Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Crab Stuffed Shrimp

No plans for New Years Eve? That's OK, stay in and make this for dinner and ring in the new year at home. Baked shrimp generously stuffed with a delicious blue crab filling all sitting pretty in a champagne cream sauce, every bite is decadent! Perfect for a big party or just dinner for two.

What I like about this recipe is that you can prepare all 3 components in advance. I cleaned and cut my shrimp the night before and placed them in a container in my fridge ready to be stuffed making sure my shrimp was free of all moisture by blotting them with a paper towel.

The filling was also made the night before and placed in a separate container as well as the cream sauce which heats up beautifully when ready to use, I call this stress free cooking!

By cutting the shrimp on the inner circle you'll create the perfect platform to place your mound of stuffing on top. I used about one tablespoon of filling for each shrimp.

You can serve this with a little pasta on the side, something small like orzo or even some rice, I promise you that is all you'll need because the shrimp and crab are really the stars here just remember to swipe each bite through the champagne sauce!

And be sure to have a glass of your favorite bubbly beside you. Cheers!

To Prepare the Shrimp:

Make sure your shrimp is completely dry with no moisture, padding it with paper towel. Remove shell but leave the tails on. Along the inside of the curve take a sharp knife and cut along the length being careful not to cut all the way through. Take out any vein you see and then open like a book and press lightly to flatten.

Crab Filling:
For 3 lbs. of large shrimp I used a little less than a pound of wild caught, fully cooked, blue fin crab, it comes in a can and it's pasteurized. Worth every penny!

For the filling my suggestion is to taste and add things as needed to your own personal liking, since the crab is already cooked you'll have no problem doing that. Here's what I added, you could use more or less.
2 cloves of smashed garlic
fresh parsley
1 teaspoon of Dijon
Tabasco sauce
celery finely diced, 2 small stalks
onion or scallions finely diced 1/2 of a medium onion or a few scallions
1 1/2 rolls of smashed crackers ( Ritz )
melted butter, 3 0r 4 tablespoons
lemon juice and lemon zest
salt and pepper
Saute the diced celery and onions in 1 tablespoon of butter, then add in everything else, the mixture will hold together nicely and you will be able to mound it on top of your shrimp easily.

Place stuffed shrimp on a parchment lined sheet pan and then spray or baste each one lightly with olive oil and a sprinkle of paprika. Bake at 375F for 15 or 20 minutes until pink and the stuffing is warmed through.
After they're baked set them in a shallow pool of champagne cream sauce and garnish with parsley and a lemon wedge.

Champagne Cream Sauce:
1 1/2 cups of white champagne
1 1/2 cups of cream
2 0r 3 shallots diced
Saute shallots in a dab of butter, pour in the champagne, let it reduce and then add cream and whisk until thickened.

L'Unità d'Italia

Esercizio di comprensione orale - livello intermedio
Guarda il video e decidi quali sono le affermazioni vere:

Il 2 Aprile 1861 è la data dell'Unità d'Italia.
In questa data, Vittorio Emanuele II di Savoia ha incontrato Garibaldi a Teano dopo avere conquistato Lazio e Marche.
L'Unità d'Italia fu celebrata in parlamento a Torino da Cavour, Bixio e Mazzini.
Il Veneto è stato conquistato più tardi

Monday, December 27, 2010

Happy Holidays from the Parzens

Here's a slide show that my DoBianchi put together with a Christmas song** that he wrote (very creative, this guy :). In this video, there are the highlights of our first year together as a family. What a year it's been! I can say without a doubt, that marrying my Jeremy P was the highlight of my life thus far. As we begin our journey together, I can't imagine being any happier, but I know that we have a very hopeful future that we're looking forward to living with immense joy and anticipation.

Our lives have been enriched by new relationships, and deepening connections with those already existing. We are so very blessed and have not forgotten that for one moment.

You see, there's no one else in this world who could have given me the life that I felt I was meant to live, but Jeremy Parzen. I love you! With you it's one adventure after the next, and I cannot wait to hold your hand for another year.

