen Bewegung an.

Diego Gimenez Moreno

Durch die „Federación Ibérica de Juventudes Libertárias (Iberische Föderation der Libertären Jugend) kam er in Kontakt mit den Ideen des libertären Naturismus und enschloss sich für ein vegetarisches und drogenfreies Leben. Im Jahr 1931 wurde Diego dann Mitglied der CNT-IAA und wurde Sekretär des lokalen Syndikats der Graphischen Künste.

Fünf Jahre später nahm er teil an dem erfolgreichsten Ereignis der anarchistischen Geschichte, der Spanischen Revolution, während der er sich der legendären „Columna Durruti“ (Durruti-Kolonne) im Kampf gegen den Faschismus anschloss. Nach der Niederschlagung der Volksfront durch die Truppen Francos wurde Diego verhaftet und in das Konzentrationslager Mauthausen nach Österreich deportiert, von wo er es schaffte nach Frankreich zu entkommen.

Er zog 1942 nach São Paulo und war aktiv in den lokalen anarchistischen Gruppen „Sociedade Naturista Amigos de Nossa Chácara“ (Naturistische Gesellschaft Freunde unseres Hofes) und „Centro de Cultura Social“ (Zentrum für Soziale Kultur).

Diego war für die brasilianische anarchistische Bewegung ein Schatz. Seine Reden zum Spanischen Bürgerkrieg und seine Verteidigung von minimalem Konsum und Nüchternheit hatten einen großen Einfluss auf jüngere und altere Anarchist/innen und Anarchosyndikalist/innen. Einige seiner Gedanken findet man in folgenden Büchern:

„Mauthausen: Campo de Concentração e de Extermínio“
(Mauthausen: Konzentrations- und Vernichtungslager; São Paulo, Edições Hispanoamericanas, 1975, 236pp),

„Três Depoimentos Libertários“
(Drei libertäre Zeugnisse; Entrevistas com Diego Giménez Moreno, Jaime Cubero e Edgar Rodrigues, Editora Achiamé, Rio de Janeiro – Brasil, 2002)

„Anarquistas: Ética e Antologia de Existências“
(Anarchisten: Ethik und Antologie der Existenzen; Nildo Avelino, Editora Achiamé, Rio de Janeiro – Brasil, 2004).

Diego schrieb auch Beiträge für die anarchistische Zeitschrift „Le Combat Syndicaliste“ (Der Gewerkschaftskampf).

Die Geschichte seines Kampfes bleibt eine Inspiration für die gesamte Bewegung. Seine Erfahrung und seinen Charakter werden wir vermissen.

„Wir müssen die heutigen ungesunden Angewohnheiten aufgeben. Wir verteidigen nicht unsere Interessen, sondern die des Kapitals. Wir mussen wie die Schlange sein, die ihre alte Haut ablegt, um eine neue zu bekommen.“
Diego Giménez Moreno

(por) Morreu na tarde de hoje (02/06/2010), aos 99 anos, o anarquista, ex-combatente da guerra civil espanhola e militante do Centro de Cultura Social de São Paulo, Diego Gimenez Moreno.

Nascido em 10 de abril de 1911, em Jumilla, província de Múrcia, Diego engaja-se aos 17 anos no movimento anarquista espanhol e em seguida na Guerra Civil. Ferido em combate, é hospitalizado e em seguida, com a vitória franquista, encarcerado no campo de concentração Mauthausen, na Áustria. Uma experiência que descreveu no seu livro Mauthausen – campo de concentração e de extermínio (São Paulo, Edições Hispanoamericanas, 1975, 236pp). Escapa para França, chegando em seguida ao Brasil em 1942, onde participa ativamente das atividades anarquistas na cidade de São Paulo.

Diego trazia um mundo novo em seu coração. Durante uma conferência no CCS pronunciada em 2001, declarou: “O patrão não se discute, suprime-se!” Exemplo de uma existência libertária, deixa um enorme vazio; mas parte após ter semeado muitas primaveras.

Mesmo subtraído ao olhar dos amigos, sua glória perdura na nossa memória, pois a recordação dos grandes homens não é menor que sua presença.

Saudades dos amigos do Centro de Cultura Social!

The Money Fix (2009)

The Money Fix (2009)

Alan Rosenblith, USA, english, 2009, 79 min.
-Buy the DVD-

(en) Money is at the intersection of nearly every aspect of modern life. Most of us take the monetary system for granted, but it has a profound and largely misunderstood influence on our lives. THE MONEY FIX is a feature-length documentary exploring our society’s relationship with the almighty dollar.

