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Wednesday, March 31, 2010
I pesci d'aprile
Comprensione orale: livello elementare/intermedio.
Indicare le affermazioni VERE:
L’usanza del pesce d’Aprile è antichissima.
I mass-media supportano questo tipo di scherzi.
Il Chippy fu inventato alla fine degli anni ’80 in Inghilterra.
Si diceva che su Chippy fosse possibile registrare centinaia di canzoni grazie a un microchip da comprare separatamente.
Dopo vent’anni fu inventato il primo
Sweet Ricotta Pie
Recipe adapted from Scorsese Family Cookbook
Ingredients for Crust:
2 cups flour, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1/2 cup of vegetable shortening, 1 large egg beaten slightly, 3 tablespoons of ice water.
To make the pie crust:
Into a bowl, sift the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. Add the shortening and blend until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs. In a bowl, whisk together the egg and 2 tablespoons of the ice water. Add the egg mixture to the flour mixture and toss to combine, adding more water, if necessary, to form a dough. Chill the dough, wrapped in plastic, until firm.
On a lightly floured surface, roll out the dough into a circle 1/8-inch thick and fit it into a 9-inch pie pan. Crimp the edge, prick the bottom, and chill while making the filling.
Bake the pie for 45 minutes, or until ricotta is set and toothpick comes out clean. Let cool and chill.
Make sure you chill it down in the refrigerator before you slice into it to receive the optimum full flavor.
Happy Easter!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
"L'ultima Cena" di Leonardo
Il Casino degli Spiriti
Many scaring stories circulate about this so called "House of the spirits" isolated over the lagoon, in the north of Cannaregio, some steps from Madona del Orto church. This large 16th century house is indeed part of the Contarini del Zaffo palace. Some say one can hear uncanny noises coming from it at night, other that they have seen flickering lights through the windows. Some say that magical rituals took place there. Others that back in time the deceased used to be put here for a while before being sent to San Michele. I've heard too that in recent years, some rich owners renovated the house and had one bathroom paint in black... Anyway, these owners, disturbed by some "ghosts", didn't live here too long.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Il parco della Reggia di Caserta
Comprensione orale: livello medio/avanzato.
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Il parco della Reggia di Caserta è il parco più bello d'Europa.
La lunga via d'acqua venne progettata da Luigi
Souvenirs from Venice
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Michal Kolesar - Proti proudu
Jan Dadák, ČT, česky/czech, (english subtitles), 17.03.2010, 5 min. (cut)
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(cz) Oficiální text České televize:
Dokument režiséra Jana Dadáka se věnuje motivům a důsledkům individualismu v české společnosti. Lidé zastávající nepopulární postoje, nezvolili nejlehčí životní cestu. Čelí nepochopení, společenské nepopularitě, nezřídka obětují vztahy k blízkým lidem, zaměstnání, popř. majetek. V krajních případech jsou kriminalizováni, prohlašováni za psychicky nemocné, jsou jim podsouvány falešné motivace.
Jak takoví lidé žijí, jaké pravdy zastávají, čím prošli, v čem jsou charakterově a názorově jiní, že vyčnívají a nevejdou se do zaběhnutých kolejí? Rebelové s příčinou i bez příčiny, jací jsou a jak se jim žije v české společnosti? Existuje v našem národním povědomí vůbec něco jako respekt k individuálnímu odporu či individuálnímu postoji? Je pro nás nehrdiny rebel hrdinou? Nebo jen podivínem? Jak vnímá většina své nezdravé jedince, je k nim lhostejná? Rozlišuje, jde-li o postoj morální, racionální, demokratický? Jakých forem nabývá novodobá exkomunikace?
O důvodech a důsledcích osamoceného hájení názoru v dokumentu hovoří filozof a religionista Ivan Štampach, spisovatelka a publicistka Petra Dvořáková, členové České pirátské strany, zastánce alternativní medicíny Dušan Dvořák, ochránce zvířat Michal Kolesár a nezávislý umělec Milan Kozelka.
Drobná oprava:
V dokumentu je uvedeno, že jsem trestně stíhán v Rakousku a v České republice. Pravdou je, že v Rakousku jsem vyšetřován, ale nikoli stíhán (nebo o tom nevím) a v České republice bylo trestní stíhání zastaveno jako neodůvodněné.