Happy new year, everyone!


**I just dare you to try not to have that song in your head all day. You can't help it, can you?

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Stop alle buste di plastica

Comprensione orale: livello elementare.
Indicare le affermazioni vere.
Dal primo gennaio 2011 saranno vietate le buste di plastica in Europa.
L’ha confermato il Consiglio dei Ministri.
L’Italia segue l’Unione Europea con due anni di ritardo.
Italia è uno dei maggiori consumatori di buste in polietilene.
È stato calcolato che ogni italiano ne usa 400 all’anno.
Bastano 10 secondi per

Friday, December 24, 2010

Natale in Piemonte

Comprensione orale: livello medio
Indicare le affermazioni vere
Per illuminare Torino a Natale sono state utilizzate mezzo milione di lampadine
Sono state allestite più di 50 opere in tutta la città
A Torino, tuttavia, manca un mercatino di Natale
Il gianduiotto è il tipico cioccolatino torinese
I cioccolatini di cui parla il pasticciere intervistato sono aromatizzati con diversi gusti

Thursday, December 23, 2010


The catalogue of forms is endless: until every shape has found its city, new cities will continue to be born. When the forms exhaust their variety and come apart, the end of cities begins.
Italo Calvino

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

From My Kitchen To Yours...

Ok just one more cookie! At the last minute I caved in and made some Cucidati, I wasn't going to make them at all this year but I was slightly coerced by my brother-in-law and husband who were giving me a guilt trip.

Cucidati are traditional Italian fig cookies very popular at Christmas time consisting of a tender dough that wraps around a thick and flavorful filling of figs, raisins, almonds, orange peel and a few other things that are laced with brandy and warm spices.

On a cold winter day my house quickly warmed up with the scent of cucidati baking in the oven. I don't know what I was thinking, it just wouldn't be the same without a few of these gracing our table!

In the end I made two people very very happy that day, and isn't that the
real reason why we cook anyway?

Here's my favorite recipe.

I want to take this time to wish each and everyone of you a most delicious holiday filled with lots of love and happiness!
From my kitchen to yours,

Christmas Tree

Christmas tree on a balcony.

Буревестник выпуск №4 (Декабрь 2010)

Буревестник выпуск №4 (Декабрь 2010)


(ru) Самые последние новости анархического движения в передаче «Буревестник»

Сегодня в выпуске: студенты бастуют в Лондоне, в отрадном сопротивляются местные жители, в Греции бастуют абсолютно все, Альфредо Бонанно вышел из тюрьмы, чемпионат мира 2018 и расовые войны в Москве, митинг против преследования журналистов в Тюмени, акции солидарности с белорусскими анархистами в 6 странах, поджог заправки Лукойла в Москве, поджог экскаватора в Санкт-Петербурге, победа над газпромом там же, подставной митинг за вырубку леса в Москве, уничтожение смотровых вышек в лесах Франции, выход в печать книги Джареда Даймонда.

Будь в курсе событий! Будь в эпицентре событий! Стань буревестником!

(en) Latest news about anarchist movement in videopodcast "Burevestnik".

(December 2010) In this issue: Students strike in London, resistance of local residents in Moscow, In Greece everyone is on strike, Alfredo Bonanno was released from prison, the World championship 2018 and racial wars are happening in Moscow, meeting against prosecution of journalists in Tyumen, solidarity actions with belarusian anarchists in 6 countries, an arson of Lukoil's filling station in Moscow, an arson of an excavator in St.-Petersburg, a victory over Gazprom's business tower in St.-Petersburg, false meeting for deforestation in Moscow, destruction of the hunting towers in the woods of France, an issue of Jared Diamond's Book.

Watch online:

Not found. Help transcribe/translate this documentary!

Nenašiel som. Pomôžte preložiť tento film!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Another night in Venice

Not being a night bird, I however like to have a night stroll in the empty streets and over the bridges where the echo of my footsteps and the lapping of the water are the only sounds to be heard.