THE MONEY FIX examines economic patterning in both the human and the natural worlds, and through this lens we learn how we can empower ourselves by redesigning the lifeblood of the economy at the community level. The film documents three types of alternative money systems, all of which help solve economic problems for the communities in which they operate.

(sk) Ponúka kritický pohľad na súčasný spoločensko-ekonomický systém postavený na nepretržitom boji o nedostatkový zdroj zvaný peniaze.

Presvedčivo poukazuje na nezmyselnosť umelého vytvárania nedostatku, na jeho vplyv na správanie ľudí, na význam spolupráce v porovnaní s dnes preceňovaným súťažením na trhu, na úskalia zamestnaneckého systému deľby práce. Z pohľadu permakultúry je zaujímavé je porovnanie spoločenského systému s prírodným ekosystémom, hľadanie rozdielov a súvislostí. Film ďalej prilbižuje problematiku komunitných a doplnkových menových systémov v teórii aj v praktických ukážkach. Vo filme sa objavujú osobnosti ako Noam Chomsky, Hazel Henderson, Michael Linton, Bernard Lietaer, Michael Albert a mnohí ďalší.


The Money Fix trailer from alan rosenblith on Vimeo.

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John Zerzan - Lecture in Vienna 2007

John Zerzan - Lecture in Vienna (10.june 2007)


Watch - Download:

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Rustic Fig and Ricotta Tart

Again I struck gold at Whole Foods, this time it was with fresh organic figs and even better than that was the price, only three dollars a pint!

Sometimes when I buy fresh figs even though they look and feel ripe, when I get them home they have no flavor at all, does that ever happen to you?

Not the case here, they were all you would ever want in a fig, perfectly ripe, plump and oh so sweet!

I'm dedicating this post to my friend Stacey because she is a true figaholic, if you don't believe me go check out her blog she has a ton of fig recipes, sweet and savory, all good! If we lived closer I would have brought this over to her house to share.

I love making rustic tarts, nothing sophisticated about them, easy to make, very casual and homey. You can make your own pastry dough or use a good refrigerated one as I did, I've had it both ways and it's equally as good.

For the Ricotta Filling:
1lb ricotta
2 eggs
1/4 cup sugar
Orange zest
Heaping tablespoon of orange marmalade
Pinch of cinnamon
Beat together on low speed until all incorporated

On a baking sheet place parchment paper, then place your dough round on top of that and prick the bottom with a fork.
Spread ricotta mixture all over except where you're going to be folding the edges up. Then place figs on top.
Brush the top with a beaten egg or milk, bake at 375F until golden brown, check the bottom with a spatula to make sure it has a nice brown color.

While still warm you can glaze the top with a warmed up preserve if you like.

I had a few figs left over so I decided to make myself a little afternoon treat, this time I decided to caramelize my figs by dipping them cut side down on a plate sprinkled with brown sugar and cinnamon then placing them down on a grill pan for just a few minutes until caramelized. Place them in a pretty bowl on top of some fat free greek yogurt add a drizzle of honey and crunchy pistachios! It was sinfully good, hope you give it a try!

Buon Appetito

big bang big boom

big bang big boom

An unscientific point of view on the beginning and evolution of life … and how it could probably end. made by blu, famous graffiti artist.

Watch online:

BIG BANG BIG BOOM - the new wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.


Active Stills - Photos and Videos

Active Stills - Photos and Videos


ActiveStills´s Video Channel:

The Activestills collective was established in 2005 by a group of Israeli and international documentary photo-graphers, out of a strong conviction that photography is a vehicle for social change. We believe in the power of images to shape public attitudes and to raise awareness on issues that are generally absent from public discourse. We view ourselves as part of the struggle against all forms of oppression, racism, and violations of the basic right to freedom. We do work on various topics, including the grassroots movement and the popular struggle against the Israeli occupation, women’s rights, immigration, asylum-seekers, social justice, the siege on Gaza, and housing rights inside Israel.

The work as a collective is based upon the belief that mutual work serves each photographer‘s personal statement, and that joint projects will create shared statements that are more powerful than individual ones. The collective, now consisting of ten photographers, operates in Israel/Palestine and focuses on social and political documentation, project production, publication, and exhibition.