Čtěte zde -
Děkuji Janu Dadákovi za zvolené téma.
(en) Michal Kolesar in the show Against the Current made by Czech Television Channel. Michal is an open rescue animal liberationist. Visit his website for more information about him and his work. You can also donate some desperately needed money!
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Stuffed French Toast with Fig and Cream Cheese
Think of your favorite jam's or marmalade's, apricot, orange, peach, raspberry, strawberry, blueberry or plum, or if you prefer any fresh berries will do.
I recently purchased a huge jar of fig paste that was out of this world from a middle eastern store in the city, I couldn't believe it was only $5.00! Loaded with figs and much thicker than a jam, it worked perfectly, I'm going back for more.
I like to use a good hearty Italian bread or a country loaf, artisan style that you can cut yourself.
Make 1 1/2 inch slices and then with your paring knife make a slit to form a pocket, be careful not to cut all the way through.
For each individual serving I used a mixture of 2 tablespoons of fig paste along with 2 tablespoons of reduced fat cream cheese, so just figure out how many servings you're going to make and you'll be able to figure out the amounts. If you're using fresh berries you might want to add a little powdered sugar in the cream cheese for added sweetness.
Your egg mixture for dipping your french toast will consist of eggs, milk, cinnamon and vanilla. I always sprinkle more cinnamon on top while it's cooking, the more the better!
Recipe adapted from Everyday Food
Buon Appetito
Il fascismo italiano
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The Coconut Revolution
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Friday, March 26, 2010
Paris Is Burning (1990)
Jennie Livingston, USA, english, 1990, 71 min.
(en) This is a documentary of 'drag nights' among New York's underclass. Queens are interviewed and observed preparing for and competing in many 'balls'. The people, the clothes, and the whole environment are outlandish.
(sk) Toto je dokumentárny film o 'drag nights' spodnej triedy New Yorku.
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Desert Flower (2009)
Sherry Horman, UK/Germany/Austria, english/somali, 2009, 120 min.
(en) Based on the world best-selling book DESERT FLOWER by Waris Dirie - the autobiography of a Somalian nomad circumcised at 5, sold in marriage at 13, who became an American supermodel and is now at the age of 38, the UN spokeswoman against circumcision.
(cz) Film Květ pouště vznikl podle stejnojmenné autobiografické knihy autorky Waris Dirie, která vyrůstala do svých třinácti let v Somálsku a po útěku do Londýna se stala jednou z nejznámějších světových topmodelek. Když se kniha v roce 1998 objevila na pultech knihkupectví, svět byl šokován. Bývalá modelka vypráví dechberoucí životní příběh, v němž popisuje svou neuvěřitelnou cestu od kočovného života v somálské poušti na nejznámější světová přehlídková mola. Byl to sen a noční můra zároveň. V New Yorku, na vrcholu své kariéry, poprvé v rozhovoru otevřeně promluvila o problému ženské obřízky, kterou sama vytrpěla, když jí bylo teprve 5 let. Krátce po rozhovoru se rozhodla, že skončí s kariérou modelky a zasvětí život boji proti tomuto starobylému rituálu. Od roku 1997 je Velvyslankyní UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) pro odstranění problému ženské obřízky ve světě.
The Desert Flower Limited DVDRIP Xvid-America
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Darwin's Nightmare (2004)
Hubert Sauper, Austria/Belgium/France/Canada/Finland/Sweden, English, 2004, 107 min.
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(en) The larger scope of the story explores the gun trade to Africa that takes place under the covers -- Russian pilots fly guns into Africa, then fly fish back out to Europe. The hazards and consequences of this trade are explored, including the pan-African violence propagated by constant flow of weapons into the continent. If it is a "survival of the fittest" world, as Darwin concluded, then the capitalist interests that fund the gun runners are climbing the evolutionary ladder on the backs of the Africans in this stark Darwinian example. Much like the foreseeable extinction of the Lake Victoria perch, and death of Lake Victoria itself, the Africans are in grave jeopardy, even as they survive in the only ways they know how.