Monday, December 20, 2010

La Roma della Dolce Vita

Comprensione orale: livello medio
Indicare le affermazioni vere
Il proprietario di un locale, molto famoso negli anni della "Dolce Vita", ha scritto un libro di ricordi

Gli anni '50 e '60 furono gli anni della "Dolce Vita" per Roma
Alla fine del '61 arrivò a Roma anche Liz Taylor
Arrivò indossando un abito ricoperto di fili d'oro
Durante le riprese del film "Cleopatra", la Taylor si innamorerà

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Paese che vai, panettone che trovi

Guarda il video su Facebook
Comprensione orale: livello avanzatoSegna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni vere:
1. A Milano si è tenuta la festa del panettone.2. Una volta il panettone si confezionava in preziose cappelliere.3. Oggigiorno può essere accompagnato da sciarpe e cravatte.4. Un pasticcere siciliano spiega come fa il panettone.5. Questo signore usa le albicocche per fare il

Tis The Season To Be Baking!

By now you're probably deep into baking all your favorite holiday treats, pulling out recipes you haven't made in a year or so. I started my baking last week, placed them in pretty tins ready to give away and share with family and friends. Here is a few of the things I baked so far.

Traditional ANISE BISCOTTI, it's a huge favorite of my husband and brother-in-law, they love that sweet licorice taste of the anise. These biscotti are perfect for dunking in your coffee or espresso and great to have on hand when someone stops by.

To get that true anise flavor I always use anise oil instead of the extract and along with that I also mix in some anise seed, the oil is really strong so you don't need very much but the flavor and smell lingers forever (or as long as your biscotti last,) in fact there's still a lingering aroma of anise inside my house and I finished baking them a week ago!

The dough comes together very quickly it's the baking that will take you the longest since you have to twice bake them. After first baking your logs you want to make sure they cool down before you cut into them for that second baking otherwise you'll have a pile of crumbs. I use a heavy serrated knife to cut through mine, but I just recently got a great tip from my sister-in-laws from Florida, they cut their biscotti with an electric knife! Isn't that a great idea? I'll be on the lookout for electric knife for next year.
The great thing about biscotti is that they last weeks after you bake them and they taste just as good as the first day, if properly stored. I like to put mine in tin cans layered between wax paper, they stay all nice and crunchy that way!

5 cups unbleached flour
4 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup of softened butter (2 sticks)
4 eggs
1 1/2 cups sugar
1/2 teaspoon of anise oil, or 2 tablespoons of anise extract
2 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon of anise seed
Nuts are optional, I would use 1 cup of sliced almonds for this recipe

Sift dry ingredients together, including the anise seed. Set aside. In a large bowl with a mixer beat butter, sugar, until fluffy, add eggs one at a time along with the anise oil or extract. Add flour mixture and beat on low until blended. Divide mixture into 4 parts. Each part becomes a log measuring around 2 1/2 inches by 9 or 10 inches long. Place logs on a parchment lined baking sheet. Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven 25 minutes or until golden brown on the bottom. Remove from the oven and let them cool down on a rack. Carefully cut them 1/2 inch thick, turn each piece on their side and bake on each side for 12 minutes or until lightly golden.
Makes around 75 biscotti depending on size.

If you were to ask me what my personal favorite biscotti was I would have to say it would be this FIG and PISTACHIO version. Dried fig with just a hint of orange and anise flavors the crunchy biscotti that is studded with pistachio's. You can't beat this with a warm cup of espresso on the side, every bite is so full of flavor! If you like figs you will love these!
I've shared them on my blog before, so if you're craving these crunchy goodies you can check out the recipe here.

Next up is PUFF COOKIES, I make them every year and I always will, they remind me of my mom and aunt. You're probably familiar with these almost every nationality has their own version of them, also known as Mexican Wedding cookies, but to me and my family they'll always be Puff Cookies!