Israeli public opinion is shaped first and foremost by the mainstream media, which is shifting to become more racist and violent. The impact of this shift is evident in increased public support for violent military operations, racist legislation, and discriminatory policies. We wish to challenge these changes with our work. Each time our photos are published, either in the mainstream media or in alternative channels, they convey messages that challenge oppression and bring the voices of the unheard into public discourse.

Activestills often uses public space for exhibitions in order to more directly influence public opinion and bring about social change.

Excerpt from the documentary "Breaking Frontiers", featuring Shachaf Polakow, photographer with the activist collective Active Stills (, who took part in a demonstration in Bilin against the land grabbing and the Israeli occupation.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Series link:

(en) Revenge is Mine – In the aftermath of the devastating loss of their stealth vessel, the Sea Shepherds have returned to the campaign with renewed passion and intensity. Now the two remaining ships are back on the hunt for the Japanese fleet.

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Updated links here:

The Yes Men Fix The World
Homepage | Vodo

THE YES MEN FIX THE WORLD is a screwball true story about two gonzo political activists who, posing as top executives of giant corporations, lie their way into big business conferences and pull off the world’s most outrageous pranks. This peer-to-peer special edition of the film is unique: it is preceded by an EXCLUSIVE VIDEO of the Yes Men impersonating the United States Chamber of Commerce. Because the Yes Men are being sued for this stunt, p2p is the only way that this film will get seen. Please spread the word!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Venice in Minnesota

A new postcard for all of you from Minneapolis where we currentely are on our way back East...

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Roasted Cod with Cherry Tomatoes

My local Whole Foods had a 3 day sale on Alaskan cod this weekend so I scooped some up and made this for dinner, I couldn't resist the pristine white fish that was sitting all pretty in the showcase window.

If you're a reader of my blog you know I love roasted tomatoes of any kind especially those little cherry and Campari tomatoes. I use them often adding them to many dishes I cook, I just love the deep robust flavor they add.

My garden is filled with all different varieties and colors and I'm just now beginning to reap the benefits, so I hope you don't mind, but I'll be posting more upcoming recipes using them.

My husband said this was the best fish I ever made, but then again he says that often, he's a good guy! But I must say the flavors were really awesome, so awesome that I ran out today to pick up more fish before the sale was over.

For this dish do your tomatoes ahead of time. I like to roast mine on a small sheet pan covered with foil it's seems to hold all the juice from the tomatoes and olive oil much better and that's a good thing, because I just can't bare for any of that to burn off. I also always add shaved garlic and some kind of a fresh herb like thyme, basil or oregano. Roast at 400 until they split and blister and the juice runs out.

To prepare the fish, place the fillets in a shallow baking dish drizzled with olive oil.
Season the fish with salt, pepper, and a little paprika.
Squeeze half a lemon all over, then cover the fish with a few thin slices of lemon and a quick drizzle of olive oil.
Add fresh thyme branches and kalamata olives.
Now take those luscious roasted tomatoes along with all the juice that's infused with garlic and olive oil and place that in amongst the fish. Bake in a hot oven at 450 until fish is opaque. Let it rest for 5 minutes then garnish with parsley.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and Buon Appetito!

Friday, July 23, 2010

L'olio nella storia

Comprensione orale. Livello medioCompleta le seguenti frasi sulla base di quanto hai imparato dal video:Presso i romani l’olio era utilizzato per curare in modo naturale problemi di salute quali …L'altro liquido che, secondo Plinio, fa bene al corpo umano è …Per guarire le ferite da arme da taglio si usavano medicamenti ottenuti mescolando l’olio …Prima di applicare l’impasto di olio e pane si

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

American Hardcore (2006)

American Hardcore (2006)

Paul Rachman, USA, english, 2006, 100 min.
-Buy the DVD-

(en) Inspired by Steven Blush's book "American Hardcore: A tribal history" Paul Rachman's feature documentary debut is a chronicle of the underground hardcore punk years from 1979 to 1986. Interviews and rare live footage from artists such as Black Flag, Bad Brains, Minor Threat, SS Decontrol and the Dead Kennedys.

(cz) Dokument, mapující zrod a evoluci americké punkové scény v letech 1979 až 1986. Mimo interview s důležitými osobnostmi tohoto období (Bobby Steele z The Misfits, Keith Morris z Black Flag a The Circle Jerks, Brandon Cruz z Dead Kennedys) film obsahuje i živý materiál.