(sk) Ačkoliv se celovečerní dokument známého evropského dokumentaristy soustřeďuje na mikrokosmos u pobřeží Viktoriina jezera v Tanzánii, vypovídá velmi naléhavě o globálních problémech současného světa. V šedesátých letech byl do tohoto největšího tropického jezera na světě (odkud vytéká Nil) vysazen nilský okoun. Tento predátor se zde rozmnožil takovým způsobem, že vyhubil všechno živé. Zároveň se ovšem stal zdrojem obživy pro chudý kraj a významným vývozním artiklem. Ruské dopravní letouny denně odvážejí do Evropy a do Japonska 500 tun ryb (a nazpět nezřídka ilegálně dovážejí zbraně). Vznikly tu moderní rybárny, ale také děsivé pracovní kolonie, v nichž domodorodé obyvatele kosí AIDS, alkohol a zločin. Hubert Sauper s kolegou natočili v obtížných podmínkách a pod různým krytím rozhovory s mnoha lidmi: od ruských a ukrajinských pilotů přes nočního strážce a prostitutku až po majitele rybárny a oficiální představitele.
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AMERICAN RADICAL: The Trials of Norman Finkelstein (2009)
David Ridgen, Nicolas Rossier, Canada/..., english, 2009, 84 min.
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(en) About the life and work of controversial American Jewish academic Norman Finkelstein.
American Radical is the probing, definitive documentary about American academic Norman Finkelstein.
A devoted son of holocaust survivors, ardent critic of Israel and US Mid-East policy, and author of five provocative books including, "The Holocaust Industry", Finkelstein has been steadfast at the center of many intractable controversies, including his recent denial of tenure at DePaul University.
Called a lunatic and disgusting self-hating Jew by some, and an inspirational street-fighting revolutionary by others, Finkelstein is a deeply polarizing figure whose struggles arise from core questions about freedom, identity and nationhood.
From Beirut to Kyoto, the filmmakers follow Finkelstein around the world as he attempts to negotiate a voice among both supporters and critics, providing an intimate portrait of the man behind the controversy while giving equal time to both his critics and supporters.
American Radical is the probing, definitive documentary about American academic Norman Finkelstein.
A devoted son of holocaust survivors, ardent critic of Israel and US Mid-East policy, and author of five provocative books including, "The Holocaust Industry", Finkelstein has been steadfast at the center of many intractable controversies, including his recent denial of tenure at DePaul University.
(sk) Film o živote a práci kontroverzného židovského akademika Normana Finkelsteina.
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Thursday, March 25, 2010
What to do with an Over Abundance of Asparagus
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
Snap off the tough ends of the asparagus. Unwrap the phyllo and cut the stack in half lengthwise. Reserve 1 stack for later use. Cover the phyllo with a damp towel to keep it from drying out. Take 1 or 2 sheets of phyllo and brush lightly with olive oil. Sprinkle with the parmesan mixture. Place 2 to 3 asparagus spears on the short end of the sheet. Roll up, jelly-roll style. Place each piece, seam side down, on a baking sheet. Brush with more melted butter and sprinkle with more Parmesan. Repeat until all the asparagus spears are used up. Place baking sheet in oven and bake for 15 to 18 minutes, or until golden brown and crispy.
Serve with an aioli, or in this case I used Stacey's wonderful romesco sauce for dipping.
La sommelier del caffè
A patchwork of colours
On the right part of San Marco's Basilica, where it leans on the Doge's Palace, I like to observe the colourful walls made of a real patchwork of large and old marble plates.
And below, Timothy Thompson comment :
Much of the marble cladding on St Mark's was looted from Constantinople's palaces after Venetians seized the city in 1204. So admiring St Mark's marble, you are actually admiring what's left of old Byzantium.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Germania, 1945
Campo Bandiera e Moro
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
I bigné di San Giuseppe
Next: A Primer on Urban Painting (2005)
Pablo Aravena, Canada, english, 2005, 95 min.
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(en) “NEXT, a Primer on Urban Painting” is a documentary exploration of a phenomenon that was born on the streets of American cities and has come to influence youth culture all over the world. Combining verite visual moments and interviews with painters, journalists, collectors, sociologists, DJ’s, art critics and other participants within the subculture, the film will convey the dynamism and creative brilliance of this important emerging artistic movement.
“NEXT, a Primer on Urban Painting” dokumentárne skúmanie fenoménu zrodeného na amerických uliciach, ktorý ovplyvnil kultúru mladých ľudí po celom svete. Kombináciou vizuálnych momentov a rozhovormi s umelcami, novinármi, zberateľmi, sociológmi, DJami , kritikmi umenia a iných, zapojených v tejto subkultúre, film bude tlmočiť dynamiku a kreatívnu úžasnosť tohto vzostupujúceho umeleckého hnutia.