Like puffs of snow these rich and buttery cookies just melt in your mouth, great as a gift in a pretty tin or just placed on a platter for any special occasion, either way they will be most appreciated. I also shared these on my blog way back when I first started blogging, you can find the recipe here.

And finally, I always like to put a new cookie into the mix, well new for me anyway. I've tasted RICOTTA COOKIES before but I haven't ever made them myself until I saw Claudia's version over at Journey of an Italian Cook. Poor thing she lives in Minnesota and just got hit by that big blizzard recently, stuck in the house she's been cooking and baking up a storm! (no pun intended). I'm sure her family has been very grateful for the snowfall!

These cookies are truly addictive, the taste and the texture is perfect, not to sweet, just right!

Please, go out and get some ricotta, you still have time to make these and add them to your cookie tray, I promise you won't regret it!

I'm sending you over to Claudia's blog to get the recipe, the only thing I changed up was that I doubled the lemon zest in the batter, and then for the glaze, instead of 1 teaspoon of vanilla I did 1 teaspoon of lemon extract and more fresh lemon zest. I had a lemon theme going on and it went wonderful with the ricotta flavor, I will make these over and over again and so will you!
Happy Baking, and Buon Appetito!

It's the most wondeful time of the year

It's the most wondeful time of the year

A video highlight reel of 2010's best riots set to inappropriate music. Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

We Will Rock You

We Will Rock You

Nová verze WWRY webu je online!
Cílem kampaně We Will Rock You (WWRY) je UPOZORŇOVAT na neonacistické značky oblečení, INFORMOVAT o událostech s nimi souvisejícími, BURCOVAT proti toleranci neonacistické módy a INSPIROVAT k aktivnímu odporu proti neonacistickým obchodům, které ze svého prodeje podporují neonacistické hnutí či organizace.
(en) A new version of the czech site against nazi business is online...

Blokáda neonacistického obchodu Tonsberg v Norimberku (2009) díl I.
Nazi shop Tonsberg blockade I.

Blokáda neonacistického obchodu Tonsberg v Norimberku (2009) díl II.
Nazi shop Tonsberg blockade II.

Zavření neonacistického obchodu „Hatecore" v Lüneburgu
Closing of the nazi shop Hatecore in Lüneburg

Protest proti ns obcodu East Coast Corner (2007)
Protest against the nazi shop East Coast Corner (2007)

V neonacistickém obchodu East Coast Corner v Rostoku bouchly kamna!? (2009)
Fire in the neonazi shop East Coast Corner in Rostock (2009)

Protest proti NS obchodu v Berlíně (2009)
Protest against nazi shop in Berlin (2009)

In a Gondola

I send my heart up to thee, all my heart
In this my singing.
For the stars help me, and the sea bears part;
The very night is clinging
Closer to Venice' streets to leave one space
Above me, whence thy face
May light my joyous heart to thee its dwelling-place.
Robert Browning (Surrey 1812 - Venice 1889)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Le pere ferraresi

Comprensione orale: livello avanzatoSegna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni vere:
Il signore intervistato si chiama Sporcati.
Le pere ferraresi rappresentano circa la metà della produzione nazionale di pere.
Le pere vengono controllate sull'albero con uno speciale apparecchio.
Il raccolto delle pere si fa ad agosto, settembre e ottobre.
Le pere vengono conservate in magazzino, dopo il

'Round Midnight

Around midnight, with our friends Alexa and Steve, from New York City, here with Isa, on Campo Santa Margherita. The followers of Venice Daily Photo know Alexa who is a passionate wayfarer and blogger herself, (The Road is Mine), true lover of Venice and Italy, and who is kind enough to participate daily in the present blog.
(And btw, I must admit that the pic is somehow blurred - sorry for that - an that it is'nt only because of the lack of a flash or of a tripod...)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Morning Train to Venice

Morning commuter train, carrying its load of workers coming from the "terraferma".