Watch online / Pozri si to online:

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Grilled Baby Artichokes with Tomato Basil Salsa

I struck gold when I came across a huge pile of baby artichokes at my Italian market this Saturday and they were even on sale, I couldn't wait to get them home and put them on my grill!

Baby artichokes are easy to prep and great for grilling, they're the perfect light appetizer for a hot and sticky day. The most important thing is to precook them in boiling water or steam them first until tender, you don't want to just toss them on the grill before cooking they'll be very tough, burnt and unappetizing and they'll never get tender.

The grill adds a nice smoky flavor that enhances the taste and the tomato basil salsa gives you a fresh and summery dipping sauce, guilt free nice and light and perfect served at room temperature.

Here's what you do:
Slice tops off artichokes, pull off leaves until you see pale green, trim stems, and snip off thorny tips. In a large pot, bring water to a boil. Add 1 tablespoon salt, the juice of 1 lemon, garlic cloves and artichokes; cover and steam until artichoke bottoms pierce easily, 20 to 40 minutes. Drain artichokes.
When cool enough to handle, cut each artichoke in half lengthwise and scrape out the fuzzy center, sometimes you don't even have to with the babies. In a bowl, combine crushed garlic, olive oil, you could also add balsamic vinegar if you want, and salt and pepper. Toss your artichokes in the mixture and place cut side down on a grill over medium heat, don't move them until you see nice grill marks, then turn on the other side until lightly browned.
Tomato Basil Salsa
Chopped tomatoes
Fresh basil
Chopped scallions
Extra virgin olive oil
Salt & pepper

Place the arichokes cut side up on a big platter and spoon the salsa all over. Now go ahead and make these before summers bounty is all over!
Buon Appetito

Call To Resist the IMF

Call To Resist the IMF, October 9. – 11. , 2010

(en) The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank have a well-deserved reputation for being the loan sharks of global capitalism. Both institutions are infamous for forcing poor countries in the global south to ruin their own economies in order to further enrich Western corporations. Nations who decline to borrow money at exorbitant interest rates and then beggar their populations to pay it back (or worse, default on their existing debt), are subjected to trade sanctions that have been described as “the economic equivalent of nuclear war.”
The neoliberal regime represented by the IMF has generated intense, and largely successful, resistance across the world. In Argentina a popular revolt in response to the 2001 economic collapse, caused by strict adherence to neoliberal policies, saw three governments toppled in a month. Piqueteros threw up barricades of burning tires on the highways, workers took over their factories, and “Que se vayan todos!” became the rallying cry for an entire nation. After the passage of NAFTA in 1994, the Zapatistas established their own autonomous territory in the Mexican state of Chiapas that survives to this day, in spite of continuous government repression. In North America and Europe massive protests greeted neoliberal elites at every summit, including Seattle in 1999 when the World Trade Organization meeting was completely shut down. In Barcelona in 2001 the World Bank canceled a summit entirely for fear of protests.
More recently, world leaders have attempted to re-establish neoliberalism under the guise of recovering from the economic collapse that they themselves caused. The IMF has been recapitalized with 1.1 trillion dollars from the G20 group of nations. Employers everywhere are slashing wages, as governments cut social services correspondingly, all justified by calls to “share the pain.” Resistance has intensified accordingly. Wildcat strikes in Bangladesh have periodically crippled the garment industry there, as workers demand safety improvements and back wages. Protesters in Romania have held huge demonstrations against government-imposed austerity measures. The entire country of Greece has been virtually ungovernable since the riots over the police murder of a 15-year old in December 2008. Riots, general strikes and insurrection are common occurrences. Farmers blockade the Bulgarian border with their tractors and banners are dropped from the Acropolis. The announcement in April that the Greek government would be instituting austerity measures as part of an IMF/European Union bank bailout sent 200,000 protesters into the streets in Athens alone.
Here in the US, ground zero for neoliberalism, reaction to the financial collapse has been comparatively muted. Recent protests have not approached the size and intensity of those of the antiglobalization era. The IMF Resistance Network exists to help change that. We are an East coast-based antiauthoritarian group dedicated to organizing demonstrations against IMF and World Bank summit meetings in Washington, DC. The next one is on October 9 – 11 of this year.