35. yaşını kutlayan grafitti, görüntü kirliliği mi, vandalizm mi yoksa şehirlerin arka sokaklarında doğup sanat galerilerinin yeni gözdesi haline gelmiş bir sanat akımı mı?
Günümüzde modadan reklamcılığa, müzikten sinemaya etkisi birçok alana yayılan bir küresel kültür biçimi olan modern grafiti üzerine Pablo Aravena ile yapılan ‘dünya grafitti turu’,1970′lerin Brooklyn’inden başlıyor. Değişik, yaratıcı çalışmalara; Berlin ve Amsterdam’dan geometrik yerleştirmelere, maskeli Japon grafiticilerin yaptığı Kanji biçimi “tag”lara, çalışmalarını yeraltı mezarlarında gerçekleştiren Parisli sanatçılarla çıkılan gizli bir yolculuk…
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End of the day at the Miracoli
Monday, March 22, 2010
Giochi di antica tradizione
These Streets Are Watching (2005)
Jacov Crawford, USA, English, 2005, 53 min.
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(en) The Streets are Watching is a 50 minute video that takes a fresh look at police accountability through the eyes of three communities; Denver, Cincinnati and Berkeley. Independent filmmaker, Jacob Crawford, weaves three cities responses to police brutality into a single tale of community empowerment and direct action. Within an amazing collection of footage that portrays police conduct and misconduct, the film conveys basic legal concepts that can provide practical help to groups and individuals seeking a clearer understanding of their rights when dealing with police. The film is divided into sections that explain our basic rights, tactics for documenting police activity and ideas for further action and organizing.
(sk) Poznajte svoje práva, sledujte políciu pri ich činnosti... Tento film sa pozerá na zodpovednosť polície očami troch komunít v USA; Denver, Cincinnati a Berkeley.
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Guerilla Art (2009)
Sebastian Peiter, Goetz Werner, English, 2009, 57 min.
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(en) A new generation of international street artists are the latest hot property for galleries, art collectors and big advertising brands.
Filmed in New York, London, Paris, Sao Paulo and Tokyo, it introduces the graffiti-inspired street art pioneers Futura 2000, Ramm:ell:zee, Os Gemeos, Space Invader, Blek le Rat, Miss Van Eine, some whose art is now celebrated among the trendy and wealthy of New York and London.
The movement started in the late '70s when hip hop and the spray can emerged from the lanes and backstreets and spread like a virus across the urban landscapes of the rest of the world. Art patron Agnes B and art curator Jerome Sans comment on the early days of Keith Haring and Jean Michel Basquiat, when graffiti changed the streets of New York and then of other cities around the planet.
It reveals how these artists have developed a unique system of economic survival, from selling limited-edition prints to clothing designs for streetwear labels and creating record labels and logos for youth brands.
Nová generácia medzinárodných streetartistov sú najnovším majetkom pre galérie, umelecké zbierky a veľké reklamné značky.
Točené v mestách ako New York, Londýn, Paríž, Sao Paulo a Tokio, predstavuje grafitmi inšpirovaných streetart priekopníkov Futura 2000, Ramm:ell:zee, Os Gemeos, Space Invader, Blek le Rat, Miss Van Eine, ktorých umenie je momentálne oslavované medzi trendy a bohatými ľuďmi v New Yorku a Londýne.
Hnutie začalo v neskorých 7. rokoch, keď hip hop a spreje vyšli z uličiek a šírili sa ako vírus po mestách po celom svete. Priaznivec umenia Agnes B a kurátor Jerome Sans komentujú začiatky Keitha Haringa a Jeana Michela Basquiata, keď grafity zmenili ulice New Yorku a iných miest po celej planéte.
Dokument predstavuje, ako si títo umelci vytvorili unikátny systém ekonomického prežitia z predaja limitovaných návrhov oblečenia rôzne značky a z vytvárania hudobných vydavateľstiev a lôg značiek pre mladých.
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Newlywed Couple Thoroughly Enjoying Registry Gifts (Austin, TX)
I suffered a slight scare the first time I used it. There was a faint electrical burning smell/smoke that almost sent me into post-registrum depression, but it went away and all is well. Crock Pot and I are getting along swimmingly now! I took one of my fave braised dishes and translated it to the slow cooker. (If you must now, I am an unabashedly enthusiastic braiser.)