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Giorgio Gaber

Guarda il video su Facebook
Comprensione orale: livello avanzatoSegna con una crocetta solo le affermazioni vere:

È appena uscita un'autobiografia di Giorgio Gaber.
50 anni fa Giorgio Gaber inventò il signor G.
Gaber era di centro-sinistra.
Gaber lanciò in Italia il cosiddetto "teatro-canzone".
Il libro è stato pubblicato presso Einaudi.
Ha collaborato alla pubblicazione la Fondazione Giorgio


Another way to buy books...

La marcia su Roma

Comprensione orale: livello medio
Indicare le affermazioni vere
La marcia su Roma avvenne il 28 ottobre 1922
Il 24 ottobre, al congresso del partito fascista a Napoli, si erano radunati centinaia di fascisti
In quell'occasione Mussolini aveva dichiarato di essere favorevole ad un governo di coalizione
Mussolini arrivò a Roma in vagone letto il 30 ottobre, chiamato dal re
Mussolini aveva più di

Friday, December 10, 2010


Twilight, darkened day
Twilight, lost my way
Twilight, night and day
Twilight, can't find my way

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Cappelletti in Broth

As I said in my previous post I had the privilege of learning how to make cappelletti from my daughter-in-law's nana who was in for a visit from out of town. This women is in her 80's and is a spitfire in the kitchen! Not a strip of dough was wasted that day, she took over the kitchen like it was a military procedure, every scrap of dough left over was made into something edible, she put all of us "younger" ones to shame as she kept saying, " Come on girls we still have more dough here!" She has the best personality, I want to be like her when I grow up!

Making cappelletti is a labor of love, I didn't realize it until I made them myself, you're working with small disc's of dough each one stuffed individually and then shaped into a little hat, it's very time consuming but so much fun when you're doing it with a bunch of people, there were 5 of us actively making them.

It didn't take me too long to catch on I think after about 15 tries I became an honorary cappelletti maker.

The dough was cut from a handmade disc the size being around 2 inches, then a savory filling of meat and cheese was piped right into the center. Next the dough was folded in half to make a half moon keeping the rounded edge facing down, after that you take the two top end corners and stretch them around the back until they meet, then just flip the bottom edge up a teeny bit to make a tiny brim.
After you sit doing them for a while you start to pick up speed and by the time we were finished we ended up with 800!
They were then placed in the freezer single layer on baking sheets until frozen, then into freezer bags.
We each went home with our own goodie bags, I couldn't wait to make these, but such a labor of love requires homemade broth to place them in so that is what I did. The day before we ate them I made a rich chicken stock with leeks, onions, carrots and herbs, when it was finished simmering I strained it twice so it was nice and clear because after all the cappelletti is really the star here.

The next day I warmed up the broth and gently placed the frozen cappelletti in avoiding a rolling boil, you don't want them to break open! Less than 5 minutes later they were finished cooking.

Scooped out with a slotted spoon and gently placed in a bowl, now it's time to ladle your broth over them.

I added freshly grated parmesan cheese on top and savored every bite!

Scrumptiously good to the last drop! Thank you Lena!

Buon Appetito

I am Spartacus!

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This week:
1. Worldwide student revolts
2. Goodbye Dollar
3. Domo Arigato Mr. Kyoto
4. boemtjak VS soi
5. Cop 16 Caravan

Santi Giovanni e Paolo

Inside this impressive Dominican church, in Castello. San "Zanipolo" is the burial place of twenty five doges.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Lee H. Oswald

Comprensione orale: livello medio
Indicare le affermazioni vere

Dopo l'assassinio di J.F. Kennedy, L. Oswald fu interrogato per una settimana
Oswald fu assistito da due avvocati
Fu assassinato il 24 novembre 1964 nei sotterranei della polizia di Dallas
Oswald fu assassinato da J. Ruby, suo conoscente e probabile complice
Ruby era legato ai boss della Florida
Oswald si accorse di Ruby e cercò di