You’re all invited. Details will follow shortly.
See you in the streets,
The IMF Resistance Network
(es) El Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI, o IMF en ingles) y el Banco Mundial (WB) tienen una reputación muy merecida por ser los “tiburones de préstamo” del capitalismo global. Ambas instituciones tienen fama de forzar a países pobres en el Sur Global a arruinar sus propias economías para enriquecer las corporaciones y las bolsas del Norte Global. Naciones que rechacen el dinero prestado a tasas de interés muy exorbitantes y rechacen el rogar a su pueblo que repongan la deuda (o peor, naciones que decidan suspender su deuda), son sujetas a sanciones de intercambio que han sido descritas como “el equivalente económico a una bomba nuclear.”
El régimen neoliberal representado por el FMI ha generado intensa, y largamente exitosa resistencia a través del mundo. Justo después de la aprobación del tratado de la NAFTA, lxs Zapatistas tomaron su propio terreno autónomo en el estado Mexicano de Chiapas que sigue hasta hoy día, resistiendo represión continua del gobierno. En Norteamérica y en Europa, protestas masivas se encontraban con la elite neoliberal en cada cumbre, incluyendo Seattle en el 1999 cuando la reunión de la Organización Mundial de Comercio (WTO en ingles) fue completamente parada y cancelada. En Barcelona en el 2001 el Banco Mundial canceló una cumbre enteramente por temor de protestas. En Argentina, una revuelta popular en respuesta al colapso económico del 2001, causada por la adherencia estricta a la política neoliberal, vio la caída de tres gobiernos en solo un mes. Piqueterxs alzaron barricadas de llantas en fuego en las carreteras, trabajadores tomaron sus fabricas, y “¡Que se vayan todos!” se convirtió en el grito de una nación entera.
Más recientemente, “líderes” mundiales han tratado de restablecer el neoliberalismo con la excusa de recuperar de la crisis económica que ellos mismos causaron. El FMI ha sido recapitalizado con 1.1 trillones de dólares de parte del grupo de naciones llamado el G20.
Empleadores por todas partes están tajando sueldos, mientras los gobiernos cortan servicios sociales a la misma vez, todo siendo justificado como formas de “compartir el dolor.” Justamente, la resistencia se ha ido intensificando. Huelgas salvajes (huelgas sin respaldo sindical) en Bangladesh han debilitado la industria de ropa periódicamente, mientras lxs obrerxs demandan seguridad y sueldos. Protestantes en Romania han llevado a cabo inmensas demonstraciones en contra de los medios de austeridad impuestos por el gobierno. La entera nación de Grecia ha sido virtualmente ingobernable desde los motines en respuesta a la muerte de Alexis Grigoropoulos, un joven de 15 años asesinado por un policía en Diciembre del 2008. Motines, huelgas generales y ataques insurgentes son ocurrencias comunes. Campesinxs bloquearon la frontera de Bulgaria con sus tractores en respuesta y pancartas fueron atadas a la Acrópolis. El anuncio en Abril de que el gobierno griego estaría instituyendo medios de austeridad como parte de un rescate monetario del FMI y la Unión Europea se encontró con 200,000 obrerxs, inmigrantes, anarquistas y radicales en las calles de Atenas.
Aquí en los EU, zona cero para el neoliberalismo, reacción a la crisis ha sido relativamente débil. Protestas recientes no han tomado el tamaño ni la intensidad de las de la era de anti-globalización. El IMF Resistance Network existe para ayudar a cambiar tal cosa. Somos un grupo anti-autoritario basado en la costa Este dedicado a movilizar y demonstrar en contra del FMI y el Banco Global y sus reuniones en Washington DC. Su próxima cumbre será en Octubre 9-11 del 2010.
Todxs están invitadxs. Visiten para más información o para contactar.
Los vemos en las calles,
IMF Resistance Network

Monday, July 19, 2010

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(en) Sliced In Two – At the bottom of the world, a collision has just devastated one of the Sea Shepherds’ vessels. The crew on the other vessel stand helpless on their deck, watching in horror as the Japanese vessel barrels through the Sea Shepherds’ prized speedboat.


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It takes a village to start a riot

It takes a village to start a riot

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This week:


1. Free the prisoners
2. Oscar Grant Riots
3. US military buildup in Latin America
4. The barefoot bandit is caught
5. Ode to Cha-Cha
6. Arresting video ninjas

Titulky pre Mine: Story of a Sacred Mountain

Titulky pre Mine: Story of a Sacred Mountain (2009)

(sk) WAFPRESS dnes dokončili titulky pre krátky film Mine: Story of a Sacred Mountain - Príbeh posvätnej hory. Môžete si ho pozrieť tu aj s titulkami. Alebo navštívte pôvodný príspevok pre viac informácií:

Navštívte stránku a pomôžte zachrániť kmeň Dongria Kondh a horu Niyamgiri.