I know it ain't much to look at, but it sure tastes good--just ask mah man. Since you can't discern brown from beige here, I'll tell you what it is: pork chops smothered with cabbage. I've been making chicken smothered with cabbage (pretty sure it was a recipe from Marcella Hazan) for quite a few years now, so changing one meat for another is simply a matter of mood.
And who doesn't love a pork chop? I don't not.
Here's what you do:
*Take four pork chops (in the four-pack they only had loin chops, center-cut or rib chops work just fine too) and brown 'em up good in the All-Clad 3 qt braise pan that yo' mamma and daddy gave you for Christmas. Place them in the bottom of the slow cooker.
*Take half of an onion, sliced, and brown slightly in the same pan. Add a couple of cloves of garlic when the onions are almost done. (You can throw everything in the pot raw, but your laziness will translate in the finished dish as a sigh of mediocrity :)
*Transfer onion/garlic to Crock Pot in a layer over chops.
*Deglaze the pan with a hit of white wine (in my case, whatever is left over from a week's worth of working in wine biz), enough to cover the pan. Scrape up yummy bits and let it reduce. Add about 3/4 cup of chicken broth and bring to a boil. Pour over contents of Pot. You don't want too much liquid because the cabbage will contribute to the juices.
*Add 1/2 head of chopped cabbage (you can throw in a whole head too if you like) on top of everything.
*Lower the hatch and let it ride on High for 4 hours (3 will work too, if you have less time), or around 6-7 on Low.
What you will witness when you open the lid is quite unattractive to behold (see photo above) but SO so good. All that's left to do is open a rich rose'...we love the Campirosa by Illuminati. It's a Montepulciano d'Abruzzo Cerasuolo** DOC and shows lots of strawberry, cherry, raspberry and a surprising hint of lemon zest. There's still an ephemeral spritz in the '08 that balances the sweet caramelized cabbage and earthy pork perfectly. It's available around Austin, for sure at Mandola's, and surely elsewhere.
Buon appetito!
**Cerasuolo comes from the ancient Italian word ceraso, the same word that gives us ciliegia (cherry). It indicates the cherry-like nature of something.
[TRAILER] Bold Native (2010)
INFO - Upcoming movie!! This summer!
Denis Hennelly, USA, English, 2010, ...
(en) Bold Native is a fiction feature film. Charlie Cranehill, an animal liberator wanted by the United States government for domestic terrorism, emerges from the underground to coordinate a nationwide action as his estranged CEO father tries to find him before the FBI does. The film simultaneously follows a young woman who works for an animal welfare organization fighting within the system to establish more humane treatment of farmed animals. From abolitionists to welfarists, Bold Native takes on the issue of modern animal use and exploitation from several angles within the context of a road movie adventure story.
The filmmakers’ background in documentary informed the creative approach to Bold Native. Self-financed and shot with a four person team in real-world locations, sometimes using real activists, lawyers, and formerly imprisoned animal liberators, the film weaves an intricate tale of one of the most important issues facing America and the world morally and ecologically – the impact and consequences of industrialized animal use. And with a character who faces prosecution and potential lifetime imprisonment under the recently passed Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA) for property crimes currently considered terrorism, the film also illuminates the danger of corporate interests influencing the law in a post-9/11 world.
Who is the Bold Native? Find out this summer.
Questions or comments for Bold Native? Email us at
(sk) Bold Native je fiktívny celovečerný film. Osloboditeľ zvierat Charlie Cranehill je hľadaný vládou USA za domáci terorizmus. Charlie sa objaví z utajenia, aby koordinoval celonárodnú akciu zatiaľ čo jeho otec, riaditeľ jednej korporácie, sa ho snaží nájsť skôr, než ho objaví FBI. Film zároveň sleduje príbeh mladej ženy, ktorá pracuje pre animal welfare organizáciu, bojujúc vrámci systému za zavedenie ľudskejších metód v chove zvierat. Od abolicionistov až po welfaristov, Bold Native sa podujal priblížiť tému moderného využívania a vykorisťovania zvierat z viacerých uhlov, v rámci kontextu dobrodružného príbehu road movie.
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The movie is currently being translated to:
slovak, hungarian, bulgarian, german, portuguese, polish, ...
preložené (zorganizujte premietanie vo vašom meste) - napíšte nám
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Il prosciutto San Daniele
Creation (2009)
Jon Amiel, UK, English, 2009, 108 min.
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(en) Creation is a fascinating cinematic experience from start to finish, and it is hard to resist its captivating magic. Honestly, I was thinking that I would watch something like one of the ordinary biography documentaries, but I was totally wrong. The director Jon Amiel’s nice touches and clever ideas create a subtle movie, make Darwin more human and more real. I sometimes laughed with joy and sometimes –I confess– cried. Paul Bettany was brilliant in his role and Martha West was cute as Darwin’s daughter Annie. The movie tells a short period of time, and mostly deals with the loss of Annie, and Darwin’s personal dilemma before he published On the Origin of Species, but it’s a rare opportunity to look from the eyes of a genius mind who “killed God”.
(cz) Co se stane, když světově proslulý vědec zdrcený ztrátou nejstarší dcery napíše knihu, která prokáže neexistenci boha? Příběh filmu, který vychází z biografie Charlese Darwina od Randala Keynese, popisuje vznik jeho mistrovského kousku "O původu druhů". Osudy celého světa byly, ale také nemusely být ovlivněny revolučním teoretikem z malé anglické vesničky, jehož "věděcká víra" byla denně konfrontována s dogmatickými názory silně nábožensky založené manželky. Hlavní postavy ztvární skuteční manželé Paul Bettany a Jennifer Connelly.
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Morning Promenade in Castello
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Campo Santa Maddalena
La pancetta piacentina
Friday, March 19, 2010
Saint George slaying the dragon
La pizza napoletana, marchio europeo
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Braised Artichokes
Such is the case with braising artichokes, would you believe I've never actually braised an artichoke before?
I've stuffed many in my lifetime with various fillings, I couldn't put a number on it.
I've fried them (don't do that anymore), grilled them ( so good ), put them in everything you can imagine, salads, omelette's, quiche, dips, bruschetta, crostini, hummus, salsa, pasta dishes, risotto, pizzas, soup, added alongside meat dishes, marinated, frozen or fresh it doesn't matter!
I came across this recipe from the book Salt to Taste, and I'm so glad I did, this will now become part of my beloved artichoke repertoire. Great for a buffet or an antipasto table, it tastes best when slightly warm or at room temperature. I used fresh artichokes for this recipe so it took a little time to cut them in quarters and to prep them, but oh so worth it. I don't see any reason why you couldn't use frozen instead, I would not recommend marinated.
Here's the fabulous recipe:
Adapted from Salt to Taste
4 large artichokes quartered with choke out and rubbed with lemon, tender leaves only
2 lemons
1/2 cup of extra virgin olive oil
3 sliced garlic cloves
3 small whole red pepperoncini, or less if you like
1 T. of dried oregano
1 large onion, thick slices
2 small rosemary sprigs
1/4 cup white wine
1/2 T of white wine vinegar, I used fresh lemon juice instead
1/4 cup of chicken broth
Salt and cracked black pepper
After your artichokes are prepped and ready to go, place oil, garlic, pepperoncini and oregano on low in a large deep skillet. Gently warm til garlic is soft about 5 minutes. Add onion, rosemary and cook over low heat until onion is soft. Add wine, vinegar or lemon juice and broth. Bring it to a boil then reduce to a simmer, add the artichokes and cook til tender. Allow to cool, serve warm or room temperature.
The flavors all blend together perfectly and you get a hint of spicy because you never cut the pepperoncini open, you could just place them in at the end the heat will slightly seep out. Garnish with lemon slices.
Imagine this with some good crusty bread for dipping the juice, some imported cheese like provolone, olives and some Italian deli meats, heaven!
Have a great weekend and Buon Appetito!
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(en) Protest signing against the planned government destruction of the Hight Tatras National Park in Slovakia.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Teatro Italia
Campiello de l'Anconeta, between Rio Tera San Leonardo and Rio Tera de la Maddalena, in Cannaregio. A lively aera in a busy street that you follow on your way from the Rialto to Santa Lucia train Station. Almost in the middle of the way is the facade of this sleepy, almost unnoticed by the passer-by, venetian theatre...