(en) WAFPRESS just finished translating slovak subtitles for this short documentary. In the process they made english subtitles too, so for anybody who is interested in translating it further, visit the original post here

There is an ongoing campaign to save the Dongria Kondh and their Niyamgiri Mountains - visit and take action.

GREEN (2009)

GREEN (2009)

Patrick Rouxel, no narration, 2009, 48 min.
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(en) This is not a documentary for the faint-hearted but it is a documentary that should be viewed by as many people as possible. Winner of Best Documentary Short in the recent Durango Independent Film Festival, and directed by Moez Moez, "Green" documents the last hours of a female orangutan's life.

She is first seen packed into a duffel bag, her head bumping from side to side as she is driven in the back of a pickup truck. She is taken to a clinic but it is too late to save her. It is almost as though the life is being sucked from her as her environment is destroyed. She becomes just another victim of deforestation and palm oil plantations.

The film portrays the beauty and diversity of Green's once lush ecosystem through from elephants, a variety of primates to dragonflies. However the loggers soon move in and the destruction commences.

The documentary tracks each of the threats that orangutans face - from the timber industry supplying the exotic furniture trade or the pulp and paper market through to the palm oil industry feeding the insatiable demand for food, cosmetics and biodiesel. The illegal pet trade thrives in the middle of the destruction. The film also documents the soul-destroying situation of wild animals in captivity.

It pulls no punches. We cannot absolve ourselves from it as it is us, the global consumers, who are the cause. A list of "credits" at the end of the film runs through not only the various companies involved along the supply chain but finishes pointedly on "the consumers around the world." Unfortunately this is one credit where you won't want to take a bow.

“Green” is 48 min long, it is available for free download for all private and public screenings. The film is in international version accessible to all nationalities, produced independently and free of all commercial or political attachment. Please don’t hesitate to screen the film wherever you feel appropriate.
(sk) Tento film sleduje jedného orangutana pri jeho posledných hodinách života, a ukazuje dôvody, kvôli ktorým tento druh pomaly vymiera. Prekrásna scenéria indonézskych pralesov v kontraste s ich klčovaním a výsadbou palmových plantáži kvôli palmovému oleju a "biopalivám".

Šírte ho ďalej, premietajte verejnosti aj svojím priateľom a rodine...


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Friday, July 16, 2010

Esercizio di pronuncia con una canzone di Adriano Celentano

In una classe d'italiano per stranieri adulti, (A1) dopo aver insegnato la pronuncia, si fa ascoltare la canzone di Celentano "Il ragazzo della Via Gluck" una volta (senza vedere il testo), si spiega il significato della canzone, e si chiede agli studenti di aggrupparsi in gruppi di tre, e ascoltando di nuovo la canzone (di solito un paio di volte) si chiede a loro di inserire le

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Animal Liberation - The Movie (1993)

Animal Liberation - The Movie (1993)

UK, english, 1993, 20 min.
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(en) Who is the ALF? What is the ALF? Find out in this classic UK production.

(sk) „Film: Oslobodenie zvierat“ je od produkcie A.L.F. Chceli ním vysvetliť, čím je vlastne A.L.F. Toto klasické video ukazuje prepady britských laboratórií a priemyselných fariem.

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8: The Mormon Proposition (2010)

8: The Mormon Proposition (2010)

Reed Cowan, Steven Greenstreet, USA, ENglish, 2010, 80 min.
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(en) Mormons in California and Utah, following their prophet's call to action, wage spiritual warfare, fueled with money and religious fervor, against LGBT citizens and their fight for equality. This exploration of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ involvement in the passage of California's Proposition 8 reveals a secretive, decades-long campaign against lesbians’ and gays’ right to marriage.

Directors Reed Cowan, a former Mormon missionary, and Steven Greenstreet deftly investigate this ongoing battle through three telling perspectives: personal, political, and ideological. They are careful not to succumb to emotional rant but choose instead well-researched data and a range of interviews with politicians, historians, and those most affected by the outcome. One such couple is composed of Spencer Jones and Tyler Barrick, who is the direct descendant of Mormon polygamist Frederick G. Williams. Cowan and Greenstreet's film tellingly reminds us that, if any common ground can ever be found, it must be based on truth and transparency.


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California's Gay Marriage Ban Overturned

August 4, 2010 on CNN
A federal judge in California knocks down the state's voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage.